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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. I held off upgrading to Catalina because I did not want to move to ScanSnap Home. About a month ago I noticed that there was a ScanSnap manager version that now works on Catalina so I bit the bullet and upgraded. I have both v10 and legacy loaded and ScanSnap manager works with both. In settings I have to change the application that it points to, but it does directly import into Evernote from each. In v10 you do have to move focus back to Evernote for it to add the scan.
  2. I agree they don’t know how long it takes to work through their fix list, but they could say something like we will provide x months notice before dropping legacy support. Let’s be honest, they won’t sort this out in a month. Numerous features are not returning. Providing some timeline would be helpful to users.
  3. I appreciate that you took the time and effort to put this together and keep it updated, but I’m pessimistic that it drives any action or changes on their end. How they determine priorities seems to defy logic, at least to me.
  4. I think the panic and resulting drama has been created, in large part, by Evernote and their communication “style.” The upgrade to v10 was a shock and disruption to many. Yes, we have the legacy version to use for now, except for iOS users who are stuck, but they have not responded to questions on how long legacy will still run. I hope I’m wrong but it would not be out of character for the company to drop support suddenly and require an update to continue to use the service. A well communicated transition plan may help allay fears.
  5. I'm guessing you are accessing Evernote web from your Windows system, and not using the Windows client. The Windows client also has the right mouse button menu option. On the web, select Notebooks, and then from the Notebook list go to the ellipsis (...) menu on the right and the rename Notebook option is there.
  6. There are already lots of comments and suggestions posted on the forums. Depends on your needs and pain points.
  7. What are your plans for notes and documents, or is your main Evernote usage for email?
  8. Yes, but my point was, even though v10 has local storage, it is not used for local unsync'd notebooks as in legacy.
  9. Yes, unrelated to local notebooks as used in the legacy version.
  10. In v10 they "fixed" many things that weren't broke. The support issue that I was thinking of was concerning those that may have created local notebooks without understanding their responsibility in backing them up and then complaining to EN when they were lost. v10 is also a database structure change. Having everything server based likely simplifies code.
  11. A double tap is not working for me. The ink is not as smooth as other apps, but I don't think it is bad.
  12. Same here. I currently put all work related notes into local notebooks, about half my total. I'm still working out what I will do when the legacy version will no longer run. For the few personal document that I need secure, I use password protected pdfs, but this is impractical for all of the work content. Evernote also mentioned that local notebook support was removed due to lack of use. I've always held out hope they would implement encrypted notebooks, but if local notebooks were little used, I don't see them justifying encryption, unfortunately. I suspect that local notebooks were also a support headache.
  13. You mentioned that you upgraded to v10 and then installed the legacy version. It is likely this file represents just your new legacy database that was created from the server data. When you downloaded the legacy version it recreated the .exb file based on the content loaded on the server. If that is the only .exb file on your system, it is doubtful it has your local notebooks. What I was asking is if you manually created a backup of your Evernote data prior to upgrading to v10. Evernote does not backup local notebooks, that is the responsibility of the user. I didn't think Evernote deleted your .exb file when it loaded v10, but I'm not sure. If a search on your system only finds one .exb file, then that is the one used by your legacy installation, and if the local notebooks are not there, I'm afraid you may be out of luck unless you created a backup at some point prior to installing v10.
  14. On a notebook size of 7000, it look over 2 minutes before the slider switched itself to off.
  15. Do you have a backup of your .exb file that you can restore from? Any backup you have prior to installing v10 should still contain your local notebooks.
  16. I have one notebook with 7000 notes that has never downloaded in full even with the steps above. The largest notebook successfully downloaded is 700 notes. The other issue I've seen is that even after fully downloading, if a change occurs to that notebook, the notebook status changes to imcomplete, as it should, but never shows complete again. I'm not sure if the download update gets stuck or if the problem is with the progress indicator not updating.
  17. For home, I can limp along with v10 but I need to do something for work. I'll give this a try, or maybe I'll just retire 🙂
  18. Thanks, I see the same behavior. The explanation makes sense, but they need to improve the slider code. This behavior will be (is) very confusing to users. On one large folder of about 7000 notes it took a couple of minutes before the slider would turn OFF.
  19. My plan for my work local notebooks was OneNote. As a test, I tried an import of a notebook with about 4000 notes. The import ran for 8 hours, seemingly successfully. After completion it showed a few error messages. One saying that 1200 notes were NOT imported due to exceeding section limits, or something like that ... sigh. I haven't dug into it further, but need to.
  20. Mainly just waiting to see if it will eventually catch up or gets fixed. The slider for selecting notebooks sometimes doesn't stick or changes, and sometimes the download progress indicator doesn't show. Also, just now, one notebook with two notes showed as incomplete. I changed it to do not download, but keep the data and then I set it back to download and now it shows both notes as downloaded, so the download status indicator is not working correctly or consistenly either.
  21. Same here. I’m using v10 on the Mac for home use and it is mostly ok for my needs. The work system is Windows with many local notebooks so I’m still on legacy there.
  22. I think it is partially fixed. It does download in the background now. Before you had to leave the display on all the time to get anything downloaded. Incomplete downloading of large notebooks and downloads updating after there have changes is still broken.
  23. Unfortunately, no one, and I agree that the correct backlog on ticket responses is ridiculous. In the mean time I would suggest installing the legacy versions for Mac and Windows to get you back up and running. There is no legacy for iOS so you are stuck there. It is not as good as the prior version, but it is mostly serviceable. You might consider turning off auto update on your apps. It won’t help you with this problem, but may help avoid another in the future.
  24. I saw somewhere that one is in the works. They were first waiting on the other new clients to stabilize, so it could take a while 🙂.
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