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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. You are right the file:/// notation to link to folders or files on your hard drive no longer works. The workaround is to create a windows shortcut within windows to the file or folder you want to link to. Then simply attach the shortcut to a note, or drag it onto the file list to create a new note in the normal way.
  2. I don't think Evernotes QA processes have ever been strong and we are fast approaching the point where each release breaks as many things as it fixes!
  3. Evernote web is clever enough to open app links in EN web. The desktop version cannot (yet) distinguish between a note link in web format and a normal website. Given that the structure of the web version of the note link is well defined you would have thought that it could default to opening in the app.
  4. I can confirm that ctrl-7 doesn't work for me either. All the others (1-6 and 8-9) do. Same version as you.
  5. A few observations that may or may not help: This is not unique to pdf files. Some images also do not have extension information - particularly those obtained by using the webclipper to obtain a screen shot A pdf file with no extension on my computer does have an extension when I download it from the web version of Evernote Files are stored locally on your computer without an extension. EN relies on the associated "MIME file" to give the extension. See C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\resource-cache\UserXXXXX
  6. I'm not sure what you are trying to do. I agree that you can't drag a file directly onto a notebook in either the sidebar or the notebooks window. However, If you drag and drop a file into the note list displaying a notebook EN will create a new note with the file attached in that notebook. If you drag and drop a file into the note list displaying All Notes it will create a note with the file attached in your default notebook. This obviously requires some prior planning to have the correct view open before dragging but does work well.
  7. Could you describe your workflow? I'm not a fan of the layout in the screen shot you show either. I always want to see the note in the context of the notebook or search etc. However for me I only get this view (ie no note list) when: Using a shortcut from the sidebar to a specific note (ie not a search, notebook etc) Going to a note using recent notes from the sidebar It doesn't seem likely that you have done either of those things as you have a blank note which is why I'm intetrested in your workflow. This is a user forum and if you want help from Evernote staff you should contact Evernote support directly.
  8. Useful trick. It's a shame that the [] shortcut forces the list to a check list and you have to use the insert menu to add the checkbox. Also works for a numbered list (or even a checklist!). I like checklists but when I do want checkboxes at the beginning of a line this gives me a second option along with <space>[] with the added advantage that I can drag items around to reorder them. I think if checklists had options (to indent or not and to cross out or not) many people would be happier with them.
  9. In the release notes for 10.6 (13 Jan) it says: I would agree that tag filter reindexing is now much faster but it's a shame that there is still no progress on the real time updates.
  10. I would carry on using the Windows legacy version for the moment. It clearly is a bug so it will get fixed eventually but clearly not at the speed we would like for a bug that deletes users data.
  11. If you start in the notebook you want to search and click in the search bar you will see (in faint grey) the name of the notebook with the words add filter. Click add filter and then search as normal. Alternatively you can filter by notebook using the filter menu after you have done your search, Agreed. It generally seeems to be larger pdfs that don't display a thumbnail but I have exceptions to that. It's very annoying.
  12. A good way to test this is to have a look at the web version of Evernote and see if that is all correct.
  13. If you enable view -> show note counts in sidebar what do you see? This is my screen shot: Also if you look at your notes do you still see tags assigned to them?
  14. I don't fully understand what you are trying to do. I don't understand what a section is and I'm not sure whether you are trying to drag multiple notes or multiple tags (or both). Some of this is probably not relevant but in general: You can no longer manage multiple tags together e.g. deleting or moving within a tag hierarchy. This all has to be done one tag at a time. You cannot assign multiple tags to multiple notes using drag and drop. However you can do this using the blue multi select menu that appears as soon as you have selected two or more tags. You will have to go through and select the tags you want to assign from the list. You cannot move multiple notes into a notebook by drag and drop but again you can do it through the blue multi select menu. In early versions of V10 tag handling was very very poor. It is improving slowly but there is still some way to go.
  15. At the moment you can only have one image per "line", left justified and no text. If you need a more sophisticated layout then you can either use something like word and then attach the file to a note or use tables to layout the page. There seems to have been a conscious effort to simplify the formatting options available along the lines of "it's a note taking app not a word processor". That will please some and disappoint others.
  16. You're not doing anything wrong. It is currently very difficult to get attachments and images out of Evernote. The best solution for me is to drag the attachment or image onto the desktop and from the desktop into whatever app I want it in. There have been statements by EN that they are working on drag and drop functionaility so I hope this will improve in the future.
  17. Definitely. It's not just an Android issue and it has been going on for months in different guises. EN seem to be quite happy to delete your data in that they have not prioritised finding a solution. Apparently there are more important issues than deleting the users data - I've obviously misunderstood the primary purpose of a note taking app! See for example
  18. The release notes for 10.8.5 say: This doesn't happen but at least it gives us hope. Unless of course, they meant right click the tags in the main tags menu (which does now work) and can be used as well as the three dots.
  19. @gazumped is right but there is no default way of making a new note appear in your default notebook. This is also true when you create new note within the app. Personally I would like all new notes (using alt-ctrl-N or within the app) to be created in my default notebook rather the the one I'm in at the time. Then in my weekly filing session I can tag and file without missing things.
  20. The developers page entitled "search grammar" (the one you linked to) does not include all the search syntax. Try searching for stack: or sourceurl: on the page. If you use the search facility on the developers page you get a lot of hits - all from the forums. I don't personally include comments in the forums as part of the official documentation. So perhaps I should have said "not officially documented" rather than "undocumented".
  21. And while we are at it perhaps @PinkElephant could also show me the reference for stack: within the Evernote search syntax documentation. Just because there is documentation does not mean that it is complete. Perhaps trying ctrl-F on the documentation page would be appropriate before making a sarcastic response.
  22. I used both those links in preparing my response. Where is sourceurl: referenced?
  23. Really? Which bit? I don't think I was expressing an opinion as to whether the ability to position a note should be in the app or not.
  24. Good tip. The difference with legacy is that you don't see the position of the tag in the hierarchy. I'm not sure if that matters to the original poster.
  25. There is some undocumented advanced search syntax that still seems to work. something like sourceurl:https://www.theguardian.com* You need the * so it picks up all the urls that start with https://www.theguardian.com
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