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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. That would surprise me... During my 6 yrs there, it was a very firm "we don't announce timelines/dates" that whole time. But a lot can change in over a year... OK, eliminate "soon": "coming when we finish it"; "coming when we get to it"; "never coming."
  2. Thank you for this. It shows the problem very clearly. In the past, I have occasionally had HTML Content notes in the Web client that couldn't be simplified and edited. The only solution was to copy the content and paste it outside the gray box--with that much material, I'd probably paste it into a new note. This really is too much hassle. The best approach might be to file a support ticket, regarding this specific issue. At least you could be sure that they heard it.
  3. I sort of feel the same--though I can't actually try out the new version until I upgrade to a Windows 10 system in a month or so. By then, some of the desired functionality may be starting to trickle back in. I also use Scrivener. They are a much, much smaller company, with only a couple of programmers, and they have had a new Windows program in beta for a couple of years, not wanting to release a finalized version until it's really ready. A lot of users are really aggravated, though the beta does seem to work reliably. So, the Goldilocks syndrome: this software released too early, it's all borked and feature-free, I'm going elsewhere; this software took too long to be finalized, I'm out of patience, I'm going elsewhere; this software released right on time and was absolutely perfect, I'm hallucinating.
  4. If formatting of notes is the crucial thing, then the new Evernote for Windows could be satisfactory. I'm looking forward to headers and highlight colors as well. I do use EN primarily for note-taking, not document storage. But the loss of features allowing the creation of notes from outside the Evernote program is a big hit. So is the loss of access to the full set of Windows fonts--the limitation to a few generic fonts feels very problematic, and not (I think) niche. I doubt if import folders should be considered "niche" either, though perhaps more for power users. But power users are more likely to be paying subscribers, who are needed to sustain the program long-term.
  5. For those who appreciate the nuances of American football, this recent epic fail by my hometown Atlanta Falcons on an onside kick well illustrates Evernote v. 10: .
  6. Agreed on the epic fail. I hesitate to speculate on motives and focus. The unified code base has in fact been very expensive to implement, I would speculate (as long as we're speculating), since it was a ground-up rebuild for all platforms. But my understanding is that the point was not cost but the ability to adroitly add new features across all platforms. So ... for gosh sakes, start adding!
  7. Very interesting. Images can be copied from the browser/Web client by right-clicking and selecting copy image ... because that's a browser function -- guess they forgot they had to add it in to the desktop app!
  8. I don't use Outlook, so I don't know, but an Evernote staffer did post in one of the forums about "Evernote for Outlook." I don't know if that has the same functions or not. Info here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005997.
  9. Thanks, @gazumped, that's very helpful, especially the info that they're working on an update such that even evernote.com style note links clicked in another program will open in the desktop app rather than in a browser. At least, that's what I understood it to say. Hmm, "classic" vs. "new" ... what utterly disastrous product update does that remind me of? Some kind of brown beverage in a red can, I think....
  10. @gazumped, that would be true for the Windows desktop program, but we're in the Web client forum here. They do kind of run together now, don't they?
  11. I still can't get it to pass the content of the note on to Evernote, only to open a blank note. But it's better than nothing. And I do have to specify Evernote, otherwise it creates the notes in Google's own less-than-functional note-taking app.
  12. Weirdly working. I got the message from Google Assistant "That's not supported by Evernote yet, so I opened the app instead." But what it actually did was open a new, blank note in my default notebook. So for once Google is smarter than it thinks it is. This happens when I say, "Take a note in Evernote," or just "Evernote note." It works the same way whether I start it with "OK Google" or by pressing the Google mic button, or long-pressing the Home button.
  13. These are good points. In the Android app, right-to-left functionality was removed several years ago, and the demand to get it back was finally something that (as one user from the Middle East pointed out) was uniting Israelis and Arabs. But it never came back, and in the new version it seems unlikely that it will. Unless there are system-level settings in the various OSes that will permit it. I wonder if the option to embed fonts or used fonts licensed by Evernote will become a Premium feature. <<Just rank guessing, no actual information there!!>>
  14. Look around at a few of @gazumped's posts and you'll see his frustration too. No one here is paid by Evernote except people identified as Evernote staff. Casting aspersions at each other doesn't get the problems fixed.
  15. This "make editable" feature has been part of the Web client for awhile, and I've found it more useful than the old Windows desktop program in eliminating Web formatting that I don't want. But yes, if you wanted that formatting but just wanted to edit the text, the new way is less desirable.
  16. If it's like the Web client, you can click on the gray bar at the top and a "magic wand" icon will appear that will let you make the content editable. This removes the box and lets you do pretty much what you want. I've found this to be extraordinarily useful in the Web client, and it is one of the few new features of the new Windows program that I look forward to using, as it makes massaging Web clips into something really functional a relatively easy process.
  17. Very helpful post here by @Alxa, who found it in C:/users/youraccount/appdata/roaming/evernote:
  18. That's my fear as well. Evidently the philosophy would be "An app that fails to work but does so identically across all platforms is better than an app that works better for different purposes on different platforms." It seems to me that the purpose of a cross-platform app should be to provide a similar experience on each platform, but take advantage of what each platform does best. My phone is great for snapping pictures and recording voice. My Windows desktop has a mouse and a better keyboard. Evernote has, in the past, been able to use these differences to advantage. This way of doing the Great Big Upgrade seems to abandon that approach. I hope, I hope, I hope that we are wrong about this.
  19. Thanks ... I think. All of this is academic to me at the moment, as I'm still on Windows 7. But that has to change in the next few months, and when I upgrade to a new computer I will have to deal with the new-Evernote+legacy. If I delay long enough, maybe they'll be up to 10.5 or so and have restored import folders and global shortcuts, including screen clips, so that I might not need the legacy. Ever the optimist....
  20. Thanks, that's what I see in the Web client as well. There, font choices made in the previous Windows program are not necessarily altered, but just identified as "mixed." Perhaps that is what will happen in the new Windows program as well.
  21. Thank you. I accidentally wandered into the iOS forum, and have been very puzzled trying to find this in Windows or Android. My bad. To vote support, click on the upward pointing arrow at the top.
  22. Thank you, @Alxa. This is really important information, and actually rather reassuring. I only wish that Evernote itself had communicated this.
  23. OK, so I'm a bit mystified here. On the one hand, it is possible to run the legacy program and the new one side by side. I have the impression that the new one does not download a full notes database, so the two apps would not be accessing the same on-disk data. OTOH, @RobertJSawyer's experience seems to suggest that best practice might be to back up your database (esp. WRT any local notebooks), install the new program (which will obliterate any existing Evernote installation), and only then (re)install the legacy program and either allow it to download the full notes database or copy your backed-up DB to where it can find it. This seems like important knowledge, since judging by the forums a whole lot of people are going to use the legacy program. Can anyone (esp. @Shane D.) confirm that this is the proper procedure?
  24. I'd love to have an answer on this specific point, if anyone has any experience. In another post someone indicates that previously existing notes "look completely different" in the new program. Is that right? Will previous default or selected fonts be automatically transformed into the limited set available in the new program? Yikes.
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