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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Do you mean like this: Unicode characters generally render correctly in V10. However there is no way of adding them except by pasting in the correct character (which is how I created the above). There are numerous sources on the web to find the correct character. If you need to do this routinely you would probably want a text expander to automate the task. Adding emojis is much easier but I'm not aware of a suitable quotation marks emoji.
  2. Agreed. It is ridiculous that this doesn't work and has been raised throughout the preview, beta and now release stages. The only workaround is to download the image and then insert it where you want it or to drag it to the desktop and then from the desktop to the target document.
  3. Evernote has never had this feature and I agree that it would be really useful. There is a related (at least in my mind) request for collapsible sections. Evernote has never been great at helping you navigate around long notes. My approach has always been that when a note gets too long I split it up and use a table of contents note to navigate to the new shorter notes which are effectively sections of a long "virtual note". This is obviously not ideal but it works in most cases. Perhaps the new sections formatting could be expanded to add some code behind the scenes that allowed you to easily move between sections.
  4. As I recall, most of the discussion that @CalSrefers to was about tags. There has been a massive improvement in the speed that tags are indexed in 10.6.9 such that for me, being able to find a newly tagged note is almost instantaneous. I had hoped that these improvements were for the whole of seach but apparently this is not the case. Previously we would have to wait for minutes/hours/days for tags to appear and it appears that this is still the situation for a text search.
  5. Agreed. Down arrow followed by up arrow does it but I agree the cursor should start in the text box, for consistency as well as logic. Pressing space bar selects or deselects a tag. This is kind of consistent with other check boxes within EN although I'd surprised if there were not counter examples.
  6. The tag functionailty in the sidebar is very much reduced compared to the legacy. All you can now do is to filter by a (single) tag and allocate a tag by dragging and dropping onto a note in the note list. All the functionaility you mention, and more, is available in the maIn tags window which can be found by clicking the tags heading in the sidebar or with the shortcut alt-ctrl-5 As well as being able to drag and drop tags within the hierarchy you can also access a menu from the three dots that appear if you hover over a tag.
  7. Is there a way of doing this in the legacy version? In the legacy version you could use the shift or ctrl keys when dragging the bounding box to take the screen shot and save it as a file or copy it to the clipboard. I used to copy screen shots to the clipboard and then paste them into one note. That functionaility is not (currently) available in V10. However there are many screen shot apps out there (including the windows 10 snipping tool) so I'm currently doing that. The copy selection and paste to EN tools are also not in V10.
  8. I agree that adding a tag using the tags area at the bottom of the note only finds tags that begin with the characters you type. However, the edit tags menu (alt-ctrl-T) gives you a proper search for the characters added. I would prefer the option to not show tags in the hierarchy but generally it works fine for me.
  9. The automated update rarely works for me so I just go to https://evernote.com/download and install the update on top of the current version. Seems to work OK.
  10. Really strange because all of these still work perfectly for me (including F3) provided of course I am editing a note (ie the edit menu is visible). Could it be a keyboard issue? Mine is set to English (United Kingdom) in Windows.
  11. png's support transparency. When I add a png image containing a transparent background it displays correctly in the note but I do not get a thumbnail and get the same icon as you show. If I remove the transparency from the same image it all works correctly. Could this be the issue for you too?
  12. Personally not so worried about editing or deleting text but I think the ability to check checklists and checkboxes from the home page would be really useful.
  13. Very interestring. I tried creating the note on the web version and syncing it to the windows desktop version. When I changed the image in the web version and synced, both versions have the wrong image. So it appears that my statement that it works on the web was not completely correct. It only works if you change the image on the desktop and sync to the web. It's a mess, so I am glad that @agsteelehas raised a support ticket. I am sure he will update us if there is any progress.
  14. Not that then. Really no idea why it works for me but not for you. I know you have tried on both Windows and Android but it might be worth trying the web version as you work directly on the database with no complications caused by synchronisation etc.
  15. The latest version is 10.6.9. I have no idea why you have been updated to 10.1.7. I would update to the latest version and perhaps try the web version which should automatically be upto date.
  16. The latest version (10.6.9) has seen a massive improvement in the time taken for changes in tags to be reflected in search. From minutes (or longer) to pretty much instantaneous. I had hoped that this improvement was wider than for just tags. Are you running the latest version and still seeing a delay in updating? There is a separate issue of a filtered/searched list being dynamically updated with changes to notes which EN are working on.
  17. I created a tag called !p_s_sugar and was able to find the note I tagged it with using: tag:!* tag:!p* tag:!p_* tag:!p_s* etc etc Are you using the most recent version (10.6.9)? There have been quite alot of improvements to tag searching in this version although I am unaware of this being an issue.
  18. Sorry. I obviously fell into the trap that their marketing department intended me to fall in to! Apologies again.
  19. I agree. The really weird thing though is that the web version also works correctly so it's something very specific to how how V10 is implemented on desktop.
  20. Might just be worth gently reminding people that this is: There is an equivalent forum for mac. I hope I haven't been spending time trying to reproduce issues on windows which are only problems on mac.
  21. Is the format of this image different? I assume that if EN can display the image in the note it can do so in the snippet as well but there could be a bug. I don't know the complete list of acceptable image formats but certainly jpg and png work ok. The other thought is whether the image is a lot larger than the others. I know with pdfs large pdfs do not get displayed inline for example. Just some thoughts.
  22. I agree that it would be useful to have the collapsible structure within the note. What do you want to see outside a note? For me the tag hierarchy (which now, for the first time, works across all platforms) gives me an infinitely flexible hierarchy outside of the individual note.
  23. I always get this for notes with attachments that are not pdfs and sometimes get it where there is no attachment at all but there is web content. Very ocassionally I get it with a pdf.
  24. In the coming soon section of the release notes - but then it has been for a while! alt-ctrl-F offers similar functionaility but in my opinion needs options. I don't need EN's wild guesses as to where I might want to "go to" next.
  25. I'm not aware that this has ever been available in EN and I certainly can't see it in 6.25 either. Good idea, but it might be better in the requests forum.
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