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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I agree. This has been raised several times. I can drag an image or file attachment to the desktop but not into another application so it's a massive slow down in my workflow having to do everything via the desktop.
  2. Your post raises a couple of really important issues With the introduction of checklists I'm unsure as to whether the search grammar has been changed or not. It looks as though it is searching for both checklists and check boxes so that wouldn't explain your issue. I haven't yet experienced any problems but I will be vigilant. The answer is yes. In earlier versions this could be several minutes if not longer. 10.6.9 is a massive improvement, particularly for being able to search for changes in tags. However there have been plenty of people not seeing text searches updated quickly. As I understand it synchronising between devices is different from indexing on the server so that it becomes searchable. EN still have plenty of work to do here and I hope that they are aware that they are not there yet.
  3. Agreed To be fair to EN it is only checkboxes at the beginning of a line it wants to convert to checklists. The space[] hack normally works but I agree that it doesn't in a bulletted list. Since responding to your other post I have found that if you use a character other than space before the checkbox that works even in a bulleted list. If you can really be bothered you can even make the text white but a better option is probably to choose as unobtrusive characrter as you can find!
  4. Agreed Not tried that before but when I tried the "space before" hack it looked OK but when I came back to it not only had it converted the checkboxes to a checklist but the bullets had disappeared as well. The same thing happens if you don't bother with the bullet points but just indent with a tab then add space[]. Tables don't destroy the checkboxes but that is long way from what you are wanting.
  5. Could you describe exactly how you are doing the webclipping. You are right this was reported way back in the preview stage but I thought it was now fixed. If I do a webclip of a page I get it in a webclip box as expected. I can't see any details of the images in the clip so I have no idea whether they have actually been copied or it is just a link. However, if I "simplify and make editable" the image has definitely been copied because I can edit it. Copying and pasting from the web also works correctly. I get an editable image which was not the case in the past..
  6. Agreed. Not something I do so I hadn't noticed the absence of the ability to work on multiple tags at once.
  7. Great feedback. If the tags panel opened to the whole screen it would make it more consistent with the notebook panel. However it would need multiple columns as well like the legacy.
  8. I agree. EN QA processes have always been weak. We are fast approaching the equilibrium position where the number of "new" (i.e. reintroduced) features is balanced by the number features that used to work but don't any longer.
  9. Not sure this explains the date and time issue but it does the other shortcuts you are missing
  10. Can you give a bit more detail. How did you do this before and how are you doing it now? I agree that being able to create and nest tags in the sidebar was really useful. Now you have to do it in the main tags window (alt-ctrl-4 or click "Tags" in the sidebar). I personally don't see that as a huge issue, but I don't know your workflow.
  11. Personally I actually like it how it is. When I type "+" I only want to see the tags that begin with + not any that have + within the tag. I can always use the full edit tags menu (alt-ctrl-T) if I want a full search. My tag structure is different - I'm not suggesting that you should have to change yours just explaining mine. Using your example I would have separate tags for Landscape, lighting, history, ideas etc. I would then add both the landscape and ideas tags to the note. Ideas would come up when I typed ideas. If I wanted to find landscaping ideas I would have to filter by two tags but the advantage to me is that I can get all my landscaping notes by clicking only one tag and even get all my ideas (potentially from other areas as well) by selecting ideas. Just a different way of thinking about tagging.
  12. I think something like this has been reported before and I have certainly experienced the issue. A solution that worked for me is to make sure you not only close the app but you also close it in the Windows system tray (elephant icon at bottom right of screen) before you switch off the computer. If you are already doing this then I have no further ideas other than perhaps checking in task manager that EN really is not running before switching off.
  13. This issue was reported on 24 Oct 2020. We have gone through several versions since then so clearly users loosing data is not a priority.
  14. That is exactly my experience and that of others. You think it's worked and then you come back to it and find images and pdfs missing and have to look in the trash for the orginal notes. Surely the raison d'etre of a note taking app is to keep your notes safe so I do not understand why this is not at the top of Evernote's priority list.
  15. This has been recorded elsewhere and has been a problem for some time. Merging notes containing pdfs can also remove the pdfs so I think it may be a general issue with notes containing attachments. Given that merging can lead to loss of data I am very surprised that EN have not given fixing this greater priority.
  16. I agree this is a possible solution. However I frequently modify checklists "on the fly" and do not need to keep the completed checklist. A packing list is a good example of this. You then need to remember to make a new template each time rather than just clear the checkboxes. Fortunately, for a simple list like this, my workaround described in an earlier post in this thread works reasonably well.
  17. I'm only really interested in three of the current widgits and I like how I can remove the ones I don't want. However I feel that the available space could be used a lot better. Currently there is a .lot of scrolling required even though I have plenty of space available. Please add the ability to expand widgits vertically as well as horizontally. This is particularly important for pinned notes. If I double the size of the shortcuts widgit I expect to be able to see twice as many shortcuts without scrolling, rather than the same number twice the size.
  18. There has been some discussion as to where the boundary line is between a general purpose note taking/storage app and a more sophisticated and specialised app. For example I've seen requests for a greater selection of fonts, language specific formatting of code blocks etc etc. Because of users different specialist needs I doubt whether we would all ever agree on what is core so Evernote will have to decide and we can go elsewhere if we disagree. Going forward I would hope that the new architecture will allow much tighter integration with other apps. This would potentially allow the embedding of all sorts of contents seamlessly. We've already seen this, for example, with YouTube videos that can now be played within the note. This sounds like a better solution than asking Evernote to introduce something which is probably only going to be used by a small number of users and for which they have no expertise.
  19. I agee which is why my approach was to try to generalise it to make it the addition of unicode characters, which is something people have been talking about on the forums for years. @EvaluatingEvernoteI found an alternative which is to use a replacement for the windows character map which for me is too dependent on the fonts installed on your system. Something like BabelMap which also allows you to search by character name. So a search for quot brings up several possible characters. It is though still essentially a copy and paste solution.
  20. Things have moved on since this post. For me 10.6.9 now updates tags instantaneously. There are some reports in the forum that this is a not a universal experience but for me at least it is much improved. The second issue is still being worked on. See
  21. This is disappointing. I have repeated your steps but in my case everything worked as expected. I have had no problems with this since 10.6.9 but I know others are still experiencing the problem. The fact that you are seeing a difference between filtering and searching (steps 4 and 6) is very strange. To reiterate what @gbarry says in the release notes for 10.6.9 (forum version) Perhaps he did literally mean filter but not search.
  22. Assuming you are running 10.6.9 then it is obviously still very variable which is very disappointing.
  23. A text expander expands some easily remembered shortcut text into a different text string. I don't use one so I don't have a specific recommendation. I agree with @PinkElephantthat EN is not a word processing application and a line has to be drawn somewhere in terms of what it can and cannot do. I do think though that the ability to easily insert a unicode character is definitely on the note taking side of the line. Interestingly, the alt+123 method (using the numeric keyboard) of adding ascii/unicode characters sometimes works in V10 but it is inconsistent.
  24. I'm guessing that if Evernote introduced the option of not indenting and not crossing out many of the objections to checklists would disappear. I actually love checklists because of the crossing out and the ability to reorder things so easily. There are occassions though when I don't want the crossing out and have to resort to check boxes. I suppose that being able to configure each individual checklist would be more tricky but not impossible.
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