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Password Protected Notebooks



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On 2018-04-15 at 7:35 PM, cybersurfer5000 said:

I would love to have the ability to password-protect individual notes and/or notebooks. ... Is there any plan to realize that function?


On 2018-04-20 at 8:36 PM, PamelaK said:

a password on notebooks specifically would help, notes themselves even better

Evernote has a text encryption feature.  There's no indication of plans to extend this feature.
I use the native encryption available in attachments: pdfs, office/iwork documents, ...

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Absolutely necessary. It's a option that many would find very interesting, as this 2013 and still alive post would suggest.


Personally, if the implementation doesn't hurt those who wouldn't want use it, I don't see a single problem in this request. I don't mind lose searchability in a encrypted notebook.

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You've reposted the request and users can indicate their support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion

>>Plus, others have access to my computer. 

Don't give them access to your Evernote account.  Log out of Evernote.

Actually, log out of your computer.  Set the others up with their own userIds.

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It's long time I'd like to share that I have some note encrypted as you can see in the picture inserted.

I don't remember exactly the process to encrypt that: maybe it was an encrypted note in another Android service (ColorNote?...) imported in evernote...

Screen Shot 2018-06-17 at 08.20.22.png

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6 hours ago, visualdrome said:

It's long time I'd like to share that I have some note encrypted as you can see in the picture inserted.

I don't remember exactly the process to encrypt that: maybe it was an encrypted note in another Android service (ColorNote?...) imported in evernote...

This looks like the standard Evernote text encryption feature.

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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

This looks like the standard Evernote text encryption feature.

Ah, yes: you can't change the passphrase for different notes, just one master passphrase for every note.

Maybe, cause of this, I kept only one note encrypted and I forgot the reason...sorry!

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16 minutes ago, visualdrome said:

Ah, yes: you can't change the passphrase for different notes, just one master passphrase for every note.

Maybe, cause of this, I kept only one note encrypted and I forgot the reason...sorry!

This was just discussed here. It is possible to use a different passphrase for each encryption.


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38 minutes ago, Uldis Z said:

Anyone who's got a moment of access to any of my devices can see all my diary entries.

Evernote doesn't support encryption at the Notebook level hierarchy, hence the posting of this request.
Please indicate your support using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.

In the meantime, you can protect your sensitive data using encryption.
Evernote supports text encryption; I encrypt documents using the native encryption in MS-Office /  Apple-iWorks.

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@DTLow kudos to you for trying to offer some levity to this discussion.

I think it's worth pointing out that whole note/notebook level encryption does have technical and user-interface challenges particularly when you are as cross-platform as Evernote is. In saying this, the move to Google Cloud was prompted in part by getting access to modern backend architecture that will give Evernote more ability to roll out these kinds of features. 

It's also worth highlighting that the current text-based Encryption isn't entirely secure because synced text that is subsequently encrypted can still be retrieved from note history. I still use this feature to avoid prying eyes.

Using best practices for your sensitive data outside of the app as well as inside the app is always the best approach. Encrypted documents within Evernote is also an excellent workaround that ensures your Evernote-saved data is encrypted wherever it lies. 

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4 hours ago, MWinc said:

It's also worth highlighting that the current text-based Encryption isn't entirely secure because synced text that is subsequently encrypted can still be retrieved from note history. I still use this feature to avoid prying eyes.

 I don't use Evernote's encryption feature (I don't want to be locked into Evernote and Mac/Win computers)
However, it's not a best practice to sync your data, then encrypt it afterwards


  1. use a local notebook, or go offline
  2. encrypt
  3. move note to a sync'd notebook, or go online
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12 hours ago, MWinc said:

It's also worth highlighting that the current text-based Encryption isn't entirely secure because synced text that is subsequently encrypted can still be retrieved from note history. I still use this feature to avoid prying eyes.

Workaround for previously synced note is to move the note to a local notebook (history goes away), encrypt, move to a synced notebook.

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I keep information such as IDs and PWs in a Word document which is password protected. 

I keep that Word document in a Notebook in Evernote that way it is with me at all times.

Just and idea... 

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On 7/6/2018 at 1:42 PM, scinsf said:

I keep information such as IDs and PWs in a Word document which is password protected.

I keep mine in one of the several free password protection apps that lives on my phone / tablet / laptops.  Currently it's Bitwarden.  There are a lot of useful bells and whistles - like strong random password generation - that make it worth the extra app.

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7 hours ago, BrianTN1960 said:

I am starting a personal journal notebook and I really would love to lock down just that one notebook for personal reasons 

Evernote hasn't indicated an interest in "locking down" notebooks.
You can use a different editor/format,  for example Apple Pages.  The document is optionally displayed as inline or attachment,  and can be encrypted.

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Guest Annie

I am reading this thread because I definitely WANT to password protect a notebook. I LOVE Evernote. But I guess I will not be able to protect my files on my laptop as I cannot  password protect the app like I can on my Ipad and phone.


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5 minutes ago, Guest Annie said:

I cannot  password protect the app like I can on my Ipad and phone.

How are you password protecting the app on your iPad and phone? And why not on the laptop?

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I would love to see this feature. I was hoping to use Evernote for daily journaling. Some things may be sensitive materials that should be secure. I guess I will need to keep using Day One for Mac.

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2 minutes ago, Guest GGH said:

Some things may be sensitive materials that should be secure.

I protect my sensitive data using encryption.
Evernote includes a text encryption feature.  I also use the native encryption built into attachments; pdfs, office/iwork documents, ...

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4 hours ago, tRav525 said:

I predict

I predict Evernote will have over 200 million user accounts,

For data protection, there is a text encryption feature, and we can use native encryption in file attachments.  

You're welcome to add your vote to this feature request; voting buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion.

>>a streamlined process for transferring note content out of an Evernote account

If password protected notebooks is critical for you, you should be looking at a different service.  
You can use Evernote's export feature.  My weekly backups take about 20 minutes for 12Gb of data

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On 8/22/2018 at 5:41 PM, DTLow said:

I predict Evernote will have over 200 million user accounts,

I thought they already had 250 million? 

Anyway, great points @DTLow I appreciate the reply.  At the end of the day, yes, there are workarounds even though as a subscriber and an "all in" Evernote user, I would love to see more integrated security controls.  However, between 2 factor auth, text encryption, and native file encryption - security can work and it is certainly worth the additional effort because Evernote is still BY FAR the greatest solution out there.

(I reread my post from the other day and I really sounded upset... haha.  I wasn't, I was just disappointed.  I was really hoping this latest update had some security stuff rolled up in it. :) )

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25 minutes ago, GrumpyMonkey said:

full database encryptiowithout putting in any effort at all (you don't even know it's there)

This would be choice even though it doesn't address this notebook password thing.  It would be locked into our Evernote password and as you say, we wouldn't even know it's there. 

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32 minutes ago, DTLow said:

This would be choice even though it doesn't address this notebook password thing.  It would be locked into our Evernote password and as you say, We wouldn't even know it's there. 

Yeah. I'm not sure why Evernote is making such a fuss about not doing encryption. It's a no-brainer. Unless, of course, Evernote wants to go through our notes, gather the data somewhere else, and use it to "surface" stuff for us (nothing sinister here, except that I'd trade the AI for security any day). Speaking of that surfacing stuff, did we lose related notes? I've got nothing coming up at the bottom of my notes anymore.

Anyhow, other folks have got the encryption thing down, searches work fine (in some cases, far superior), and they have the artificial intelligence stuff. Heck, not only that, they don't corrupt the data in my notes (the new Mac app has decided to delete line breaks for me so that I can "focus" better without all those pesky white spaces). *sigh* Full encryption (or even just a notebook) should have been a standard feature after 2013. Too bad they didn't go down that road.

*Edit: Now I've got contextual / related note stuff there. I don't know why it's gone one day and here the next. I had nothing for the last 12 hours. Weird. But, the least of my concerns, I guess.

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On 8/27/2018 at 7:09 PM, GrumpyMonkey said:

Hi. Competitors already provide (and have provided for several years) full database encryption without putting in any effort at all (you don't even know it's there). Nowadays, you also get password / fingerprint authentication to open apps and even syncing directly from device to device without involving the cloud at all (for the security sensitive among us). There's some amazing stuff out there.

But, Evernote's user base continues to grow, rather than flee. That's a good thing (because I like Evernote). I'd prefer that they implement better security features as a core commitment to user security / confidentiality (yes, we are all aware of the "three laws," but in practice, here we are with tiny, independent developers offering far superior security, so there seems to be a gap here between word and deed, or a difference of opinion about how to interpret those laws). But, they haven't so far.

Unfortunately, DT is correct. If this level of security is a requirement, then Evernote is probably not for you. As a longtime user (here since the launch), I can say that this is a longstanding request that Evernote is quite aware of, but (judging by their actions) isn't interested in pursuing. That is, of course, their right. It is Evernote's app, after all, and there is no law saying they have to do everything users ask of them (thank goodness). Still, even after a decade, I continue to hope they'll change their minds. I'm not into clicking on buttons to vote for things, though. I'd prefer they seriously consider the request based on its merits rather than quantifying our voices.

I agree.  Well said.  There are just way too many positives to Evernote... hopefully they will one day do something more on that front, but until then I will manage my own security as needed.

Thanks for the response.

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1 hour ago, Pastor-Luke said:

This is the number one feature enhancement I would want to see incorporated into Evernote. Add my vote. 

There is a festure request posted at the top for this, you can indicate your support using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion.

Why is this your number 1 enhancement? 
I basically have a single filing notebook, but I'd want encryption for the entire database; not just individual notebooks.  I'm also not enthused by multiple passwords; my Evernote password should be sufficient.
Currently I have to protect sensitive data by encrypting at the note attachment level.

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On 9/27/2018 at 2:49 AM, RicJ said:

Same I do not want that my kids or other eyes gets access on my private things when they browse on my pc or mobile!

My data is protected by password.  No one has access to it.

>> PS, I cannot find 'Vote' Button

Top left corner of the discussion   971736030_ScreenShot2018-09-28at06_06_55.png.5d6f785e9d4c6e6fdb1d8d52fbbd9c8e.png



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Would love to see this idea happen. I also use evernote across both personal and corporate devices. I often have stuff that in the event i left my employer or device was stolen - I wouldn't want to stay on that device so being able to easily encrypt and not have access would be gold. 

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I am a long time premium user.  I was disappointed to find that apparently the latest version of Windows web interface no longer allows me to open already password protected  individual notes. 

I use evernote on several of my computers (home and work) and on my Android phone.  My synched database access from all is a critical feature of EN to me.  I have been able to encrypt a note on my home computers which run the installed EN app, and then open them as needed via the web interface.  Due to my employer's security protocal I cannot install the EN app on my work computers.


Fortunately the new web interface lets  you load previous verions, which restore my ability to open the password protected files.

Opening password protected notes in the Windows web browser access is a make-or-break feature for me.  PLEASE reconsider new restriction (or fix the bug or overlooked feature if that is all it is)

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17 minutes ago, Abter1 said:

Opening password protected notes in the Windows web browser access is a make-or-break feature for me.  PLEASE reconsider new restriction (or fix the bug or overlooked feature if that is all it is)

You've tacked on to a notebook discussion with your feedback on the web beta version.
Better to post in the feedback discussion for this at


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On 4/4/2013 at 12:51 AM, EvernoteLover9 said:

I love Evernote, but it's preventing me from putting in sensitive content. For example, I can't keep a personal journal notebook, because other people (i.e. girlfriend, family members, etc.) could one day be looking at those notes, especially since they know that I use Evernote often for many purposes.


Evernote already has the ability to encrypt single notes. This is useful for things like storing passwords or other temporary sensitive content. But it's not practical to encrypt many notes one by one.


I wish I could password-protect a whole notebook. This way, I can do a lot more with Evernote. If I can encrypt single notes, then why can't Evernote just allow me to encrypt entire notebooks? If reason behind this is because Evernote thinks one could lose a lot of data if a notebook password is forgotten, then perhaps Evernote can help recover the passwords through email.


In the meantime, I'm stuck with using other apps (i.e. Pages, Day One, etc) to password-protect my content.


Any insight is greatly appreciated.




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On 4/4/2013 at 12:51 AM, EvernoteLover9 said:

I love Evernote, but it's preventing me from putting in sensitive content. For example, I can't keep a personal journal notebook, because other people (i.e. girlfriend, family members, etc.) could one day be looking at those notes, especially since they know that I use Evernote often for many purposes.


Evernote already has the ability to encrypt single notes. This is useful for things like storing passwords or other temporary sensitive content. But it's not practical to encrypt many notes one by one.


I wish I could password-protect a whole notebook. This way, I can do a lot more with Evernote. If I can encrypt single notes, then why can't Evernote just allow me to encrypt entire notebooks? If reason behind this is because Evernote thinks one could lose a lot of data if a notebook password is forgotten, then perhaps Evernote can help recover the passwords through email.


In the meantime, I'm stuck with using other apps (i.e. Pages, Day One, etc) to password-protect my content.


Any insight is greatly appreciated.



Lets get this added to Evernote a password lock for individual note books is needed to protect privacy 

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On 12/2/2018 at 9:41 AM, radiantking58 said:

Lets get this added to Evernote a password lock for individual note books is needed to protect privacy 

You can protect your privacy via the password on your Evernote account.

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I also use Evernote to note all my stuff according to app development. A lot of information is under the NDA. Is it safe to use your app? if anyone could check my Evernote at work. I think that the password is a great idea for your customers.

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9 hours ago, nicca said:

A lot of information is under the NDA. Is it safe to use your app? if anyone could check my Evernote at work.

I know my Evernote data is secure on my devices
My devices are password protected; No One can "check my Evernote at work"
My Evernote account also has a password.

As to storing data in the cloud, imho, only if you encrypt your data.
Evernote has a text encryption feature; I also use the native encryption in file attachments (pdfs, office documents, ...)

>>I think that the password is a great idea for your customers
You're welcome to add your vote for this request.  Voting buttons are in the top left corner of the discussion.

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There are two use cases in which I would like to have my notebooks / notes protected. 
1. Making notes while connected to projector. I'm using Evernote privately and for work. At work I often make notes / todos while being in a meeting, connected to a projector. When I would scan through Evernote, looking for a note, there is the possibility that I show sensitive material to my coworkers. I would like to have the ability to mark multiple notebooks as private (or so) and then enable seeing private notebook, whenever I need them. On my phone I could have showing private notes always on.  // Currently I'm using two Evernote accounts as workaround, which has the nice side effect that two basic accounts are sufficient on my 4 devices. Being able to have work and private in one account is the missing piece for me to get one paid account.

2. Really encrypting a note or even better, a notebook. I know it's possible to encrypt text, but I'm looking for a solution protect files I would like to store in Evernote: Financial Records etc... 

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My wife has been recent the victim of identity theft through phone number porting. Once the number was taken it was used to reset email passwords and steal all information.

Please consider bank level 4 digit pin input security at note level and encryption.

It will not only be a selling point over other note programs but a UX advantage with peace of mind allowing a greater level of use.


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7 hours ago, Em1 said:

Just say no. 

Why do you want this door closed?

I'm happier with the future possibility of encrypted data; don't kill my dreams.

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22 hours ago, Marty45 said:

Is it possible to add a PIN code when you open the software (on windows) ?

No PIN code for opening the software (on windows)
There is a password option for accessing the computer.
There is a password required when opening an account in the Evernote software.

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On 4/5/2019 at 11:15 PM, inquirer_improveevernote said:

Is there an update to this? Would really love to password protect certain notebooks and notes (i.e. medical). Please let me know.

No change.  Evernote only supports a basic text encryption within notes.
You can also use the native encryption with attachments stored in a note.

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On 4/6/2019 at 8:15 AM, inquirer_improveevernote said:


Is there an update to this? Would really love to password protect certain notebooks and notes (i.e. medical). Please let me know. Thank you! 

Well, it's been more than a year since I asked similar question (and voted for this function) but so far I have received notifications that there has been a post in this topic, and when I check it's always the same: people asking and requesting this feature and still nothing happens.

Most shocking for me is that this feature is so logical that it should not be requested by users but proactively developed by the company. And the fact that this topic on forum dates back from 2013 is, well, disappointing... but, we did get upgraded logo which did help me a little bit, I feel more energetic now....NOT

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I have the free version of EverNote. I will upgrade to premium when I have the ability to encrypt my data at rest on the EverNote cloud servers.  I've looked for hours and can't find any way to encrypt a notebook within EverNote. Therefore, I can't use this product and expose my information while it's at rest on the EverNote servers.  (I will use several devices to access EverNote so I don't want to use local notebooks which are difficult to share between devices.)  In any case, how is it possible that a mature product like EverNote doesn't have the ability to encrypt whole notebooks?  Why don't they add this feature and double their revenue with new subscriptions?

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On 7/5/2019 at 9:32 AM, AWS_solution_architect_DC said:

I have the free version of EverNote. I will upgrade to premium when I have the ability to encrypt my data at rest on the EverNote cloud servers.  I've looked for hours and can't find any way to encrypt a notebook within EverNote. Therefore, I can't use this product and expose my information while it's at rest on the EverNote servers.  (I will use several devices to access EverNote so I don't want to use local notebooks which are difficult to share between devices.)  In any case, how is it possible that a mature product like EverNote doesn't have the ability to encrypt whole notebooks?  Why don't they add this feature and double their revenue with new subscriptions?

You can encrypt an individual note by selecting the text and right click to encrypt.  But this is on a note by note basis and has issues on top of it that Evernote has not fixed.  The primary one is that if you have ANY markup like a bullet in the text you want to encrypt, you cannot encrypt the text.  It's a bug that Evernote has known about for a couple of years and it has not been fixed.  Maybe their new editor this year will address it, but that doesn't solve the primary issue you mentioned. 

I believe encrypting notes is not part of Evernote's strategy.  Encryption has been a request for several years.  I believe they want to leave open the option to read and monetize the content or maybe they are doing that now.  So encryption on the server would defeat that.  There is an app called Standard Notes that does encrypt notes for example.  But competitors that encrypt on the server are few.

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3 hours ago, DTLow said:

Our data is automatically "encrypted at rest" on the servers


Thanks to both #pacman and DTLow. The answer is that Evernote info is secure on the Google servers via one of the encryption options (I'm guessing with customer-supplied encryption keys, most likely).  So I now have confidence to upgrade from the Basic to Premium subscription. Thanks!

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Here is some more: https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-migration-to-google-cloud-platform/

The data is encrypted on the way (https-type, a common encryption standard on the internet), and on the servers by Googles own data management. Because https can be attacked by „man-in-the-middle“-setups, you should use a VPN when on a WiFi you do not trust (= all public WiFis, and maybe some closed ones as well). Plus activate 2FA on your account.

When the new European legislation on data protection got effective last year, I have signed a data processing agreement with EN. By this putting my (clients) data into EN rests on a legally sound foundation. EN is certified to do this, amazingly some other popular cloud services are not.

If you want to have special data very secure, you should use an additional service. For example account data with passwords etc. should not be filed on a service like EN, the same with credit cards, online banking keys etc. . I use 1Password for this stuff, that comes along with 1GB of encrypted cloud storage for „safe notes“. This encryption works differently, it is encrypted „end-to-end“, so the decrypted version is only created on your own device while using the app.

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It seems to me that password protecting individual notebooks is a no brainier. In my option that would add a significant amount of flexibility to the product in addition to making the product more secure. I am 100% in favor of adding the ability to password protect individual notes to Evernote!

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1 hour ago, allnetman said:

In my option that would add a significant amount of flexibility to the product

Can you add details on the "significant amount of flexibility"

I see that encryption blocks Evernote from OCRing our files, and indexing for text search

>>I am 100% in favor of adding the ability to password protect individual notes to Evernote!

Evernote provides a text encryption feature.  

I also use the native encryption of file attachments; pdfs, office/iWorks documents, ...


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I'm more than willing to start paying for Evernote again if they punch below the belt and only offer it to premium users. I'd rather it be available for all users but I'll take it any way I can get it at this point.

In the meantime, I have found a program that will: Zoho Notebooks lets you lock notes and notebooks (you can take it a step further and lock a notebook, then lock a note within that locked notebook with a different passcode). While there are certainly things I don't like about Zoho (mainly the inability to change font and font sizes within the note) it will do until Evernote decides to step-up and offer this feature.

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On 8/5/2019 at 7:00 AM, adamallen said:

I cannot allow my admin access to my Evernote account (where I track my travel, itineraries, meetings, etc.) because they might see ... consider alternative solutions

You might want to share specific notebooks with your admin instead of giving access to your account

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Personally I totally agree that a good and flexible PW feature is missing, and have voted in favor of it.

If it is easy is another question. Encrypting can get worrisome when on a multi-device-platform including the web client, because the keys have to be shared as well, securely. But this is what SW engineers get paid for.

@adamallen In a business environment with the actual EN solution it can be difficult to lock out the admin. PLUS is a plain personal account, but with a business account, things become more complicated regarding admin access. But I would then place the sensitive stuff into the personal account, and share it out whenever necessary. Hint: This may run against a company policy regarding the storage of business data. Better check this out before.

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On 28/8/2018 at 20:38, Shane D. said:

Ciao a tutti,

Potresti aver notato che tutti i thread che richiedono Notebook protetti da password sono stati uniti in questo thread, indipendentemente dalla specificità della piattaforma.

(Questa è una richiesta separata dalla possibilità di proteggere con password l'app Evernote stessa)

Ciò è stato fatto al fine di consentirci di quantificare e qualificare meglio le richieste degli utenti e di amplificare la loro voce.

Sebbene ciò non significhi che questa è una funzionalità che arriverà, sicuramente vorremmo inoltrare feedback / sentimenti degli utenti ai nostri vari team.

Andando avanti, inserisci qui tutti i commenti e i voti per i Notebook protetti da password!

Questa impedisce l'utilizzo di evernote! criptare notebooks interi o singole note(con contenuto è fondamentale!)

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3 minutes ago, RgaDawg said:

Encrypting text is certainly useful, but clumsy
Encrypting an entire Notebook would be so very awesome

Encrypting the entire database would be so very secure

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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

Encrypting the entire database would be so very secure

You can do this on local disk with a tool like VeraCrypt, though that doesn't help with EN servers.  Mount the volume that contains EN (VeraCrypt speak), use EN as per usual for however long, dismount the volume when done and your EN data is just a blob on the disk.  You can do this for your whole disk if you like, not a place I need to go.  FWIW.

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On 9/13/2019 at 3:40 PM, CalS said:

You cado this on local disk with a tool like VeraCrypt, though that doesn't help with EN servers

I have no concern with security on my devices; I have protection at the OS and Evernote account levels

My concern is with database security at the server level.  I require encryption before I allow the upload of sensitive data to the servers

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3 hours ago, RgaDawg said:

My understanding is that your EN dB is encrypted at the server level already, as well as transport.

At the server, Evernote data is "encrypted at rest"; but not encrypted while the data is being processed (OCR, indexing, ...)

Also, users do not hold the encryption key to their data

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Would love to see the ability to encrypt a note or notebook this would allow us to keep secure images, tables and attachments. 

And with Evernote wanting to sell a business platform this would help keep information from certain users on a business plan viewing notes etc
And give piece of mind to security and IT teams for the safe storage of information offsite. 

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This thread was created in 2013 and there are many replies on 2018. My current posting date is Oct 2019 and still this basic feature is not implemented. This is very basic and important feature for privacy and still not done yet in Evernote. Are all Developers or Support members sleeping?

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1 hour ago, TheTechGuy said:

This thread was created in 2013 and there are many replies on 2018. My current posting date is Oct 2019 and still this basic feature is not implemented. This is very basic and important feature for privacy and still not done yet in Evernote. Are all Developers or Support members sleeping?


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I submitted a comment to this thread a long time ago. I'm frustrated that we can't encrypt our EN databases on Google Cloud with our own security keys. It's not enough that the data is encrypted in transit. And it's not enough that EN databases are encrypted at rest by Google Cloud. Users need to hold the encryption keys. Otherwise, I can't put sensitive information in my EverNote notebooks. I sent an email to EverNote support yesterday pointing out the fact (100% certain) that the addition of encryption would triple their sales. Here's the response:   "Our development team regularly reviews feedback submitted through our Forums in hopes of creating the best product and experience for our users. We can’t commit to getting all feature requests into the product.  I hope this information was helpful and solved the issue."

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34 minutes ago, AWS_solution_architect_DC said:

Otherwise, I can't put sensitive information in my EverNote notebooks.

You can certainly put encrypted attachments into an Evernote note. Not as convenient, but I know for a fact that some folks do this.

35 minutes ago, AWS_solution_architect_DC said:

 I sent an email to EverNote support yesterday pointing out the fact (100% certain) that the addition of encryption would triple their sales.

That sounds like something that would be interesting to all of us. Care to share?


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3 hours ago, AWS_solution_architect_DC said:

Users need to hold the encryption keys. Otherwise, I can't put sensitive information in my EverNote notebooks

I also believe my sensitive data has to be encrypted

There's noting preventing us from encrypting our data
Evernote has a text encryption feature, and I use the native encryption in attachments; pdfs, office/iWork documends, ...

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On 10/10/2019 at 11:27 AM, TheTechGuy said:

Are all Developers or Support members sleeping?

Nobody is sleeping. Developers develop the features that they're told to develop. Support folks report when there's some news. The company -- obviously -- hasn't prioritized this feature, so the developers are working on other stuff, and there's no new news to report here on the feature.

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10 hours ago, AWS_solution_architect_DC said:

I submitted a comment to this thread a long time ago. I'm frustrated that we can't encrypt our EN databases on Google Cloud with our own security keys. It's not enough that the data is encrypted in transit. And it's not enough that EN databases are encrypted at rest by Google Cloud. Users need to hold the encryption keys. Otherwise, I can't put sensitive information in my EverNote notebooks. I sent an email to EverNote support yesterday pointing out the fact (100% certain) that the addition of encryption would triple their sales.

I fully trust the encrypted transmission and Google's could platform to keep data encrypted on servers. I don't think Google has ever had any issues with data breeches, encryption breeches. Encrypting an entire Notebook, or especially a note, rather than just selected text would be convenient, but It's just not that hard to select text > encrypt for the sensitive pieces. You can even (windoze) Ctl+A to select entire note, encrypt. However, it will not encrypt if there are images, attachments embedded.

This feature REQ has been around a very long time and my take is that EN development team just doesn't see encryption breeches as much of a real threat. Encrypting selected text is just for client side and I have my PC pswd protected in addition to encrypting selected sensitive text. Just my 2 cents worth.

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8 hours ago, RgaDawg said:

I fully trust the encrypted transmission and Google's could platform to keep data encrypted on servers. I don't think Google has ever had any issues with data breeches, encryption breeches. Encrypting an entire Notebook, or especially a note, rather than just selected text would be convenient, but It's just not that hard to select text > encrypt for the sensitive pieces. You can even (windoze) Ctl+A to select entire note, encrypt. However, it will not encrypt if there are images, attachments embedded.

This feature REQ has been around a very long time and my take is that EN development team just doesn't see encryption breeches as much of a real threat. Encrypting selected text is just for client side and I have my PC pswd protected in addition to encrypting selected sensitive text. Just my 2 cents worth.

I also trust the EV and Google encryption, but there's still a local privacy matter, at least that's my only concern. For example, I've my digital personal journals in EV and I don't want my boyfriend to read it in my PC. Encrypting every note for this kind of things is just overkill. If I could encrypt the entire notebook, that would be much easier.

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5 hours ago, Zenaida said:

but there's still a local privacy matter, at least that's my only concern. I've my digital personal journals in EV and I don't want my boyfriend to read it in my PC.

My computer is  secure
I use password protection for my computer login (each user)

Also password protection for my Evernote login

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It is extremly disheartening to read the email in September from Evernote's CEO.  He was proudly talking about progress they have made so far in 2019. In January he had announced 2029 would be a year they would "run dark" by not pushing out intermediate small updates so their brainiacs could concentrate on a major rethink/overhaul of the entire evernote platform and services. NOWHERE in his laundry list of things they are working on is anything about encryption.  I use EN because i use it on multiple devices i use daily. While i use their clunky single file encryption to lock my password vault file...by far the most important thing i do with EN...it does not work on each platform the same way.  Worst thing for me is i cant edit the file through the windows browser portal. I can read it OK using the file's pwd, but cant edit it. That really undercuts what i need the vault for...to keep up with the neverending requirements to change pwds frequently on some websites. Nor can i add new user ids with a pwd which happens frequently. Having to remember the my new info and wait until i get to the "right" platform is EXACTLY what i need a vault for in the first place. If i could remember the darn thing i would'nt need a vault to begin with

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50 minutes ago, Abter1 said:

NOWHERE in his laundry list of things they are working on is anything about encryption.

Agreed; additional encryption resources does not seem to be a priority for Evernote

>>While i use their clunky single file encryption to lock my password vault file...

I wasn't aware of a "single file encryption" feature

I encrypt/decrypt file attachments using the feature in the native applications

>>Nor can i add new user ids with a pwd which happens frequently. 

I don't know what this means

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From how I see it, it may be no priority because it would not be easy to integrate.

Basically each note is something like a little web page. A notebook is a collection of pages. If the notebook would need to be encrypted, it would need to be de-cryptable on all devices. This would mean to get this into all clients, plus build a robust key-exchange process to make sure the lock is there when the user inserts his key (the private code to decrypt).

From the structure of EN it seems it is much easier to encrypt something in a note (=web page) than a whole structure of web pages.

This is not to tell it would not be good to have it (I added my vote to this quite a while ago), or that I do not think it should be pushed up the list. It looks like one of the changes that do not go well when you try to de-complex and straighten your existing code base.

P.S. Even when it is possible to manage passwords in EN, I think there is much more to a decent password manager than just an encoded space into which I can save my passwords. If I have this need, I would always go for the real stuff. There are no-cost solutions that are quite powerful, and others that will cost a buck, but offer more comfort / functions. Personally I use 1Password and would not switch to EN even if full encryption would be available there.

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6 hours ago, DTLow said:

My computer is  secure
I use password protection for my computer login (each user)

Also password protection for my Evernote login

Many thanks for the advice! 

My PC is secure too, I mean my User is password-protected. However, I´m the only User here because I really don't see the need of creating a new Guest user that would be barely used. It´s not as if my BF asks, "hey, what´s the PC login so I can run a music playlist or check something in Google" and I won't tell him (I don´t have NASA-worthy information in here haha).

All in all, to be honest, this feature is not really a deal-breaker for me - I can certainly leave without it. I know it is important for many people though. (Actually, I tested OneNote for about a week - ON does have this feature, among other cool features like text-to-speech - but I switched back to EN and I´m happy about my decision - I was mainly frustrated by ON tags and sync issues.

What I'm really doing is, I removed the EV desktop shortcut, removed the taskbar shortcut, and removed the "Recently Used Software" feature in the Start Menu. I added a keyboard shortcut to EV and I make sure of closing the EV window when I´m leaving my PC.  So no, I didn't password-protect EV login because I want to access it quickly too. My main thinking is, if he doesn't know that I'm using this app, there's no reason for him to check it out of curiosity lol. 

5 hours ago, Pastor-Luke said:

I have seen this argument raised in the past against the need for this feature, and clearly the majority of people who have asked repeatedly for this feature don't find it compelling. If you don't see the need to provide an additional level of client side security on certain notebooks then fine, but a lot of people do. If I step away from my computer for a few minutes and the screen lock doesn't kick in, I don't want others to gain access to this information. Sure, I could cut the screen-lock time down but then I end up unlocking it a million times a day. I also don't want to log out of Evernote every time I use it as most of the information that I keep isn't sensitive. I am also sure that I would forget to logout and again the information in left open. Computer login and Evernote login capabilities are possibilities but they certainly aren't convenient or realistic in my environment. All we want is a simple password, how hard can it be?


I found the "note presentation" feature in EV quite cool; I don´t see myself using it like never ever, but surely many people find it useful. The same with password protected notebooks in EV - a feature 450+ people have voted up for. 

I also don´t see myself adding a password in EV login because I want to access it quickly. It´s just overkill for the kind of information I store in there.

2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Even when it is possible to manage passwords in EN, I think there is much more to a decent password manager than just an encoded space into which I can save my passwords. If I have this need, I would always go for the real stuff. There are no-cost solutions that are quite powerful, and others that will cost a buck, but offer more comfort / functions. Personally I use 1Password and would not switch to EN even if full encryption would be available there.

Yep, I also don´t believe one app should be used for everything. EN is a note-taking app, not a password manager. I've used Lastpass for about 2 years and I wouldn´t store my passwords in Evernote either.  Lastpass autofills login info automatically, it generates secure passwords, and has other login-security features that EV would never match, because EV isn´t designed for that!

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Personally I use 1Password and would not switch to EN even if full encryption would be available there.


6 minutes ago, Zenaida said:

I've used Lastpass for about 2 years and I wouldn´t store my passwords in Evernote either.

I've been using Bitwarden for password management, although Apple has sherlocked the function with keychain

I see no problem with storing passwords in Evernote if they're encrypted. Evernote has text encryption, and I use the native encryption of file attachments

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17 minutes ago, DTLow said:

I see no problem with storing passwords in Evernote if they're encrypted. Evernote has text encryption, and I use the native encryption of file attachments

Yep, but what about autofill and password generation?

Haven´t used file attachment encryption but definitively will check it out!

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DTLow asked "

>>Nor can i add new user ids with a pwd which happens frequently. 

I don't know what this means"


I keep a PWD-protected file in evernote with a list of all my log-in IDs and pwds.  There are quite a number of them;  vendors I do business with, utilities I pay bills to, by beloved backgammon site.  I frequently have to change the stored pwds for a particular site, and also have to enter login info for a new site periodically  My preferred way to access evernote is via the web access portal from a Windows computer.  I can open the file fine (after giving it the proper pwd), but cannot edit it via the Windows portal.  I can do it from my phone and tablet, but my fat fingers don't type nearly on  a small screen as well I can on a full keyboard.

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Using EN for Password management is like using a Multitool for a serious handcrafting job: It will do, but without excellence, and it will not spark joy while doing. I think there are many good reasons for encrypting entire notebooks - for storing passwords the note encryption feature is already enough, if one decides to use it for this purpose.

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Premium user for over 5 years and this has been my number one request for a long time. Please can we password protect entire notebooks. That was we can use Notebooks the way there were intended while securing sensitive subjects.

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Needs improvement:  I would like to see Evernote's encryption capability increased.  Currently I can only encrypt text,  I would like the option to encrypt images, full pages and notebooks

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I'm going to start by saying that: I think what people actually want when they say Privacy is client side encryption.

I've been an Evernote user for over ten years and I can happity imagine myself using it for a lifetime. Except for one key issue: my data is shared with Evernote.

I can't have a private journal or store any other potentially sensitive information in Evernote becuase that information is sat unencrypted on someone elses datastore.

The legal field has taken the stance that privacy essentially ends at the walls of our homes, data stored in the cloud doesn't have the same protections as a written diary kept at home.

Without attempting to quantify how much of a person's data is 'private' we can safely say it's non-zero.

As much as I love evernote I'm often looking on the market to find an alternative that is client side encrypted. If I ever find one I would migrate immediately, in fact I would probably become overnight a "one true fan" of that product and tell everyone I know about it because I wanted their business to succeed.

I love the idea of evernote - and the excellent implementation. I would dearly love for Evernote to also cater for my need for true privacy with some of my data.

Please implement client side encryption based passwords.

As a side note I'm guessing that Evernote's implementation of 'encrypted' data is fundametally flawed. I know of one person who lost in excess of a million dollars from storing credentials to access his accounts in 'encrypted' evernote notebooks. Would I be right in thinking that enencrypting a section of a note in one notebook broadcasts the unencrypted data to all connected devices? And of course to Evernote too.

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On 12/3/2019 at 10:18 AM, ryan1234 said:

I'm going to start by saying that: I think what people actually want when they say Privacy is client side encryption.

I'm using a Mac and iPad   
I have no concerns about my "client side"; my devices are secure   
My concern is for when my data leaves my device for storage in the cloud

>>I know of one person who lost in excess of a million dollars from storing credentials to access his accounts in 'encrypted' evernote notebooks. 

I make sure my sensitive data is encrypted before storing in Evernote sync'd notebooks 

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On 12/3/2019 at 8:57 PM, DTLow said:

I'm using a Mac and iPad   
I have no concerns about my "client side"; my devices are secure   
My concern is for when my leaves my device for storage in the cloud

>>I know of one person who lost in excess of a million dollars from storing credentials to access his accounts in 'encrypted' evernote notebooks. 

I make sure my sensitive data is encrypted before storing in Evernote sync'd notebooks 

Client side encryption refers to the data in the cloud being encrypted. i.e. it's encrypted on your laptop and Evernote's cloud never sees the unencrypted data. It doesn't mean the data is stored encrypted on the client. Interesting you point that out though, it hasn't occured to me that the term was potentially confusing.

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On 12/14/2019 at 9:52 AM, ryan1234 said:

Client side encryption refers to the data in the cloud being encrypted. i.e. it's encrypted on your laptop and Evernote's cloud never sees the unencrypted data. It doesn't mean the data is stored encrypted on the client. Interesting you point that out though, it hasn't occured to me that the term was potentially confusing.

I believe you can encrypt your client side data using something like VeraCrypt at the file level or the system level.  And there are other tools to encrypt at the system level.  With VeraCrypt your app runs as normal but the data is encrypted.  You have to create a "container" and open it as a "volume" (M: for example) in their parlance.

I do not use VeraCrypt for EN but I do use VeraCrypt for financial data backed up to the cloud. 

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Dropbox and Evernote both. Ignoring encryption and leaving themselves massively exposed to any competitor who does design a decent “zero knowledge” version of their product. 

every couple of years I try out all the zero knowledge versions of both these products. I wonder if they realise how many long time customers there are ready to jump ship over this. 

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In this day and age, security is so front and centre in technology.  When there is a significant impact to someone due to a data leakage from someone's EverNote and it comes out that otherwise EN loving users have been asking for a comprehensive and user friendly way of protecting their data forever but hit with silence, what is the EN press team going to tell the media?

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1 hour ago, JKST said:

In this day and age, security is so front and centre in technology.  When there is a significant impact to someone due to a data leakage from someone's EverNote and it comes out that otherwise EN loving users have been asking for a comprehensive and user friendly way of protecting their data forever but hit with silence, what is the EN press team going to tell the media?

Quelle scandale!!

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