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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Very strange. I haven't heard of this happening before. Just to double check I would have a look on the web version as well. As you are a premium member I would raise a support ticket although don't expect a quick response.
  2. What was the origin of the duplicated note? For me doing almost anything with a note made using the webclipper screenshot function results in the image disappearing.
  3. The option within EN to start EN at Windows startup has gone. However Windows itself has the facility to start different apps at startup so you could try that. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/change-which-apps-run-automatically-at-startup-in-windows-10-9115d841-735e-488d-e749-9ba301d441e6
  4. I can confirm that the same thing happens to me. I'm not aware of a fix. I suppose you could take a screenshot of the formatted table in Excel and include that and attach the Excel file to the note but it's not really what you want.
  5. Just made an amazing discovery! If you take @PinkElephant's suggestion of creating a dummy note you can then paste a list of tags separated by commas (no spaces) into the "type to add" lozenge in the tag area at the bottom of the screen. EN will parse them into separate tags. The bad news, if you have a tag hierarchy, is that you then need to move each tag individually into the correct position as there is no longer the ability to select more than one tag in order to move them.
  6. You're right. Formatting only effects text in cells not empty cells. I think, like you, I would also expect to be able to format the empty cells. The work around is to format after you have added the text. This obviously doesn't help if you still have empty cells and then subsequently fill them in. As I've noted in another thread, if you select the text in a cell (not the whole cell) and delete it, the formatting is retained, even when you click out of the cell or even close the note and re-open it.
  7. Interesting. In my experience it depends on exactly how you delete the word. If you highlight the whole cell and press delete it does indeed revert back to the default font. You can see that in the editing menu at the top of the note. I would expect that to happen because I've deleted everything in the cell including the formatting. If on the other hand I select the word only (e.g. by double clicking the word) and delete it the formatting is retained. I think on balance this is how I would expect it to operate. --- OR ---
  8. or they could have listened to all the beta testers and introduced the 500 most demanded features before they released V10 to an unsuspecting public! 90% of all the issues being raised now were raised in the beta.
  9. Did you try pressing enter rather than using the arrow keys? For me on Window or the web it inserts a line between the images.
  10. I agree that this is the expected behaviour for any Windows app. However this is not my experience in 10.7.6. If I select an image (blue bounding box visible and the menu appears above it) and press enter a new line is created underneath the image. If I press right arrow it selects the next image.
  11. Thanks for reminding us that some progress has been made since October as 3 out of 5 should now say "Can ... "!
  12. This is actually the windows version forum. I believe that selecting multiple notes has not been implemented on the web version.
  13. This has been raised before and I completely agree. You can view all the notes in the stack by clicking the stack in the sidebar or the notebook window. However it is strange that there is no reminders tab or filter icon in this view. A partial workaround is to use the (I believe undocumented) search syntax stack: in the search bar. This then gives you access to the filters menu but unfortunately still no reminders. It would also be nice if they included stacks in the filter menu or at least the ability to select more than one notebook.
  14. I've just added 4 jpegs to a note (by drag and drop). They appear as you describe with no spaces between them. However for me selecting one and pressing enter inserts a space between. Very strange. I hope somebody else will try and see if they can cast any light on it. Definitely a problem but obviously inconsistent.
  15. That is strange. I've just checked and this isn't happening for me on 10.7.6. The behaviour you are seeing is what I would expect to happen in a windows app and it has always been odd that selecting and pressing enter adds a line rather than deletes the image. What is the origin of the images? Mine were pasted in form a 3rd party screen capture utility. I hope other users can give it a try and report their findings.
  16. The first two have been covered above syncing now happens automatically. Getting better but still some delays sometimes Tag filter. You can filter by tags using the filter icon at the top of the note list. You can also add tag filters in the search box. Start typig the name of the tag and then click the tag when it appears to add as a filter. If you do it this way you do have to do add the filters before any text searches. searching. Use the search box at the top left. You can srill use the search syntax if you want to. It takes a bit of playing with to get the idea but combined with the filter I have been able to do everything I needed to (although the process is probably slower) Sharing notes. Either right click a note in the note list or use the green share button at the top right of the note Local folders. No longer supported.
  17. You don't need to use the search syntax although you can if you want to. If you want to search within a specific notebook you are right that you should start in that notebook. When you click in the search box underneath the text input box is the name of the notebook (in very faint gray) and the words add filter. If you press add filter you can then type in your search term and hit enter. So here I've searched for the word "ggplot" in the notebook called AllMyNotes. The alternative is to do your text search and then use the filter menu to filter for notes only in the notebook you want.
  18. I seem to remember this has been asked for before. I don't think you can do it. Are yout interested in this when assigning tags or when searching/filtering for them? If you search within a notebook the tags that come up after you hit the "add filter" are only ones that are within that notebook. It's definitely not a complete list so you need to start typing some letters of the tags you are looking for. So in this secreen shot I've filtered by the notebook called "AllMyNotes". Typing "ec" has brought up 4 tags that contain "ec" and are attached to notes in that notebook but again I'm not sure that is a complete list. . As I'm sure you are aware the filter menu definitely shows all tags and makes no attempt to list only the relevant ones.
  19. I don't really appreciate your tone. I have no intention of scrolling through 500 or so tags in an alphabetical list. As I've said I have no objection to there being an option to bring up the entire list using a wildcard character but the current set up suits me well. I do scroll through the hierarchy and add tags by dragging and dropping from there.
  20. It was in the old version and it seems such a simple thing to do. Have you tried my workaround described above?
  21. As outlined in my response to your other post ctrl-clicking internal links opens the link in it's own window and does so without any intermediate menus. I prefer the old system too but I am getting used to ctrl-clicking.
  22. C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\resource-cache\UserXXXXXX The folders in here contain attachments and an identifier. A file with no extension (that is the attachment file) and a file with a .mime extension - the mime file is telling evernote what the file is - so if you open the MIME file with a basic text editor (notepad for example) you might see application/pdf or image/jpeg for example. If you add the extension to a copy the file without the extension you can open the file on your computer. C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\conduit-storage\https%3A%2F%2Fwww.evernote.com. There are SQL files in here Thanks to @ej8899 for the original detective work. This is a summary of his findings. The full post is here:
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