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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. OK I did the following Took a screen shot using the V10 screen shot facility Searched for words in the text. It took less than a minute for it to be indexed and searchable Exported the note to my hard drive as an enex file Opened the enex file in a text editor to confirm that there was no indexing data in the file Deleted the note in EN Went to the trash and deleted it permanently imported the note from the enex file I'd created The note was immediately searchable for the words I'd tried earlier Actually found that quite surprising
  2. Exactly, as I pointed out at the top of this thread. Bad news for those people who are keen to do their own backup of their notes by exporting the enex files. They are not getting a complete record. If a note was ever deleted from the server and then reimported from an enex file I wonder whether it would ever be indexed. One to test perhaps.
  3. In the legacy version you know whether an image has been indexed and passed back to the local client because it tells you in the note information. In addition you can open the enex file in a text editor and read the search words. Neither of those options are available in V10. I still suspect the problem is something to do with older notes having seen both systems but that is just a guess. @FrankCdoes not seem to be having any issues with new notes even if created by copying the image from an old note.
  4. And while you are at it don't forget to check all the things that you thought were fixed but have been broken again!
  5. I don't think you are. The only option seems to be to share the notebook with other EN users. This need not be a major problem as they can use EN on the web (no download) but they will need to sign up (but can use Google or Apple).
  6. 24 is definitely less than 50 so it's not that. You should be able to select 24 with no problem using a normal combination of clicking combined with shift or control. However, you cannot drag and drop the selected notes into a notebook. You need to use the blue multi select menu that appears at the bottom of the screen and move them using that.
  7. You need to use markdown not html. Markdown is not completely implemented in V10 but adding a hyperlink is one of the bits that works. It can be pasted in as plain text and renders correctly but you do need to press enter after each link [News from the BBC](www.bbc.co.uk/news)
  8. Are people still having this problem? I searched for a word and the number of notes containing pdfs is different between legacy (9 notes) and V10 (4 notes). These are not indexed - the text is selectable and findable in Adobe Reader. I can't see an obvious pattern. The four V10 finds are not a subset of nine legacy notes. V10 found one note that legacy didn't. Generally it does seem to be larger pdf files that are not found but this not always true. Based on a sample the results seem genuine - ie the text does contain the word.
  9. Any problem is annoying when it isn't consistent and appears random. I'll keep watching but fingers crossed I seem to be OK. I am having problems searching for pdfs (not indexed ones) which I will report elsewhere.
  10. I have searched in both V10 and legacy and also downloaded the enex file from both versions. I've also looked for both old and new notes. I'm not saying I don't have the problem but I certainly haven't found it yet. Not sure why you don't want to check in the web version which will only take a few minutes. The age of the note is irrelevant if it is just refusing to sync or has synce'd it incorrectly. It works when you cut and paste the image because it reindexes it as a new note.
  11. This is interesting. It looks like EN has made a number of changes to the indexing of images. The first is that the note information window no longer records whether the images have been indexed. The second is that EN seems to have changed the way it records the indexing data. If you export a note from the legacy and open the enex file with a text editor, at the bottom you will see the words that have been found. There used to be an online tool that would do this from the weblink but that is no longer available. If on the other hand you export from V10 you get a smaller file which does not contain the indexing information. The data must be somewhere (becasue V10 found the note and highlighted the search term in my image) but could be on the server or in the local sql database - it's certainly not being exported by V10. My conclusion is that if there has been a change between the two systems then it is possible that some indexing has been lost in the process. I don't know a way of reindexing images. I would check on the web version because that will identify if the problem is simply synchronisation. I think it would be worth raising a support ticket because this is clearly not supposed to happen and so far I've not identified the problem with any of my notes.
  12. Sadly EN's QA processes have never been strong and we are fast approaching the point where each update breaks as many things as it fixes.
  13. I can certainly reproduce this. I've tried various things including ctrl-shift-V and pasting into a bulleted list. I'm not convinced it is just an EN thing though. Pasting into notepad also messes it up inserting a tab between the bullet point and the text and loosing all indentation. That may not be relevant as it's obviously just text. Interestingly, if you paste into an online html editor (e.g. https://htmlg.com/html-editor/) and then copy and paste from there to EN everything is preserved beautifully.
  14. This is promised - see the coming soon section of the release notes. It has been "coming soon" for some time now so I hope that means it really is very soon! Just drag the file onto the note list and it will create a bew note with the file as an attachment. If the notelist is for a specific notebook the note will be created in that notebook.otherwise it will be added to your default notebook Are you saying you don't like them at the bottom of the note? You wouldn't be alone but I can't see it changing.
  15. I can confirm that it happens. Sadly EN believes it can ride roughshod over normal Windows behaviours and conventions. So many things that should just work because it's a windows program, simply don't.
  16. Can I repeat my question from before. Have you looked on the web version? This is the master copy and will indicate whether the data base is really mangled up or whether it is a software issue. If it is still correct on the web it should be possible to get it right on your device by doing a complete uninstall and deleting all possible left over files.
  17. Thankyou. For some reason dragging the images from EN to the desktop and from there to the forum dragged one of them wothout the annotation.
  18. Good discovery. I think the developer tools option disappeared some time ago. I used it to see that EN had only added a link to an image and not the image you thought you had pasted in - thankfully that issue is solved. As well as deleting a note using ctrl-backspace holding ctrl and clicking help (similar to 6.25) brings up the option. Click help ctrl-click Help
  19. The keyboard shorcuts in EN are very context sensitive. You need to be editing the note - ie click your cursor in the note and ensure you have the editing toolbar visible. Then ctrl-F works fine, and using the three dots you can also search and replace if you want to.
  20. There are long standing issues with preview images. See for example: It frustrates me that there are so many issues with images across the board. Thinking everything is OK and then coming back to find it changed is particularly annoying.
  21. I agree that this is extremely frustrating and has been well discussed including confirmation that the EN team are working on it. See For me a slightly easier work around is to drag the attachment (or image) to the desktop and then from there into the other applicatiion.
  22. You can already create a notebook in a stack from the main notebooks window using the three dots menu or by right clicking the stack. I would check that your version is upto date (10.8.4). The EN automatic update process and check for updates often fail.
  23. I have never had it update automatically. I always have to update manually. I obviously want the new versions as soon as I see the announcement in the forums so it's quite possible that it would update eventually. However I don't appreciate being told that I have the most upto date version when it isn't when I specifically bother to ask the question. Perhaps "check for updates" just automatically tells you that are upto date and it's a feature which will be added back in a few months/years/decades tiime.
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