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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. As explained above put a space before the checkbox. It's easiest if you use the auto formatting option. So <space>[]. You will need to add it at the beginning of each line.
  2. I had to go back to 6.25 to see how that behaved and was actually quite surprised that it does stay within the selected notebook as you say. I would personally expect any search using the search syntax to default to All Notes. I'd add notebook:XYZ if I wanted it limited to a particular notebook. Keeping searches within the current notebook is not default behaviour for any search in V10, which is why they have included the add filter for the notebook you are in underneath the search text input.
  3. Completely support what @agsteelesays. The extra trick is to paste the links into a numbered or bulleted list. This allows you to then drag the links around to order them how you like. You can do this immediately or later. In addition rather than have to create a new TOC if you want to add a number of notes you can just paste them in to the list and then reorder at will if you want to. I love the flexibility and find it very useful for TOCs and more complex dashboards. None of this precludes having a simple TOC function as well but I'm not sure it is really necessary.
  4. The new version (10.6.9) has been a major step forward for us tag users. Firstly clicking a tag in the sidebar selects only that tag and not all the child tags. Secondly, adding or removing a tag from a note is now immediately reflected in search/filter rather then having to wait for ages for the change to be indexed. (This isn't the same as dynamic updating of an active filter which they are still working on) This has been asked before, but now that clicking a tag in the sidebar behaves sensibly it would be great to have the ability to shift-click further tags to select them as well. My use case is that I have a "special" tag called $pinned. In 6.25 once I've selected a tag I can quickly find the most important notes with that tag by shift clicking $pinned. For me this makes up for not having the ability to "pin" notes to the top of a view. I know I can use the filter to do this but, even with the tag at the top of the list, it takes three clicks to achieve what I used to be able to do in one.
  5. @KadeCould you please remove the swear word from the title. It really isn't necessary.
  6. I can't reproduce this. Provided I am editing a document they all still work fine for me. Again these are working for me but the text resizing is ctrl + shift + > or ctrl + shift + < It depends on the context. If I am editing a document ctrl + M is indent. If I am not in edit mode it minimises the window. However I really don't think EN should ever be using reserved Windows shortcuts.
  7. If you launch a note in a separate window you will get a window which contains only the note with no sidebar or note list. You can then close the main app and leave the only EN window open as the "note only" window. However I can't reproduce the behaviour you see. If I then close the window and reopen EN I get the full window with sidebar and note list. The only thing I can suggest is that you make sure you have closed the app completely (ie there is no elephant icon in the system tray) before relaunching it.
  8. I agree with @agsteele. Offering a different instalation location would be inconsistent with ENs "one size fits all" policy.
  9. Cannot be extended or cannot be extended to be wide enough for your tags? The sidebar can be extended but there is a limit. The screen shots show the maximum and minimum on my screen.
  10. As outlined in another post this issue has been partially fixed but there appears to be a bug. If you collapse the sidebar (in 10.5.7) clicking a tag selects the single tag and NOT all it's child tags as well. If you don't collapse the sidebar you get all the child tags as well. I can't imagine this is by design so I hope that the desired behaviour is now selecting the single tag.
  11. If you don't want to use the search syntax suggested @DTLow you can do the following: Start in the notebook you want to search Click in the search box Underneath the search box you will have the option to "add filter" for the current notebook (OfflineNotes in my screenshot below) Then search as normal Alternatively you can add a notebook filter from the filter menu after you have searched.
  12. Except that you can multi select in the Windows desktop version but you can't in the web version. Although it's a common code base there are differences. As I said before this is either because of technical limitations or a decision to limit functionaility in the web version.
  13. I've given up merging notes in V10 as I regularly loose images and attachments when merging but I don't recall seeing this behaviour before.
  14. I don't think you can. Pressing F2 will take you straight to the title (from wherever you are in the note) so that might help.
  15. This had been fixed in an earlier version of EN web but now seems to have come back again. If you collapse the sidebar and choose a tag it only selects the tag you click and not all the child tags. I assume this is therefore a bug and I hope that the intended behaviour for both the full sidebar and the collapsed sidebar is to select only the chosen tag.
  16. Unfortunately there is a bug in 10.5.7 (Desktop) or 10.5.6 (web). It's gone back to selecting all child tags as well. However if you collapse the sidebar and then select a tag it chooses only the top level tag! I'm sure this is not intended behaviour so I hope the that the behaviour will end up being selecting only the tag clicked.
  17. I can't reproduce this problem. If I drag and drop a file from windows file explorer onto the note list EN creates a new note with the file attached. If I drag the file into an existing note it attaches it to the note. How are you trying to do it?
  18. I agree you can't. The only options are to use the filter menu or the search (remember to click add filter underneath the search box so that the search is limited to the notebook you are in). Not as convenient as the legacy version.
  19. Just merged three "bookmarks" obtained using the webclipper. All looked good but after closing and reopening EN all the images had disappeared. Screenshots to illustrate: Before: After:
  20. It is ridiculous that this doesn't work. Copy and paste is a basic Windows functionaility and should just work. The only work around I know is to drag the image from EN onto the desktop and then from the desktop into the Word document (or anywhere else). That's OK for the short term but is definitely not a long term solution.
  21. In which version? In my post above I explained how to do it in 6.25 and even gave the search syntax. That being said I agree completely that the trash should not be used as an archive and either my notebook or your tag method would be much better with appropriate searches to exclude the archived notes if required.
  22. More efficient yes, but not as flexible. With the new system you can add to an existing TOC or dashboard and easily drag the items around to re-order (if you paste into a numbered list). Very happy for the TOC functionailty to return but please keep the new functionaility as well.
  23. Even if it wasn't in the past the allignment of the new versions means that there must be either a technical difficulty or a deliberate intention to keep the versions different.
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