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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. For some reason, the evernote.exe program file and its associated files are hidden away in C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Programs\Evernote, instead of in Program Files. Does anyone know why that might be? Not an issue--just really curious.
  2. Loooong post here; grab a beverage, or just skip it. Like many, when Evernote v. 10 for Windows first came out (I can't speak to Mac issues), I was appalled at the loss of features as compared with the existing v. 6, with the decision to release such a subpar product in that condition, and with the lack of communication about the whole process. Since then, I've continued using the legacy v. 6 on a Windows 7 computer. But I began using the v. 10 Web client on occasion for specific purposes, esp. being able to edit HTML text imported from the Web. That one function was a game changer for me, and I began to see other advantages too, such as greater control over text highlighting and standardized headers. I have a Windows 10 laptop, and I've been using the Web client as my only Evernote on it for some time, growing more and more comfortable with what it can do, and accepting its limitations. So this week I finally downloaded the v. 10 app (from Evernote, not the ☠️ Windows Store). The speed with which my notes became available astonished me, and I've begun using it in earnest. (I can't install it on the Win7 desktop, of course, which is still my main computer.) At the same time, I upgraded my account from Personal to Professional; whether that's worth the money is a separate discussion which I'd rather not get into here. I wanted to reflect a bit on the experience, and invite comment from others who have switched over to v. 10 or are still using v. 6, or have left EN for a different program. No judgement either way! One issue is the general differences in the new UI. Frankly, I consider discussion of that a dead end. It's just a matter of getting used to a new UI, as one would have to do with a different program--and as one did when first starting to use the "old" Evernote. Where to put something in a UI is an extremely subjective choice, and the decisions will always make more sense to some than to others. I did like the greater control over which parts of the UI were visible and over the toolbars in v. 6, but for me, it's not a deal-breaker. To keep things organized, I put together this table of what was lost between v. 6 and v. 10, including what's come back and what hasn't. It's probably not complete. X = still missing, O = OK in v. 10.37. Issue X/O 1 Presentation mode, ScanSnap, Outlook Clipper X 2 Local (unsynced) notebooks X 3 Spell check X (already gone in v 6) 4 Use of system fonts, many font colors X 5 Customizable default font/size X 6 Customizable notebook colors & styles X 7 Enscript X 8 Customizable UI X/O 9 Manual sync O (= Help > Troubleshooting > Reload?) 10 Local synced notebooks database O 11 Import folders O 12 Global & customizable KB shortcuts O In all of the following, of course, IMHO is understood! Of the items that are gone for good (#1, #2, #7), most are things I didn't use & likely never would, so, to put it bluntly: not my circus, not my monkeys. #3 was already gone, unfortunately. #4 & #5 are definite losses, both esthetically (which is not nothing) and for purposes of easily recognizing information. OTOH, the new system of fonts and styles guarantees consistency of appearance across devices. That's also beneficial esthetically, and eventually I can likely systematize it to help make info recognizable. Similarly, I liked #6, since it helped in visually identifying the purposes of notebooks in an alphabetical list. But it never synced beyond each particular Windows device, which greatly reduced its usefulness. Nevertheless, I will miss it. #8 (resizing UI parts, hiding one or more panels, arranging toolbar items) was also handy for customizing information to one's personal needs. It's also a loss, though a less drastic one for me; but it's not entirely gone, since it's still possible to resize the panels to some extent. #9 seems unnecessary on a good Internet connection in the new constant-sync architecture; but not everyone has that all the time. It seems to be available as Reload and Force reload, but I haven't figured out what those are for yet. #10: having the database download locally is good, but it's separated into various obscure parts in AppData\Roaming\Evernote\ now, and IAC the real "backup" is the Evernote servers. #11 is very good to have back; many had found it a deal-breaking loss. For me, #12 is the sweetest thing to regain, making many functions readily available both within and outside the Evernote app itself, even if there's a bit of a learning curve for some of them. So for me, significant features have returned, what is gone was mostly not central to my purposes, and the new features of v. 10 are enough of a gain that I've decided to keep on using it, without installing the legacy v. 6 beside it (given the inevitable confusion, and the likelihood that enhanced font styling from v. 6 would clash at some point with v. 10 font styling). The biggest gains in v. 10 for me are the ability to edit HTML Web clips, a far more functional Reminder dialogue, and the new search and filter functions (including the Boolean and other functions that caused me to upgrade to Professional). I esp. look forward to really diving into the Home page, which may eventually prove to be the starting point for a day's work that EN seems to want it to be. The standard headings, cross-platform font consistency, more functional highlighting, and access to things like super- and subscript on all platforms make the editor a net gain. I also like the enhanced options when multiple notes are selected and when notes are merged (a relatively recent development, I think). As I become fluent with all this, I expect to see that overall, v. 10 is worth the pain of what's been lost and of its learning curve. The one show-stopper bug is the random multiple note duplication I've read about (and experienced in the Web client), but that seems so unpredictable that I decided not to let the possibility of it keep me away. Bugs like inability to copy bulleted lists into or images out of Evernote are a problem, but are on the fix list; and of course dear old v. 6 does have its issues, none of which is going to be fixed. So that's my long-drawn-out year-and-a-half thought process. If anybody's still reading, I'd love your comments.
  3. Thanks, @agsteele, I'll do that. I have a "To do today" note that is best used in its own window, and handy to go to straight from the desktop. It's only one more step to use the desktop shortcut, then double-click the note in the Note list, so only slightly less convenient. I see that in the old desktop program there was an option under Navigation to open note links from another application in a new window, and I suspect that restoring that is what I'm actually asking for. EDIT: In fact, such a request already exists:
  4. Apologies if I'm asking something obvious. I just finally installed Evernote 10 on my Windows 10 laptop. I want to create a shortcut on the Windows desktop to a specific note, and have that note open in its own window. I tried the familiar method I use in the older Evernote ("legacy") program on Windows 7: copy the note's link, then paste it into a new shortcut created on the desktop. This works, but it opens the entire Evernote program window, focused to the note in question (and takes a surprisingly long time). Is there a way to configure the shortcut so it opens the note in a separate window?
  5. I agree, changing "normal text" for only one note without changing the default globally seems unusual. But then, of course, I think I'd suddenly stumble into notes that were in the "new normal" when I really needed them in the "old normal," if that makes sense. As @PinkElephant says, templates are the way to fix this; but then every note (assuming you really want Slab Serif standard in every new note) has to be created from a template, and old notes don't update automatically.
  6. I'm in the same position, but I've been using Evernote Web for awhile and find it to function well. The Web version is supposedly very similar to the v. 10 desktop program, and I'm planning to give that a try sometime in the near future. My understanding is that most of what was omitted from the initial release of v. 10 for Windows has now been restored, though there are a couple of things that aren't coming back.
  7. Ugh. I'm still on an Android 9 phone, and therefore the terminal Evernote v. 8.x, and the problem continues to occur on random, unpredictable occasions. I've found that the simplest solution is to do Select All in the problem note, copy, then start a new, blank note and paste everything in. Sync that note, then delete the problem note and remove it from trash just to drive a stake through its heart. Sorry for grisly imagery.
  8. @denebly, where are you located? It could be some kind of regional issue. Every once in a while, Evernote's servers do go down briefly. I'm in the southeastern United States, and I can connect to evernote.com. In any case, it's liable to resolve itself in awhile, and there's not much you or we (and maybe not even Evernote) can do about it. (There is no direct email or phone support, sadly.)
  9. I've had this problem off and on in the Web client; I don't have the v. 10 Windows desktop client installed yet. It's very disappointing to see it happening there, especially if the solution is going to be deleting the database and downloading it again, or reinstalling. My impression is that it is related to the constantly-syncing model of the upgraded Evernote architecture. Hopefully they'll find out what causes it, because I don't look forward to this once I've got the desktop app!
  10. Another way of putting @PinkElephant's point: people here may be able to help, but we need more information. What is the device: Windows, Mac, iPhone, Android, etc.? What do you mean "the device stuck"? How are you accessing Evernote: through an Evernote app specialized to that device (Windows desktop, etc.), or through the Web client in a browser? If it's through a device-specific app, try going to Evernote.com in a browser and logging in. If your notes are all there, then your data are OK, but there is some problem in the device app. It may be as simple as waiting a bit longer for the notes to download in the app. OTOH, if the notes are not in the Web client, then you do have a problem. Let us know the information, please.
  11. I don't have v. 10 of the Windows desktop app, only the Web version, which is supposed to be closely similar. What I find is that if I'm in the right pane, Shift+Tab (a whole lot of Shift+Tabs, depending on where I am) will eventually get me into the sidebar, usually at the very bottom, on the < Click to collapse arrow. More Shift+Tabbing gets me at last into the main zone of the sidebar, Home - Shortcuts ... Trash, where Up/Down Arrow navigates. Yet more Shift+Tabbing moves me through the controls at the top of the sidebar. So in the Web client it works, sort of, but not very adroitly. Don't know if this is any help for the desktop app.
  12. I was puzzled about this, till I realized that I had to have Note List view set to Top List. I rarely use Top or Side List, but being able to see data like this is a good reason to do so.
  13. There are a couple of recent threads on Windows 11 system freezing issues in elevenforum: https://www.elevenforum.com/t/windows-11-freezing-up.5103/ https://www.elevenforum.com/t/windows-11-random-freezes-startup-during-normal-usage.5663/
  14. It's true that Evernote is (a) not really meant for longer-form writing, but (b) good enough at formatting, and so easily available with notes editable on all platforms, that it tempts one to do longer-form writing in it. But you've got an edge-case going in the Evernote universe as a whole, and while I agree it would be great to have the tab key indent the 1st line, I don't think it's likely to reappear. What I would do (assuming that eventually you have to transfer what you've written from EN to a true word processor) would be to just put a blank line before each new paragraph as you write, so you can see what you're doing; then when you've copied the text into a WP, first set up the paragraph style with indentation as you like it, then remove all the blank lines with a find - replace-all operation. (If you insist on using tabs instead of paragraph styles--and I learned to type on a typewriter, so I know the habit is hard to break--you can fool around with the replace-all operation to change the blank lines to paragraph-initial tabs.)
  15. Import folders were not available when v. 10 first launched, but my understanding is that they are working now.
  16. Yes, since I am also using an older Android phone (Android 9) and therefore the older version of Evernote, I still sometimes have this problem, and the easiest solution is to copy all the content of the note, then create a new note and paste it in, then delete the old one and also delete it from the Trash. Of course, if any other notes link to the problematic one, those links will be broken. Evernote never gave a coherent explanation for what caused this, and I'm hoping that when I get a new phone and can install the current Android Evernote the problem will have gone away.
  17. Thanks for this encouragement. When v. 10 first came out, it seemed so hobbled that I kept my distance. But that was a long time ago. Various life distractions have prevented me from trying it out, but I've gotten very comfortable with the Web version, which I assume the desktop version now resembles closely, and I plan to install the desktop program soon.
  18. And now, to my very pleasant surprise, I find that in v. 10.36.4, which consists of "miscellaneous bug fixes," this has been corrected. Not broken ... "fixed" ... broken ... actually fixed: the cycle of life. All good!
  19. Hmmm indeed. A classic case of fixing something that wasn't broken -- and now it is. @PinkElephant, per Wikipedia that behavior seems to be standard in the Mac world. In Windows, Home/End to go to beginning/end of the current line has been standard for decades, as has Ctrl+Home/End to go to beginning/end of a document (and simple Home/End in a browser to go to beginning/end of a Web page). I don't remember any software in which a simple press of Home would go to the beginning of a paragraph (unless of course the paragraph was only one line long).
  20. Thanks. I've been holding out for several years on upgrading to that. I realize that has been pointless for most of that time. Now suddenly it seems more reasonable.... Is it also a recent development there?
  21. I'm using the latest version of the Web app, mostly in the Edge browser on Windows 10. For the last few weeks, I've noticed that every time I press the Home key the cursor jumps, not to the beginning of the current line, but to the beginning of the current paragraph. Likewise the End key forces a jump to the end of the paragraph. This is wildly nonstandard, and makes writing and editing much more difficult. Is anyone else seeing this?
  22. Another, more permanent solution is recommended by Evernote staff here: Go to https://www.evernote.com/PersonalSettings.action Uncheck "Enable V10+ web client" Select "Go to notes" I'm going to try that the next time this happens.
  23. This bug has continued throughout the entire existence of the new Evernote Web interface, a couple of years now. Similarly to you, I've found that I can usually clear it be deleting all cookies for the last hour (sometimes a day).
  24. I had the same problem, again v. 8.13.3 of the app (since v. 10 is not available for Android 9). I found that I had to disconnect Google Calendar from my Evernote account, in the account settings. Evidently they just made this feature available for version 10 of the app, and somehow it magically applies to older versions that have no ability to control it.
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