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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Thanks for the info! That and any other system requirements really need to be at the top of a post somewhere, rather than being buried. Isn't that basic Best Practices? But yes, relaxing a bit since (please forgive me, nothing personal) this particular failure is literally not an option for me.
  2. I'm in agreement on these. But FYI, see this discussion on colored tags. The shortcuts still exist, don't they, but in the left panel now (which I agree is a hopelessly bad place for them)?
  3. @Shane D., I just noticed this casual by-the-way statement in the What's New post: "make sure you are on Windows 10, as the new Evernote app does not support older versions of Windows." Is that true across the board? Not saying it's a bad idea, just relaxing, actually, since it would mean that I can't "upgrade" anyway till I get a new Win10 computer.
  4. Just WRT this, I believe they're saying that improvements to the editor (headings, highlight colors), search, and dark mode are the gains, along with constant syncing (which may be an improvement or not).
  5. Thanks for the examples. I wish I could offer something--I'm not seeing this issue myself. Could it be browser related? I'm using Opera--what are you on?
  6. I agree (as many have also suggested) that getting scans into PDFs, and/or printing/saving to PDF, would be good. Perhaps once the new-new version comes to Android, and a month or two of "how did they break that?" fixes and updates, we'll see something like this. I suppose it could be in the new version, but that seems to focus more on editing and sycning.
  7. Without much enthusiasm, I can say this in their defense: there have been calls, even outcries, for a unified editor and UX across platforms for many years. They took a deep breath and said, OK, we'll rebuild 'er from the ground up. It took longer (of course) than expected. Part of the unification is having the same bugs everywhere. None of the clients (except maybe the Web, which has been the seedbed, and is not expected to have some of the features now missing from the apps) is what it should be at this point. But this is a version of what people have been hollering for. >> Be careful what you wish for. << (Why can I do that here and not in the Windows program?)
  8. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I think it may actually be possible to kludge this now that the new v. 10 is out, because you can install it and the "legacy" v. 6.25.x simultaneously and (maybe) run them simultaneously. See the last paragraph in this post in a different thread:
  9. Sorry, a think-before-posting fail. No offense intended. But for me, I can recognize a distinctive color faster than an emoji.
  10. Can you say a little more? I'm not familiar with "the alphabet bar in the file name area."
  11. Hello, and welcome to the forums. This same bug has recently been reported in the Web client forum: It may be related to a bug in which the expanded note collapses and focus shifts to the note list. So it appears that even recent bugs in the Web client have been copied over into the "upgraded" Windows program. Part of the new system of consistent user experience across all platforms, then, is going to be identical aggravating, work-breaking bugs. No more "This is broken in the Web editor, I'll use the Windows program."
  12. Welcome to the forums. This may be the same bug as the one reported in this thread:
  13. Understood; but this is the forum for the Web client, in which both Ctrl+F and Ctrl+H (find and replace) are working.
  14. It will probably be wise to wait before updating the Android app, which I use all the time, although of the features you mention none is significant for me, and I'm definitely looking forward to the improved editor. The Android app has never been able to print anyway.
  15. I sometimes see the blank page (with spinning green circle) in the Web client. I've found that clearing cookies (even just the last hour's worth) will fix it.
  16. Wow. That's a show-stopper. Have you tried quitting the program and restarting? (I'm not using it yet; I understand it's still over 50 degrees in hell.)
  17. Many thanks, Nick. That's a relief--it would be terminally useless for me not to be able to use separate windows.
  18. Thanks, @Paul A. and @PinkElephant. "WhatTheFont"--that about describes me feelings. I do understand that fonts go with OSes and that substitutes/imitations are necessary on other systems. And yet ... not only Google Docs but this very forum's software is able to provide a set of named fonts, whether from Windows or imitations of them. Hopefully Evernote's set will enlarge as time goes on. But this is definitely a significant loss in the Windows program. Can anyone say yet what happens to an existing note's fonts when it is opened in the new program?
  19. @wolfonta and @agsteele, thanks for the info about running both versions side by side. Do you know if they both access the same DB? IAC I presume it would be a bad idea to have the same note open in both versions at the same time.
  20. That's good to know. It's not to be found in the list of keyboard shortcuts!
  21. Yes, in the What's New post this is at the top of the list of features not yet implemented. Doesn't necessarily mean it will be the first one added in.
  22. Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee when I saw that one--I'd have spit it all over my desk. Emojis yes, colors no--because we're all 14, right?
  23. I've clicked the upward arrow at the top to support this request. Definitely needs to come back.
  24. I totally agree. Please note that this is a "suggestions/feedback/feature requests" forum, so there is an upward arrow at the top to click to indicate support. I clicked it.
  25. @Tim H, I'm with you on about all of this. WRT fonts, see the thread I started in the other v. 10 forum. WRT preferences, this is included in the list of features not yet implemented (see the What's New post). So apparently it will be coming. I'm just not going to update/downgrade until about v. 10.8, if then.
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