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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I don't think there is a way. The nearest is to search for the tag in the full tag menu and then you see it's position in the hierarchy.
  2. If you mean the screen capture in the V10 desktop version, the hotkey can be changed. Type ctrl-/ to open the keyboard shortcuts menu and follow the instructions as shown.
  3. Looking back through very old forum posts on this subject it has always been a problem. One suggestion has been to tag everything with a "shared" tag. With the green shared icon now visible in the note list it might be feasible (depending on the number of notes shared with specific individuals but not in a shared notebook) as a one off exercise to visually find the notes and tag them. Not ideal I know.
  4. You are right that you can use the search syntax: sharedate:* This will not pick up notes shared at the notebook level or individually with specific people. For notebooks there is a column called "shared with" in the main notebook window. If you have shared notes individually I haven't found a way either.
  5. From the look of your screen shot I think you are sharing the note at the notebook level. There are at least two ways of seeing who a notebook is shared with. 1. Select the notebook and then click on the shared icon at the top of the note list 2. In the notebook window right click the notebook ans select share notebook (or use the three dots menu) It's a bit stupid because if you've shared a note at the notebook level you get the green shared icon with the number of people the note is shared with but if you then click on the icon it looks like a normal unshared note. You might want to obliterate your email address from the screen shot to prevent spam.
  6. The layout of images is very limited. You get one image left justified and that's it. There is a continuum between a text editor at one extreme through to a full desk top publishing package at the other extreme. Where should a note taking app sit? One persons "essential feature" is another person's "feature bloat". There are lots of other things that fit into this category - a multitude of fonts for example. The message seems to be that if you want anything more than a fairly simple layout you should be using a different program (e.g. word in this case) and attaching the file to the note.
  7. I've used all the versions that have been released when they have been released and the preview/beta versions before that. I'm currently on 10.8.5. I would be very distressed if I lost my hierarchy so I understand your frustration. I'm pretty involved in the forums and I'm therefore pretty sure your experience is not common which I reailse is not much confort for you. Support ticket is really the only thing I can suggest.
  8. The web version is still giving me hints in the same way as the Windows version.
  9. @Jay-Bob I had an auto update to 10.8.5 this morning. I have annotated an image obtained from clipping a screen shot in the webclipper. The good news is that so far the image has not disappeared. The bad news is that merging two notes with screen shots or two notes with bookmarks still deletes one of the images. So here is the example of merging two bookmarks. Initially I get: And then when I leave the note and come back the first image has gone:
  10. I just got 10.8.5 (automatic update actually worked!). The release notes seem the same as 10.8.4 so I guess it's mainly bug fixes. However right clicking a tag in the sidebar still does nothing.
  11. That's exactly what I am saying. I have hundreds of tags in a deeply nested hierarchy and have had no problems at all with that hierarchy being changed or destroyed. I use EN V10 on Windows.
  12. I certainly can not reproduce this. I notice that you are filtering on the reminders tab. Does the same thing happen for all notes? Also, as I asked before, does it also happen on the web version?
  13. I don't think you can. It has been raised before and I don't think it has been resolved. You can remove the auto formatting feature by hitting back space when it automatically jumps in when you type a number. You obviously loose all the features of a numbered list so it's not really a solution.
  14. You raise some really good points. I agree that you can't edit it in the simple way that you can in the legacy version. Clicking "edit saved search" is completely pointless. If you do a search using the search syntax EN will interpret what it can as lozenges and the rest it will leave as search syntax. It doesn't do a very good job of this as it does not create a lozenge for creation dates, for example, even though there is one if you filter by creation date. If you save the search and then use it you will again see the mixture of lozenges and search syntax: As I've said "edit saved search" is pointless but if you just go ahead and edit the search syntax in the search bar you can run that and EN thinks it is a brand new search and gives you the option to save the search. You do need to give it a different name. If you want to change anything that has become a lozenge you will need to delete the lozenge and then re-add using either search syntax or the filter menu. Certainly a bit clunky and my preference would definitely be to ve able to see and edit the search syntax when I press "edit saved search". All you currently seem to be able to do is to change the name which is certainly far less than I am expecting. The loss of the ability to sort by tags, notebooks etc has been noted before. It seems stange that you can see this data in the side list or top list view but then not be able sort on it. I think any table of data should be sortable on any of the fields in the table - just basic common sense.
  15. Good tip, thanks. It actually opens in whatever program you have associated with that file type on your computer. For me it is Photoshop. A useful alternative to dragging to the desktop which is my current work around.
  16. You have been unlucky. This is not the intended behaviour and I don't think your experience is common. If you are prepared for a long wait you could raise a support ticket and see if EN can do anything. Otherwise, as you say, you will need to rebuild the tag structure. If you actually need to add lots of new tags there is quick tip that might help. If you create a dummy note you can paste in a list of tags separated by commas. You would still need to organise them into a hierarchy. Sadly I've not been able to find a way of including the hierarchy in the list - every character, except comma, seems to be acceptable in a tag name.
  17. But it's listed as "not yet available" so presumably it will be available to business accounts in the future: From https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047889234-What-s-new-in-Evernote-for-Windows
  18. I agree that the two systems should be consistent. EN has always tried to be clever about sorting alpha numeric decimalised titles. Most systems would sort: A1.1 A1.10 A1.2 because they would treat them as text strings and not recognise the second string as containing a ten. Try in Excel for example. EN realises that you mean 10 - except here where it forgets and is inconsistent! Best practice is always to include leading zeros and then there is no confusion whatever system the app uses. A1.01 A1.02 A1.10
  19. I don't think it is a good idea to mix systems. Use one or the other. If you press space and then the insert checkbox button they will align.
  20. Just thought there is another option. If you use the side list or top list you can have size as one of the fields in the table. Good if you want to see the size of all the notes in a notebook for example.
  21. There has been lots of discussion about this. Any line beginning with a checkbox will be converted into a checklist. I'm not sure EN are going to change their mind on that. The trick is not to begin the line with a checkbox. I like check lists and normally they are fine for what I need - Iparticularly like the ability to drag the lines around to reorder them. If I do need a checkbox at the beginning of a line I simply type the three characters <space>[] at the beginning of each line.
  22. Note info from the three dots menu at the top right of the note (or ctrl-shift-I) gives the size of the note in kB or MB as appropriiate
  23. This has been well discussed elsewhere. There was a fairly definitive statement back in the beta that it is a featyre that would not be returning. There is a work around for checklists but this probably won't work for checkboxes. Simply select the list, click the checklist icon on the menu to remove the checklist and then click it again to remake the checklist
  24. That is certainly not my experience. What exactly is your workflow? What happens if you use the web version?
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