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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. You can use coloured emojis in titles, and notebook or tag names if that helps at all. Win key + ; is the shortcut for the Windows 10 emoji keyboard. There are many sensible symbols they don't just have to be smiley faces!
  2. That was the link I remembered from an earlier post but couldn't find. Presumably it is no more official than any of the other file repositories on the internet and should be treated with caution?
  3. I believe the legacy app is just a rebadged version of If you want the original you may find that it is still on your computer you just need to find the executable and make a new shorcut for it. Mine is in C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Apps\Evernote\Evernote. Another alternative would to find the instalation file in your downloads folder. If you really can't find it a Google search will locate various unofficial versions on the internet but obviously use at your own risk.
  4. Don't beat yourself up. Implementation of right click is so patchy - most of the time it isn't even there when you expect it to be. It is getting better so maybe one day we will be able to avoid the dreaded three dot menus!
  5. You could try right click and use "remove formatting" or use the remove formating icon in the edit tool bar.
  6. I do remember an instance in the beta where EN in dark mode had changed the text colour to black on black! Worth checking, if you haven't already, whether you can select the text in the boxes.
  7. I love this quote from one of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy books by Douglas Adams and part of it seems particularly relevant here: "It is very easy to be blinded to the essential uselessness of [their products] by the sense of achievement you get from getting them to work at all. In other words—and this is the rock solid principle on which the whole of the Corporation's Galaxy-wide success is founded—their fundamental design flaws are completely hidden by their superficial design flaws." (my bolding) Features can be returned but I am increasingly worried that fundamental decisions made will mean that EN will never again be the fast responsive program we have grown to love and rely on.
  8. The yellow stars in your screen shot indicates it does think those notes have shortcuts so it is definitely a bug. Does the same thing happen on the webversion? If it's OK on the webversion then it might right itself in the fullness of time. May be worth submitting a support ticket.
  9. You can't even see the location field anymore yet alone sort on it. Even where you can see other fields in the list view you can only sort by the limited sort options allowed for all views. I also notice that EN have hijacked the word "location" in the list view when they actually mean notebook.
  10. I came across the syntax when I saved a search based on a stack in the legacy version. When you save a search in the legacy version you automatically get to see the search syntax. I certainly agree that the search syntax is worth learning. I think my point is that if EN are trying to make search easier and more intuitive to use for new users it doesn't make alot of sense to make things which you could do without the search syntax reliant on using the search syntax. If you start from a notebook you now immediately have the option to add a filter for that notebook. Stacks should logically work in the same way.
  11. Could you describe your workflow? As I've said above, dragging and dropping into an existing note or onto the note list to create a new note always seems to work for me.
  12. But tag users are only 2% of the users. The more I think about this statistic the more I realise that although it is an interesting statistic it is not an informative statistic. A better question would be what percentage of paying users use tags? I suspect that would be a very different number but if EN even know the answer they're not going to tell us.
  13. For ,me double clicking the embedded shortcut file opens the file whch is much quicker than three dots menu -> open
  14. Sorry, my previous post talks about updating the creation time but you actually want to change the update time. You are correct that you cannot do that other than by updating the note and therefore changing it to the current time.
  15. This thread is about changing the update and creation time. You can change the creation time to the nearest 1 min
  16. Yes you can do that. You can then highlight your simplified, editable text. That's certainly an option if the the magic wand process doesn't mess up the formatting which sometimes it does. Some people have also said they like to highlight something that looks as close as possible to the original webpage.
  17. You can only group notes by the paramaters which are allowed for sorting. Ie Title, date created, date updated and reminder date. There is currently no option to sort by notebook. As far as I can see reminders work exactly the same as the main note list. The sorting options are a tiny subset of what used to be possible.
  18. That doesn't surprise me. I assume your clips are now in boxes which say html or webclip. I generally like the new html box for web clips because I find that it messes up the formatting less than the old system did. However the big downside is that you cannot edit the text at all including adding highlights. I would have thought that clips highlighted in the old version would be safe so I agree with @Dave-in-Decatur it might be worth contacting support.
  19. You can manually change the creation date and time in hte note information window. You get to that from the three dots menu at the top right of your note or with the keyboard shortcut ctrl-shift-I Just click on the date field.
  20. I would be really interested in whether people who use EN to implement GTD can cope with the time lag between adding or deleting a tag and that change being searchable or filterable.
  21. I don't really understand this comment. Why should the title of the note appear when you copy an internal link? Are you saying that when you paste the internal link the title does not appear - that is certainly not my experience. Please clarify.
  22. Dragging and dropping the windows shorcut file (extension .lnk) does not embed the document only the windows shortcut file. These normally weigh in at about 4kB.
  23. I loved that functionaility. For me they would need to solve the selecting all child tags issue first as that has stopped me using the sidebar to do tag selection at all. You might be interested in my summary of all the problems with search/filter, a good proportion of which relate to tags.
  24. The new shortcut is ctrl-backspace. Not nearly as convenient as Del but an alternative to edit -> delete or right click move to trash Some of these things are already available through the advanced search syntax. That hasn't changed at all with the new version. see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828-How-to-use-Evernote-s-advanced-search-syntax Date ranges are now very easy to filter on in the new version while they required the search syntax on the old version. Proper Boolean search would be great to add to your list of things you can't currently do in search like regex. I also wished it felt and acted like a proper Windows program. I worry thet the speed will never be acceptable. Shortcuts are currently a mess but presumably a fairly easily fixable mess.
  25. It appears I was a little bit too definitive. You can sometimes add a notebook after adding a tag. Whether you can add a notebook depends on whether it comes up in the suggested filters. Typing the name of the notebook doesn't help. You are completely dependent on the suggested filters. The filter suggestions are always relevant ie don't include filters which would find notes that are not included in the search results so far. The algorithm that generates the suggestions doesn't always seem to deliver the suggestions I would expect (which is a small step away from saying that it generates a random selection from all the possible relevant filters!). The way of defeating the algorithm of course, is to use the search syntax, even after having already selected a filter.. So notebook:mynotebookname always delivers the goods.
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