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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I think you are going to be a little more clear: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IA I don't understand this either. Whih three dots, where? Although search has some major problems, normal text searches and searches containing advanced search syntax seem to work fine for me.
  2. Who knows. Reading does not necessarily mean they will do something about it - either because they deem it to be low priority or they actively don't want to change it. Sometimes, but very rarely these days, they will even respond to issues raised in the forums.
  3. I don't think this is new - I seem to recall it being mentioned a long time ago, but unfortunately I can't find the post.
  4. This will not delete the database which may have been corrupted. You need to either signout and choose to "remove my Evernote data from this device"as I suggested or uninstall the app using something like Revo uninstaller (free)
  5. You can also search directly for the contents of this field using an undocumented piece of advanced search syntax - sourceurl: So to find all the notes that I have clipped from the bbc website: sourceurl:https://www.bbc.co.uk* Unfortunately you do need to put in the https:// at the beginning as, in EN, wild card characters do not work at the beginning of a string. The asterix at the end finds all urls that begin with https://www.bbc.co.uk
  6. The problem happens if you click a link which is in a filtered list or a list of search results. Various workarounds have been suggested in this thread: Opening links in their own Window works well. So ctrl+click a text style link or shift + double click a title or preview style link. The other way is to keep your note but delete the search - details of how you can do that are in the attacched thread. I really can't understand why this problem has not been solved by EN. It's been a problem for months.
  7. I agree that this is odd. I would expect clicking the numbered list icon (or using the keyboard shortcut) to turn off the numbered list would not delete the number. My solution is just to use backspace as soon as the list mode cuts in. So in your case I type {7}{.}{space} and EN converts it into a list. Then I type {Backspace} and it is returned to normal text and I can continue typing as normal.
  8. Have you tried the web version of EN to see if the problem is there as well? If it is OK on the web then it sounds like a local issue. You can refresh your local data by signing out of EN and choosing "remove my Evernote data from this device". I assume clicking the task name does not give you the normal task pop up.
  9. The new EN internal TOC relies on note links. So if you have a note within a filtered list, which contains an internal TOC, and click on one of the links in the contents either nothing will happen or you will go somewhere completely random like Home. There are so many isuues with search/filter that I'm coming to the conclusion that EN's preferred search method is that you just go to the right notebook and scroll. The relatively small number of complaints on these forums about issues like this one, suggest that is what people do.
  10. In his New Year blog post Federico said Sadly none of the bugs that effect me daily have been solved. Obviously my uses of Evernote do not involve "prominent inefficiencies". Apparently insufficient people want to search after filtering or use an internal link in a note which happens to be in a filtered or searched for list.
  11. I spoke too soon. I now have to login again if I have closed the browser. Somebody has obviously decided they need to upgrade security - this issue and forcing me to have a stronger password
  12. Nice trick. The other thing I sometimes find helpful is deleting the due date and then putting it in again.
  13. Strange. Try selecting the table first so that it has a light grey border around the outside, although I didn't need to do that. You could also try the web version to eliminate it being problems with your instalation.
  14. At least there is an option to switch that off but I can't get my green links back. I know Bending Spoons, for reasons of corporate identity, seem to want to remove as much green as possible so I'd be perfectly happy with any way of distinguishing internal and web links., without me having to come up with some manual system.
  15. Which version of Evernote? On the web and desktop versions you simply hover over a line, it goes blue and the cursor changes. You can then click and drag.
  16. It generally works fine for me. However if your link is to a sub section within a collapsed section it will not work. This is also a problem with the new and related internal TOC function.
  17. For me the most unreliable tasks are those which repeat a certain time after completion. I now tend to avoid using these.
  18. I had the same issue. I have a google email but I have a separate password for EN. Hitting continue with Google worked fine. It seems to just be confusing/wrongly named. That's my experience anyway.
  19. I don't hold out much hope for this but have you tried going back to an earlier version of the note?
  20. Doesn't work for me. I get an unholy mess of correct results, results that have the letters followed by others and results where Find on the page can't even find the result!
  21. This has now been a problem for years. The only workaround is to copy and paste each image individually. I suppose you could save all the images from the note in one go but you would still need to paste them into your new document individually.
  22. Definitely not working for me. As you say, it works on notebooks. But if you click "Notebooks" and then select a stack the notes are not in order by title.
  23. I'd like to know how you create a list of tags using a customised filter. I thought the tags widget on the desktop just listed the tags in order of the number of notes containing that tag. The Home screen on desktop/web is now called "My Widgets" on mobile and you access it from settings (even if you don't want to change the settings). So click the icon at the top left of the screen and choose My widgets
  24. As I've noted above, to be able to search having filtered you have to ensure that the filter appears underneath the search box. One way to do this is to force a reload but this is unreliable, slow and has unwanted side effects like collapsing the tag hierarchy in the sidebar and removing task filters in the task view. I have now discovered a much better workaround. Simply collapse and expand the sidebar. (F10 twice). This is simple, fast and always works (for me at least). So to summarise the process Filter by tag (e.g. click a tag in the sidebar, use the filter menu, search for a tag in the main tag window or use ctrl+Q). Do not search for the tag in the main search as this is the one case where it works properly - but only one tag is ever displayed so it's not a useful workaround for me The blue tag lozenge appears but there is no indication of a filter underneath the search bar. Press F10 twice and magically the tag appears under the search bar. You can now add your search term and hit enter. Nothing will happen! However when you go back into the search bar and press enter again it works as expected. Remember, if you hadn't used the F10 x2 trick initially nothing would have happened either. However when you hit enter for the second time it would have searched for the term but dropped the filter. This seems to work whenever there is a mismatch between the filter lozenges and the search window. e.g here there is only one blue lozenge but EN is confidently telling me there are two filters added. Sometimes F10 x2 reconciles the filter and the search and then when you repeat the process that got you there in the first place it works as expected.
  25. For me the tasks widget has always been completely useless because of the inability to filter or sort. In the past it seemed to be pick up the sort order from the My tasks tab of the task view. Now it seems to be stuck (unless it's taking a very long time ot refresh) on alphabetical.
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