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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Hi, and welcome to the forums. According to the What's New post, one of the features not yet implemented into the new version is app preferences. So yeah, no, you're stuck with the squiggle.
  2. This problem has been persistently reported in the Web client for many months, in fact in some form for several years: I am beyond dismayed to think that it has been ported over into the new and disimproved Windows program. Frankly, I was afraid this would happen when I read that the new version is constantly syncing--which of course is what is and always has been associated with note duplication in the Web client. @Nick L., I know you were involved in the discussion linked to above, and gave some solid information there. Please, can you confirm whether this is the same issue with the same cause in the Windows program?
  3. Are you saying that if you make a bulleted list and then try to indent under a bullet point to make a 2nd level point, there's no bullet? If so, I just tried that and find it working. I'm sure they have not removed this capability. Is it still not working for you?
  4. @pansovic, you're replying to a thread that's almost 6 years old. Are you saying nothing has changed in 6 years? Please. WRT your one specific complaint here, can you say more about "don't have a shortcut for the search"? I see an obvious Search bar in the current version of the Web client, in the panel on the left.
  5. What happens when you click the green Share button?
  6. This has happened to me quite a few times. I find that clearing cookies, even just the last hour's worth, will fix it.
  7. Thanks. I always update manually. Any specifics for Android in particular?
  8. A simple question: in the new version, is it still possible to open a note in a separate window? I know there's no keyboard shortcut for this, but can you do it by double clicking as in previous versions?
  9. I've been looking forward to the new editor's appearance in the Windows desktop program. Now that it's here -- I'm not. Among major feature deficits is the removal of access to the full set of Windows fonts. The "What's New" post makes the point that "a standardized font selection means your notes will look the same everywhere." Yes, that's an advantage, in some cases. But I have thousands of notes written in the past, occasionally using something other than the default Tahoma 10, and I'm wondering what will happen to them. When I open a note in the new program, will the formerly default Tahoma 10 be converted to, say, "Sans Serif" at whatever point size the "Normal text" style is? Or will the fonts and sizes be left alone, to become badly intermingled with text in the new manner when I edit them? Am I going to have to go through some tedious font ritual every time I edit an old note? All that is assuming, of course, that I ever update to the new version, which I see no reason to do. I can put in headers and extra highlight colors in the Web version if I want them, while saving the look and customizability of my existing notes. The new Evernote would be the only Windows program I have that can't access the Windows fonts. I rarely use Google Docs, but I do know that, though it doesn't have the full set, even as a Web app it has a far more robust set of fonts than the Evernote Web client. I'm looking forward to having more font styling in the Android app, but to pay for that by having this drastic cut in Windows is an unhappy choice. Perhaps those who've been testing or using the new Windows version can comment on the fonts experience and its advantages and disadvantages on the basis of experience, rather than just my annoyed speculation.
  10. @Shane D.: First of all, I hope they gave you last week off to get ready for this! Second, can you please clarify something WRT the "legacy" program = v. is it possible to download and install the new version alongside an existing v. 6.25 installation? Or does the new version (v. 10, I take it) overwrite/delete an installed v. 6.25, making it necessary to then download and install the "legacy" v. And in either case, will the legacy version and the new version both access the same on-disk Evernote database, or does the new version create a different database? Full details, please! TIA.
  11. @mrsjones_speaks, I'm with you. Maybe when some still-missing features are added in, but for now I'm real good with v. 6.25. See my posts in the other forum.
  12. Another disastrous feature removal is global shortcuts, i.e., shortcuts usable system-wide. As @ej8899 points out, this means you can no longer clip a screenshot directly into a new Evernote note; nor can you start a simple text note from outside Evernote. This is also a workflow-killer. And then there's the fonts. The "What's New" post says blithely, "More control over headings and a standardized font selection means your notes will look the same everywhere." OK, and I've been looking forward to the headings. But "standardized fonts" means that this will be the only Windows program I have that has no access to the full set of Windows fonts, unless I want to copy and paste from elsewhere. That's a massive trade-off. I'd like to think it was carefully thought through, but a lot else about this release suggests otherwise. Does anyone know whether it's possible to open a note in a separate window anymore? The keyboard shortcut is gone, but can you still double-click to do this? Got enough hot messes in my life right now. Will not be downgrading to this new app in the foreseeable future. The current ("legacy") version works well, and any needed tech support is right here.
  13. This is unbelievable, a vast step backward in everyone's workflow. I can't believe anyone at all wanted this "feature"! It doesn't even make sense in the Web version, yet here it is thrust upon us in Windows.
  14. Thanks for the well-organized list! I have this same question. Other thoughts: I note in particular that all global shortcuts are gone. Among other things, this means you can no longer start a new note from outside Evernote! Also, does the loss of the shortcut to open a note in a new window (Strg + Enter = Ctrl+Enter on English keyboards) mean that it's no longer possible to actually open a note in a separate window? These are absurdities. Why should having the new editor remove these system-level functions?
  15. Umm ... This is starting to be a lot of detailed tech support (not just recommendations) for a non-Evernote program. If Keep It has its own forums, might be good to work on these details there. Just a suggestion.
  16. I just experienced this behavior this morning. I doubt there was anything about the note that triggered it. It seemed that when it closed the "expand note" view, it shifted focus to the note list, which meant that the editing toolbar also disappeared. I found it extremely hard to get editing focus back into the note. Very aggravating; and then for no more reason that when it started happening, it stopped. Mighty weird. For reference, @Magnus Westin's post is here.
  17. Version 10.1.0 did this to me this morning, along with this other behavior:
  18. Nothing worse than a hard-to-predict problem. If it gets predictable and/or annoying enough, you may want to contact support, since you have a Premium subscription. If you have an alternate browser, you might want to try that and see if it's limited to Chrome.
  19. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I haven't experienced this, though I don't use Chrome. Various issues between Chrome and Evernote Web have been reported. It's surprising that it only happens in that one note. Beyond that, I don't know what to add.
  20. Sorry, I was unclear. I meant the "Search" icon on the keyboard, if there is one. At any rate, pressing Enter will search the text of notes; just typing, as I said, searches only titles. I do successful searches this way in the Android app all the time. If it's still not working for you, since you've got a Premium subscription you may want to contact Evernote support.
  21. Also this: typing in a search term in the Android app will initially only search for it in note titles. To search the bodies of the notes, you have to tap Enter or Search. A feature, whether a good one or not.
  22. You can also tap the icon in the top right of the camera screen to switch between document and general photo mode.
  23. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Manual ordering of a list within a note is always possible. Manual ordering of notes themselves is something that has often been requested, but is not yet implemented. I can see where retitling notes would be a pain. Another approach might be to create an index note. It requires a little setup, but then should be fairly easy. Create a new note to be the index note, and create a numbered list in it. Go to your current #1 house note, copy its link (you can use the Note menu), then go back to the index note and paste the link at #1 on the list. Repeat with all the house notes, in order. In the index note, you can reorder the links as you need. If you need a 1.5 between 1 and 2 ... hmmm. I'd create a top-level "One" entry, then beneath it indent one level and add each of the "1.n" entries (which would get numbered 1, 2, etc.). Hope that's some kind of help!
  24. Welcome to the forums. Check to be sure you signed in to Evernote in Safari using the correct credentials. It is phenomenally easy to use a different email address and accidentally create a new, empty account.
  25. Hi, Patrick, and welcome to the forums. These are user-to-user forums; Evernote staff may look in, but they don't usually comment on posts here. So you're only addressing us humble fellow-users. My take would be that a subscription is not the same as a purchase. An annual fee gets you what the company decides to do for the coming year, and if it ceases to be useful, you can always cancel the subscription and get a refund for the remaining months. Again, I'm just a fellow-user.
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