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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Is it just normal text or something special? I've just tried and it works fine for me for normal text but you cannot encrypt text containing a table for example. I'm not sure whether this is a new limitation and earlier V10's did allow you to encrypt tables.
  2. I'm afraid I can't reproduce this. Both double click and right click -> open in new window work fine for me.
  3. I can add <space> search text in the text box after some search syntax from a saved search and it works fine.
  4. When you click in the search box you should get some (fairly random) previous searches followed by a list of saved searches. Typing letters into the box will start to filter all the items below the text input box including the saved searches. For saved searches it filters by searches beginning with the letters you have added. If you add filters the saved searches will disappear because they are no longer relevant. So the bottom line is that if you start with a blank canvas ie nothing in the search box and no filters applied you should see the full list of saved searches. As soon as you start filtering or searching, the saved searches are no longer relevant so you probably won't see them.
  5. Yes I see what you mean. If it's just a filter it seems to work as expected but if it is a search it doesn't seem to react to clicking the header. As a work around you can still use the sort options button.
  6. 10.8.4 is the current windows version that came out in the ast few days. EN rolls out new versions over a few days and it is common to be told that you have the up to date version when you do not. I manually downloaded the new version from the Evernote download site as I always have to. I agree that you can no longer select multiple tags to move them in bulk. This has been raised before and it would be a nice feature to reintroduce. I don't really understand what you mean by this. Hasn't "minus" search has always been achieved through search syntax? You have a few options in V10. Using the search syntax throughout and typing something like tag:A -tag:B in the search box Finding the tags you want in the search box (they should appear when you start typing some letters) and then adding the -tag:A Adding the -tag:A to the search box and then filtering for the tags you do want in the filter menu. I'd be interested in your workflow in the old version.
  7. Given that we are now reliant on search taking place on the server not locally I think EN owes it to it's customers to publish data on reliability, targets, performance etc so that we can make an informed decision as to whether we want to continue to use the product.
  8. Agreed! My workaround of retrieving the original note from history after the image has disappeared is also not exactly convenient! I have no idea why retrieving it from history should make it anotatable.
  9. As from the latest version (10.8.4) you can drag tags around in the sidebar. Until this version you neeeded to do all tag management in the full tags menu which you get by clicking Tags in the sidebar. You can do that in the main tags menu (see above) I assume you mean the search grammar. Something like tag:A -tag:B Evernote search is currently having major problems so I can't check but generally the search syntax still works as it did before.
  10. Significant progress has been made on finding tagged notes since this version. The latest version is 10.8.4 so I suggest you update and see if it helps.
  11. I can repeat this. It is yet another way of removing the image from the note together with things like annotating it or copying it to another notebook. The interesting thing is the size of the note (from note information or the size of the exported file) certainly makes it look as though the image is embedded in it. Opening the enex file in a note editor also suggests the image is there.
  12. Agree completely. The confusing thing is that the other two references to the sidebar are for the sidebar (as I understand the term) so it is reasonable to assume that it is referring ot the same thing in all three cases. The arrow at the bottom of the sidebar does say "collapse sidebar" so that is the terminology I'm using.
  13. As I explained above, if you go to the note history you can restore the original note with the image and this time it appears to be possible to annotate the image without loosing it.
  14. The new release (10.8.4) certainly seems to be a step in the right direction for tag users. In the release notes there are three items that effect tags in the sidebar. The second two work fine but for me there is no right-click option. However I note that you can right click tags in the main tags window which I believe is new functionaility. Is this what the release notes are supposed to be referring to?
  15. @Austin GI've now repeated the sequence of events described above in the desktop version of 10.8.4 The image is still deleted. Can you replicate the issue? Also if you merge bookmarks obtained from the webclipper you also loose one or more of the images More details here: The workaround is to restore from history and then the image behaves correctly
  16. You might also be interested to know that the web version of EN is ahead of the desktop version (it's on 10.8.4) and reorgansing tags can now be done in the sidebar by drag and drop. Whether in the future we will be able to once again create, edit and delete tags from the sidebar is anybody's guess.
  17. Does it only happen when you use ctrl-N to create the note rather than the New Note button or File -> New Note?
  18. This is definitely still happening in 10.7.6 but for me at least, it is limited to screen shots obtained using the webclipper. Edit the screen shot and then click onto a different note. When you go back to the note the image (and the picture in snippet view) have gone,. For me it happens every time. Interestingly if I do the same on the web version (10.8.6) it doesn't save the edits and I get an error message saying "something went wrong when adding your attachment..." but at least my image doesn't get deleted so a good example of fail-safe.
  19. You need to click "Tags" in the sidebar (or use alt-ctrl-5). This opens the main tags window. You can do all your tag management there either by drag and drop or accessing the three dots menu that appears if you hover over a tag. Unfortunately the tag functionaility in the sidebar is much reduced.
  20. Agreed the arrow keys do seem to make it happen. As I say the easy way of unhighligting for me is ot click the grey header, but I frequently have to scroll up to find that. I haven't noticed this behaviour although to be honest I tend to read things in Adobe reader so will often have pdfs as attachements. I notice that the "All pages" view doesn't seem to have this issue and I can successfully copy and paste a section of text from the pdf.
  21. I agree it is very annoying and massively reduces the usefulness of the inline views. Simply clicking anywhere within the text displayed frequently leads to all the text being highlighted in blue. It is not possible to select a small section of text to copy and paste. Clicking again or on white space within the pdf or outside the pdf has no effect - it remains blue. The only way of getting rid of all the blue highlighting is to click the grey header bar at the top of the pdf. I didn't think that this happens to all pdfs but I've just tried a few and it is happening with all the ones I've tried.
  22. Agreed. Surely if your users are experiencing data loss in a note keeping app you would cancel all non-essential work and focus all your effort on getting a fix out there as an emergency release. But this has been going on now for months such that I can no longer trust the safety of my images and attachments in Evernote.
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