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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. I certainly can't see it. Do you remember how tyou accessed the command?
  2. I've never tried it but does the 50 note limit apply if you export an entire notebook? In the notebook screen right click and choose export or use the three dots menu.
  3. Agreed if your only reason for having Evernote is to make lists where it is vital that the checkbox is the first character in the line. Most of us have to look at all the features and make compromises - including using workarounds. There are lots of things I don't like about Evernote (all versions but particularly V10) and there are lots of things I don't like about the competition. At the moment having looked at everything in the round, including the direction of travel, I'm happy to stick with EN including using legacy where I have to. By all means switch to different software - as you say there is lots around - but make sure you are evaluating all the features not just checklists.
  4. Another approach might be to take a look at the Evernote folder C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Evernote Note the number of files etc. and then come back a bit later and see if the number of files or size has increased alot
  5. Some good points @PinkElephant. I do get frustrated by EN's wild guesses of where I want to go to or what I might like to filter on. It would be nice to be able to say "show me all the relevant tags and if you've got space I will entertain your preoccupation with telephone numbers". Here for example there are a lot more than 6 tags I could use to further filter the list which has come up with my initial "Asset allocation" tag search. For me those tags are more important than the 5 generic suggested filters because if I have to use the filter menu I don't necessarily know which tags are relevant.
  6. Can you not just click the arrow next to the reminder and "mark as done" as shown below? I don't really understand what you mean. You can display completed reminders using the gear icon The search syntax also still works, So entering the following in the search box will find all reminders completed in the last 200 days. reminderDoneTime:day-200 As I say, I may have completely misunderstood what you need. You can not set the initial view when you open EN. Normally it opens to the last view before you closed EN. If that view is the reminders view it will open to that view.
  7. I'm sure it would be helpful for the developers if you could explain why the current tag filter is not meeting your needs. I have some reasons why I think it is inferior but I don't want to put words in your mouth! UPDATE. Sorry I found you had already described why it doesn't meet your needs here:
  8. I don't think there is a straightforward answer to this but I will make a few comments from my experience. For me the behaviour of EN web and EN V10 on Windows is identical If you select the first tag by "filtering" e.g. by clicking on a tag in the sidebar you get a very limited number of tag search sugestions if you then click into the search bar. If you search for the first tag by typing it into the search bar you get a larger list of search sugestions but certainly not all of them. The search suggestions are driven by some algorithm which suits the needs of the person who designed it but certainly not me. I want to see all the tags and I'm very unlikely to want to find notes containing telephone numbers. Surely after a year of using this through the beta and GA releases any decent ML algorithm would realise this! Not directly related but I would love the return of shift-clicking tags in the sidebar to add another tag. The filter menu will obviously work but you need to wade through all the tags because it certainly doesn't filter for only the relevant ones. I think EN still have lots to do on this. There was the talk of the return of ctrl-Q (on desktop versions). This seems to have morphed into "Search and switch to a different note using a keyboard shortcut" (whatever that means) in the latest "coming soon" section of the release notes.
  9. Just to support what @PinkElephantsaid. You need the main tags window obtained by clicking "Tags" in the sidebar and not the sidebar itself. You can then either right click the tag or use the three dots menu that appears when you hover over it to perform actions like deleting. You can sort the tags by note count but that obviously only works for the level of the hierarchy currently in the view. It might be useful if you don't have a deeply nested structure.
  10. The elephant icon in the system tray is the give away. If it is there, then EN is still running in the background. So you are right you need to do file -> quit or right click the elephant icon and choose quit. This has always been how EN has worked. I suppose the difference now is the need to completely quit EN to free up RAM.
  11. 2. Fortunately ths works reliably for me. 4. Isn't this just the top list view which has now been reintroduced for some time?
  12. @Laura Josepha I would check that you are using the most up to date version (10.8.5). Quite a few of the issues you list have been resolved.
  13. Works for me. You could try F10 or from the menu view -> sidebar to see if that works.
  14. All clipped content now appears in a web content box. As websites become more and more complicated the conversion to Evernote format often gets screwed up. Their solution is to keep it in html format. The disadvantage is that it can't be edited or even highlighted. The two main options are to capture it in simplified format in the first place or to use the simplify and make editable option once you have clipped it.
  15. Glad you liked it. It is a useful housekeeping trick. I find it easier in V10 to accidentally create notes in other notebooks and not in my default notebook. My weekly "tag and move" process then gets missed. My default notebook is called @inbox so -tag:* -notebook:@inbox finds all the notes with no tag not in my default notebook. There should be none.
  16. I would also like the return of the ability to sort by anything that I can add to the side list or top list view which obviously includes tags. Common sense dictates that if you have a table you should be able to sort by any of the fields. In your use case you can simply search for: -tag:* which will bring up all notes without a tag.
  17. It's been raised before. There is currently no way of changing the default behaviour to be to display as an attachmnent. You can of course change individual pdfs in notes. The setting currently seems to persist between sessions,
  18. ctrl+/ gives you a list of all the keyboard and other shortcuts. Adding the date and time has been split into two. The new commands (with my way of remembering them!) are: ctrl-shift-D adds the time ("I need to control my time better") alt-shift-D add the date ("Can we find an alternative date?")
  19. I agree right clicking does not work but I just click in the link box and hit ctrl-V
  20. Still not working in: 10.9.2-win-ddl-beta (2402) Editor: v118.3.15310 Service: v1.29.2 © 2019 - 2021 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved
  21. Interesting approach. I'm afraid the possibility that I would accidentally press enter and ruin all my work would make me unlikely to use it. <period><left sq bracket><right sq bracket> is my current work around of choice but it's good to know there are other options.
  22. As a premium user you can raise a support ticket. Go to https://evernote.com/contact and choose access additional support options.
  23. The two workarounds that have been documented in this forum no longer seem to reliably work. ie put a space before the checkbox put the checkbox in a bulleted list You think it is working and then when you come back to it has either converted to a checklist or when you then do something like hit return it converts Another two options are: Put a different character (eg a period) before the checkbox. In light mode you can't make the leading character white (it reverts to black when you leave and come back to the note) but you can make it a faint grey if you want to. Put the checkboxes in a table - just the checkbox, nothing else, in the cell. Both these methods seem to be ok at the moment (10.9.2) I realise that this is a critical issue for some users. I hope that EN will change their mind but at the moment they seem to be convinced that you are not allowed to have check boxes at the beginning of a line. I believe that I should have the right to choose but until then I am happy to use a workaround as checklists actually meet my needs most of the time.
  24. If I understand it correctly you want something like: The way I did this was after "fourth sub" I hit enter and got an indented 5. as expected. I then hit shift tab and this changed to the un-indented 3.
  25. There is possibly a partial workaround which may or may not work for you. This will work if you are happy with three heading levels and always use the same colours for the different levels. Produce a note with the different heading levels (large, medium and small) using either the #. ## and ### shorcuts or the drop down. Edit the text to be how you want it and then update the heading style. You can then use the updated heading style throughout that note but it does not transfer to other notes. To avoid having to do it each time you can save a blank copy and use it as a template by copying it or possibly use EN's inbuilt template system (not tested). Doesn't solve your highlighting problem.
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