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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean by the "default option". There are lots of tag icons - if you mean the add tags icon at the bottom of the note I agree that it might be nice to have the list pop up but I think that in my case the list would be far too long. Typing a letter or two gives me just the tags beginning with those characters. I suppose the ability to add a wild card (e.g. *) at that stage to bring up the entire list would be useful but I'm not sure that there are any characters which cannot be used in the tag name. I agree that if I can't even remember the first letter of the tag I do have to use the full search capability of the edit tags menu (alt-ctrl-T) and this also allows me to open up the tag hierarchy and select (or deselect) tags. The other way of adding tags is from the tag hierarchy in the sidebar. Find the tag and drag it onto the note in the note list. It would be nice if you could also drag it on to the note. That was a capability that randomly came and went with different versions of the old software.
  2. Agreed. Image handling in V10 has all sorts of problems - the worse thing is that in some cases you think it has worked and then you come back and find the image missing. Some fixes have been implemented but I am still very nervous that EN will not keep my data safe - I can't believe i'm saying that about a note taking app who's raison d'etre is to keep stuff safe!
  3. The button for a checkbox is in the insert menu. It doesn't however solve the problem of EN converting a checkbox at the begining of a line to a checklist
  4. It was a quiet lauch even by EN's standards but the post "My first impressions of 10.7.6" gave it away for me!
  5. I subsquently realised, and documented in a different post, that it is only images obtained by using the screenshot option in the webclipper that are effected. See
  6. If you are a premium user restoring the note after the image has disappeared works and the image can then be sucesfully annotated etc without it being deleted but can still not be dragged and dropped to the desktop.
  7. Screenshots obtained from the webclipper are being handled very strangely in 10.7.6. This was not the case in earlier versions of V10. Annotating the image causes it to disappear Copying the note causes the image to disappear The image can't be dragged and dropped to the desktop Downloading the image using "save as" works but requires you to put in a name and extension This applies to both new and old screenshots. It also does not matter whether you annotate the image within the webclipper when you capture it. Also be aware that if you edit the image it looks OK but when you come back to it it has gone. (Same as merging notes with images). Evernote - if you don't want us to have images in our notes please take away the facility and we'll go elsewhere. Don't just delete them from out notes when our backs are turned - that's just sneaky. I suggest that you do not use the webclipper screen shot facility until this is fixed. You can use the desktop screen shot and manually add the website. As always I'm interested to hear if others can reproduce this.
  8. Now available from the Evernote website. For me it has broken more things that it fixed. You can no longer drag images out of EN to the desktop - my workaround for the fact that you can't drag or copy and paste an image into another document. Do EN actually have a list of features which they test before release? This is not a beta program but features appear and then disappear seemingly at random.
  9. The latest version (10.7.6) has stopped the ability to drag and drop an image to the desktop. This was my workaround to get things out of EN as it is (still) not possible to drag or copy and paste images or attachments into other documents. So the only way of getting an image out of EN is now to download it (including manually typing a filename). Do Evernote actually test their software before release? I now have to not only test to see if any of my remaining issues have been solved but check whether any of the issues I thought were solved are still solved. UPDATE: It appears that it is just screenshots obtained using the webclipper. These also disappear if you attempt to edit them!
  10. Thankyou. They have obviously released in the Windows App store before releasing on their website.
  11. Can you confirm that this is for windows. When I download from the website I'm still getting 10.6.9. The web is on 10.7.5
  12. V10 is completely different from earlier versions in order to produce a cross platform product (rather than the existing system of numerous different code bases). The powershell problem with AVG is not limited to just Evernote but several other completely unrelated apps as well. I don't know whether EN can solve it or it's down to the anti virus software. The cynic in me says they will spend the next few years blaming each other and not actually solving the problem!
  13. I don't know what to suggest. Since 10.6.9 I have had no problems with changes in tags taking a long time to be searchable. @newnewyorker above suggested that filter worked but search didn't. Is this your experience too?
  14. I think this is related to the AVG virus software described here because they both quote powershell. Despite some people saying the problem had been solved by AVG I never got it to work so I switched to different anti-virus software and now have no problem. Obviously in a company environment you don't have that flexibility. Sorry, not good news.
  15. No you can't but you can drag a tag to the note in the note list which luckily has always been my workflow anyway.
  16. If it is correct on the web version it is not an indexing problem. If you create a note on the web how long do you have to wait for it to appear in the Windows version?
  17. I think on balance I would also prefer the tag view to be remembered when you close and reopen EN provided they reintroduced the quick way of collapsing the tag view (shift-click "Tags")
  18. I don't think there has been any progress. I am still using the workaround I described above so I would disagree that it is "impossible" but it is certainly inconvenient and slow.
  19. Are you using the full tag menu which you get to by clicking Tags in the sidebar or pressing alt-ctrl-5? All tag management is now done i this window rather than the sidebar. Yo can drag and drop tags within the hierarchy or use the menu as shown
  20. I've just tried merging three screenshots from the webclipper (which I haven't tried recently) and they disappeared. So although some things are working better for me it's obviously very patchy.
  21. OK very strange. I assume you are on 10.6.9. I'll keep on testing but so far it seems to be working much better for me.
  22. When did you test last? If it is some sort of sync issue and not a viewer issue then I suppose it is possible that could be corrected without an update to the Windows version.
  23. Agreed. This is the behaviour I was seeing too. However, in all my testing described above it now only seems to be bookmarks that are not working. As I explained above I'm being cautious because I'm not convinced that they will not disappear in the future. So far so good and I have deliberately completely closed and reopened EN several times.
  24. I merged screen captures as you asked. I tried both annotated and un-annotated images with and without the dividing lines. All combinations survived! I then tried combining "bookmarks" obtained using the webclipper (which contain an image within a weclip box) with and without the dividing line. None of the images survived! That made me worry that all images within webclip boxes were vulnerable so I clipped two articles containing images and combined them with and without dividing lines. All the images survived. I then created two notes and copied and pasted images from the web into both of them. Again combining with or without dividing lines all the images survived. It wouldn't be the first time that EN have fixed something without announcing it but the nature of the problem means I'm not going to be convinced for a few days. Also the removal of images from bookmarks means that the problem is not completely solved.
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