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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. I haven't seen this either, can you provide specific steps? In my experience, when viewing all notes, if you do a select all and then export, it will export all notes into one .enex file, but you lose the notebook information. It does maintain tag information. In order to maintain notebook information you need to export notebook by notebook. If there is a way to export all notes in one step and maintain notebook structure, I would like to learn more. I've always just performed a backup of the .exb file which contains everything.
  2. Is trash emptied on all? I’ve seen differences there throw off note counts.
  3. Evernote legacy allows exporting in both enex and html format. You are not locked in. Most competitor products have an importer that uses the enex format. That format may provide the best import experience.
  4. I think you will find there is no perfect replacement out there. It all depends on what is important to you. They all have tradeoffs. There are plenty of threads here to browse through to see how others chose, including using the legacy version while waiting to see if v10 develops into something that will meet our needs in the future.
  5. Very useful. At least I know what notes contain the search term. I typically open large pdfs to search within, so no change from how I have usually done this in the past. Who wants to scroll through large documents looking for highlighted terms? I don't. Do they need to fix this? Sure, and I suspect they will, but they have bigger fish to fry at the moment.
  6. @QFieldBoden, search within a PDF with the v10 Mac client is definitely working for me. I do all of my own OCR, so maybe that is the difference. What isn't working correctly is the highlighting of the search terms. It highlights them in the first note of the list, but in none of the others.
  7. It appears you are confused with the definition of whiny. Go back and read your original post. Ok, feeding time is over.
  8. Constructive?? You are complaining about the lost of devices on the free plan and stating that you are leaving as a result. The change is nudging some people off the free plan who will likely never upgrade to premium. I think Evernote may consider this a win ... or at least I do.
  9. On the Mac desktop there is a Save Data at Log Out option. I think he may be referring to that. I haven't loaded v10 on my Windows system, and am not sure if this option exists there. I haven't done any testing to know if this is usable as a backup option or not, or if it is only caching to help performance.
  10. With the current of affairs, it may only attract crickets.
  11. Actually there are two issues. The one you have mentioned and downloading of large notebooks is still broken. I have yet to be able to fully download my 7000 note notebook.
  12. The legacy version does use .exb. Maybe you have multiple versions for some reason. One of the options in Evernote will point you to where the data is located. You might check that to see if you are looking at the correct file.
  13. Have you selected the notebooks that you want available offline within the app? The iOS default is to not download notebooks. That said, there are some problems with this with larger notebooks. How about editing your post title to something less offensive?
  14. They changed the data structure in v10. A .exb file is no longer used. That is why you are not seeing it updated. For backups, it is best to use the Legacy version. With v10 you can, in theory, backup per notebook with an ENEX file, but I have not tested it. That will be a pain if you have many notebooks.
  15. I would be very surprised if Evernote responded and directed you to which competitor you should use. I am a heavy user of local notebooks and also disappointed about their removal. We each have to look at the options available and pick what works best for us. For now, I'm using legacy. As to the future ... I'm still working that out. For personal use, password protected PDFs will probably be ok for me. For work, I'm considering OneNote.
  16. Fundamentally, I think the basic plan is to over featured to be offered for free. The jump to the premium plan doesn’t provide enough added value for many to justify the large jump in price. They tried inserting a plan in the middle which was later dropped, so that didn’t work. Personally, I think they should end the free plan and start charging a low, ~$10/annual fee for basic. If people are unwilling to spend $10 a year on what basic provides, they, IMO, will never make the leap over to premium.
  17. I’ll agree to that. Happy Gŵyl San Steffan. I hope I got that right. Cheers.
  18. This is a feature request thread asking for a collapsing text feature. I’m not arguing about priorities, only adding to the comments that I strongly believe it should be added to the editor. There are other items that I think should be added first. You have suggested a work around that I’m glad fits your workflow. For me it still means content stored in two apps and unless I can keep track of what is where, I need to search in each app to find what is needed. As far as not being possible before v10, I’m happy to argue that point 🙂.
  19. The issue that I’ve run into with this approach is that I now have content in two apps and need to search both to find what I need. One can copy from workflowy into Evernote but that requires extra steps and only works for static notes. I’ve been unable to make this work for me. As far as adding extra clutter to the app, I see a collapse all and expand all needed in menus, that’s all. Learning curve? Click the twisty on or off. Using a highlighter is more difficult.
  20. Can you comment a little more on how that is done? I have a Mac, but my backups have always been done on the Windows system where I had local notebooks.
  21. Yes, it was either unknown to me, or not yet implemented when I wrote the earlier response. On Windows at least, backups will be more difficult with v10. Prior, I was able to backup the .exb as part of my system backup. The data structure changed in v10. There is no longer a single file that contains all.
  22. The last thing Evernote should do is improve the basic plan.
  23. Why? You still get two devices and can sign out and sign in to access others. I see this change as only slightly less convenient for free members.
  24. Unfortunately, they are always repeating that mistake. Poor communication seems to be in Evernote’s DNA.
  25. V10 does not use a .exb file so you don’t have that backup option in v10. Instead you need to export notebooks individually. If you want to use the .exb file for backup you need to revert back to the legacy version.
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