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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Good point, especially for those of us who use a lot of technical and scientific words. I am amused that Evernote doesn't know how to spell Evernote.
  2. The function no longer exists. I raised this way back in the preview stage and was told that this wasn't on the immediate roadmap. Very unusual to get anything so definitive for EN, especially for something that sounds so easy to do. If you have a simple checklist ie not lots of headings between, the easiest way is simply to select the list, unselect checklist and then recheck it. If you have lots of headings you can set it out in a table with the headings occupying merged cells. You can then select an entire column of checkboxes without the headings and again unselect and reselect checklist However I note you specifically say check box rather than checklis and I don't beleive there is an easy way of unchecking all checkboxes at all.
  3. ctrl-clicking a link will open the note in a new window (without the annoying confirmation box). double clicking a note in the note list will open it in a new window.
  4. I've not noticed this behaviour. However when you merge notes containing images it looks like the merge has worked and then when you come back to the merged note some or all of the images are missing. It is possible that your observation is related. I can reproduce this. Well spotted.
  5. Having said all of that I don't really think you are using trash in the way it was designed. If you may need the note surely you should keep it in a notebook (e.g. archived_work_orders). If you need to you can exclude the notebook from searches using -notebook:archived_work_orders
  6. I don't think there is. If you do a search within the trash in 6.25 and then save the search you get to see the search syntax. So for example searching for evernote in the trash folder is equivalent to : notebook:DELETED_NOTES evernote When I pasted this into V10 I got conflicting info. It appears to have added it as a filter but then says invalid notebook. I then discovered that this happens for any non-existent notebook name. Unlike when you start in a normal notebook no option to filter appears under the search bar. Similarly you can not use the filter. There was a guarantee early on that although the search experience would change radically the search syntax would continue to work. In addition, for a trash folder to be of any use at all you have got to be able to find stuff in it. So I hope there will be a way of doing this in the future. Meanwhile the legacy version still works well.
  7. It's very limited. It is just plain black monospaced text. There is no formatting or language specific options. I do find it usedul for small snipets of code if I'm making notes about some new trick I've learned. The easiest way of inserting a code block is to type three back ticks followed by enter.
  8. The problem is that many of the shortcuts only work in certain contexts and even then not always reliably. alt-ctrl-5 seems to work for me in all the different places I've tried. The numbers have recently changed in order to reserve alt-ctrl-1 for the new Home page currently in beta. The documentation obviously hasn't been updated. ctrl-alt-5 doesn't work for me but 2, 4, and 6 do. I don't think you are doing anything wrong. I would certainly try them when you are in edit mode and not in edit mode. (Look to see if the edit tool bar is at the top of the note).
  9. They changed it in October so that using the web is counted as a device. See
  10. The alternative to right clicking is to use the three dots menu to the right of the notebook or stack.
  11. I'm happy with that as an option but I actually prefer the current behaviour because I don't want lots of extraneous notes showing up. To use your examples my tags would be structured notes-meeting and notes-call so that all my notes tags are together. The other alternative would be to use the edit tags menu (alt-ctrl-T) which does give you a "proper" search rather than a "starting with" style search.
  12. The nearest is the main tag window which you get to by clicking the tag icon or using alt-ctrl-5. Not the same though.
  13. Completely agree and there have been lots of comments in the forums. There is no point in having a nice secure filing cabinet if you can't get stuff out of it. The best work around is to drag the attachment or image from the note onto the Windows desktop and from there into wherever you want it. Definitely a temporary workaround not a long term solution.
  14. The tag functionaility in the sidebar is very much reduced. The only things you can do is select a tag for filtering (although unless the sidebar is minimised you will get all the sub tags as well) or drag a tag onto a note in the note list to assign it to the note. All the main tag tasks are now done in the main tags window (click the tag icon or use alt-ctrl-5). You can't currently assign tags by dragging and dropping from this window - although you have been able to in earlier versions of V10- you never know with EN whether this functionaility was deliberately or accidentally removed.
  15. Neither do I. There are additional headers as you scroll down, not just the one at the top, but if you have a reasonable number of notes in each cataegory you don't really see this. If there was a some sort of collapse function where you just saw the headers and clicked an arrow to open that category that might be quite nice.
  16. It's so subtle it's difficult to see. Directly underneath the "notes" in the note list you will see a month and year if sorted by one of the date options or a letter if sorted by title.
  17. You may be right it could be a technical or some other issue. The beta of the new home page does definitely have additional functionaility for premium users only so I'm not rulling out differences in functionaility based on platform and/or user type.
  18. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068-Understanding-the-device-limit Evernote web now counts as a device and is included in the two devices that basic users are allowed. However on re-reading the rules as long as you never sign into Evernote web you can use the desktop version and a mobile version. I used to use Evernote web at work (because of limitations on what I could install on my work PC) and also EN for Android and EN desktop at home. I suspect this is not uncommon. In that scenario, with two devices you might want to use EN web and a mobile in which case your functionality will be reduced. For the record and as a long standing premium user, I have no problem with encouraging non-casual users to become premium members! same or similar?
  19. I can't see it either. There are a few examples where the web version seems to have slightly less functionaility than the desktop versions. It might be a technical issue but I suspect that, with new device limits, it is to avoid anybody, other than a casual user, being happy with just mobile + web.
  20. Interesting. You are right the facility to select multiple notes does not seem to be in the web version. Given that the web and desktop version are on pretty much the same version numbers and that selecting multiple notes has been in the desktop version for some time I suspect this is by design. I have no idea whether this is a technical limitation or a deliberate attempt to reduce the functionaility of the web version.
  21. I think there is a more general issue here. There are a number of times where you will want to go from a note to the notebook where that note is found. This is obviously when you have not found the note simply by scrolling through the notebook You may have got to that note by for example: Clicking a shortcut Search Clicking an internal link Using all notes Some of these hide the note list but some don't. EN have provided a simple way of getting to the notebook through the notebook icon but that takes you to the top of the notebook not to the selected note. This means you can't see the note in context. Simply changing the behaviour so that it went to the note selected in the notebook would be a big step forward.
  22. I don't understand why EN think this behaviour is sensible! I do not know of a way of getting the note list back while staying in the note you have selected. If you just want the notelist back you can click all notes or a notebook in the sidebar.
  23. As I understand it, it is because of customer feedback. Making it more central means less mouse movement on bigger screens and makes it more consistent with the mobile versions. Personally I never use it unless I really have to because there are quicker ways of adding nearly all the elements. Just maybe I don't want to create a 2x2 table and have to go through the pain of inserting columns and rows.
  24. I can reproduce this. I hope that it is a bug (there are alot in 10.5.7). It is certainly illogical that you can drag a note into a notebook on the sidebar unless the notebook happens to be in a stack.
  25. The two issues may not be related. There has been a long standing problem of images being lost when merging. You think it's worked and then you come back to it and one is missing. The fundamental purpose of a note taking app is to take notes, keep them safely and help you find them later. I'm disappointed that EN are prioritising working on all sorts of peripheral functionaility while V10 looses our data.
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