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REQUEST: Evernote Archive



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24 minutes ago, tacobravo said:

and is not profitable.

Latest news is Evernote now has a positive cash flow.

>>I wanted my data somewhere where I knew I could control it. I wanted to get it off their platform before I had no choice. 

My data backups  include a weekly full export in html format.

My data is off the Evernote platform, and under my control.

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When I don't want to see a note anymore because I finish the job and I don't want to continue seeing it on the list, it but I don't want to erase it.
How do I do it?

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On 5/14/2019 at 2:24 PM, Cris R said:

When I don't want to see a note anymore because I finish the job and I don't want to continue seeing it on the list, it but I don't want to erase it.
How do I do it?

For sure need this Feature. 

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I believe an archiving system would be very useful, however I don't feel that it should be prioritized if it interferes with more important upcoming improvements.

For me, I use an archive tag to organize data, however, when it comes to removing it from search I would need to search with -tag:Archive.

The solution I am using now, like CalS mentioned, is moving archived data to another Evernote account every year to remove the notes from search, and share the notebooks back to my main account so I can access them.  I still have an archive tag (and notebook stack) so I don't need to go through the notes for what I need to move to a different account.

This is working for me, however, a dedicated feature for this would be appreciated.

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48 minutes ago, Score said:

The solution I am using now, like CalS mentioned, is moving archived data to another Evernote account every year to remove the notes from search, and share the notebooks back to my main account so I can access them. 

I understand archiving by moving notes to a different account

Doesn't sharing the notebooks undo the archive

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I've been using Evernote for 11 years and created over 54,000 notes. 

I have a paid PREMIUM and a free BASIC Evernote account. 

My old stuff (5 years old or older) eventually gets ARCHIVED to my basic account.

My current stuff (29,000 notes) stays in my premium account

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4 hours ago, jbenson2 said:

I have a paid PREMIUM and a free BASIC Evernote account. 

My old stuff (5 years old or older) eventually gets ARCHIVED to my basic account.

My current stuff (29,000 notes) stays in my premium account

Some day, I may have to consider two accounts for performance reasons.

Until then, I'm happier with all notes in a single account, and a switch (tag) to include/exclude archived notes. 

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1 hour ago, DTLow said:

I may have to consider two accounts for performance reasons.

Until then, I'm happier with all notes in a single account, and a switch (tag) to include/exclude archived notes. 

I moved from Minnesota to Maine 5 years ago. So all my Minnesota stuff is stored in the archived account. As time marches forward, I will start moving some of the Maine stuff. The Evernote basic maximum monthly transfer restriction is one reason that I try to move stuff every month. It also helps keep the premium account toned down to a manageable quantity. I don't have a pressing need for my heating bill (etc.) from 5 years ago, but it is nice to know I can find it if I need it.

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I've not found the need for an archive solution to date.  My default view is side list sorted by created in reverse order.  Older stuff is naturally on the bottom of the search results.  So, unless or until I run into any performance issues there isn't any real motivation for me to do extra work to archive anything.  Could be a use case thing.

I did move 5800 notes to another account a ways back, project type stuff.  But the reason wasn't archiving, it was to share the info without using my main account.  Were it not for that sharing need those notes would probably still be in my main account.  FWIW.

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@DTLow Recently I have been using the Evernote Web beta on my work computers where I couldn't install applications, and it doesn't search the shared notebooks unless I click into them (I don't think that is exclusive to the web beta).  I do recall having the shared notebook appear in general searches on Mac before, in that case I wouldn't share, and I would log into the other account on the rare occurrence it was needed.

On 6/17/2019 at 5:38 PM, CalS said:

I've not found the need for an archive solution to date.  My default view is side list sorted by created in reverse order.  Older stuff is naturally on the bottom of the search results.  So, unless or until I run into any performance issues there isn't any real motivation for me to do extra work to archive anything.  Could be a use case thing.


Yes.  In my use case, I search to recall of most of my notes.  The search terms I use usually come up in old notes, which is where archiving comes in handy for me.  It is more of a ease of use thing, than a performance thing, for me, as the performance hasn't too significantly declined when there are a lot of notes (at least not that I notice).

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There is a need to be able to retain notes related to closed activities, but not have them show up in searches by default. Basically, I'm asking that a field be added to show note state (open, closed) and that the default search exclude closed notes, but allow a means to easily change to "ALL" notes should the need arise to include them in a search. 

Without this I get tons of unneeded notes continuing to clutter notebook views causing it to take longer to find what I'm looking for.


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19 hours ago, hmo said:

There is a need to be able to retain notes related to closed activities, but not have them show up in searches by default.

As per @gazumped, I use an Archive tag.     -tag:Archive    excludes the notes from searches

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I have not yet observed an attempt to consolidate all the "Exclude"/"Archive" tag requests into a single topic, so I suspect they might not be considering it seriously. 

Having to use a saved search to manually exclude a special tag on every search is a little inconvenient, but I guess we all do it, until they implement it as an option setting (if ever).

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9 minutes ago, Don Dz said:

I have not yet observed an attempt to consolidate all the "Exclude"/"Archive" tag requests into a single topic, so I suspect they might not be considering it seriously. 

Having to use a saved search to manually exclude a special tag on every search is a little inconvenient, but I guess we all do it, until they implement it as an option setting (if ever).

?? If you can provide a list I can have a shot at merging,  though with a single vote on this thread I wouldn't think most users are that worried about it either...

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On 8/30/2019 at 6:24 PM, gazumped said:

?? If you can provide a list I can have a shot at merging,  though with a single vote on this thread I wouldn't think most users are that worried about it either...

Oh, I thought employees did that, rather than users/moderators. I have personally created a topic on this at least once, and commented on others discussing this at least a couple of times in the last year or two.

Since people word this issue in different ways, it maybe a little challenging finding all of them. ("completed/unneeded" notes is not how I would have worded it for searching purposes, for example).  

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5 minutes ago, Don Dz said:

Since people word this issue in different ways, it maybe a little challenging finding all of them. ("completed/unneeded" notes is not how I would have worded it for searching purposes, for example).

Ok, lets get the request merge started

Archive is the more common term.  Completed relates more to reminders, projects and tasks

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55 minutes ago, Alexander Schatten said:

Thanks. I am aware of such workarounds. But they are unfortunately not even remotely what would be needed. 
These notes always appear in regular searches, in the notebook view. And then all the tags of archived projects that clutter the interface. 

Sure you can delete or export these notes, which would probably be the closest version to archiving. And maybe re import them into a different account...? All that is messy and annoying. 

In addition to, or instead of, using a "Archive" tag like @DTLow suggested, you can create a Stack, that I call "Active", and put all NBs that you consider active (not archive) in that stack.  Then it is easy to do a Search with "stack:Active" plus whatever else you want.

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I too have been waiting for this feature. 

I've used Evernote for a long, long, long time. I started migrating to DevonThink at one point, but lost interest/energy halfway through. I have no love left for Evernote. I'm still here because it's hard to leave. I feel I'm in an abusive relationship, not to downplay an ACTUAL abusive relationship. 

In brief, Evernote doesn't give a flying sh*t what its users want/need. End of story.

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7 minutes ago, siouxzieb said:

I have no love left for Evernote. I'm still here because it's hard to leave.

It's extremely easy to leave Evernote    
On a Windows/Mac device, select all the notes and export

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In general I do not think EN should follow each and any wish or preference of an individual user, or even a group. There is death by complexity, so a software has to be kept as simple as possible. One has to remember that keeping it operational means to keep pace with at least 4x operating system release cycles, most of them with at least one major release per year, plus 3-4 browser family release cycles. Yes, there should be listening to the users as a primary source for ideas, but not for gaining and keeping the love of all. Everybody’s darling is everybody’s fool ...

It is the user who has to decide: Which tool to use, how to take the most profit from it, how to set it up and further improve it. And if it does not work: How to move ahead to another tool and take your data with you. EN makes this very easy, compared to many others in the field, because it offers good export tools, and many other programs offer import routines for these files.

I am not sure how serious I should take a claim that everything is as bad as it can be, but the energy to switch to another tool is missing. Either the use case is not really important, or one is so exhausted by telling the world how bad things are that there is not enough heartbeat left to leave for good.

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I don't know, my experience is that a decent search returns the good stuff on the top, be it a created or updated sort.  Juice not worth the squeeze for any kind of archive activity for me.  Horses for courses again.  🤷‍♂️

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6 hours ago, ETep0715 said:

Function for archiving old notes? 😃

I merged your post with an existing discussion
To indicate your support. use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion

What are your requirements for the archive function?
Personally, I assign a !Archive tag.  This allows me to exclude archived notes from searches

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I just wanted to comment and express my support and need for a feature like this. Coming from someone who's used Evernote for 12 years and relies on it pretty much daily. When the number of notes is counted in thousands and contain all kinds of information, a simple way to separate those that are rarely needed (but need to be kept just in case) from those that contain evergreen information would be enormously helpful!

Currently creating Archive stacks is a manual process, and as mentioned by others, you need to spend more time specifying search parameters to exclude archive notes (that are mostly noise) from search results. This is slow and manual and antithetical to Evernote working as a useful extension of one's brain.

A simple yet elegant solution would be a main menu item alongside Notebooks, Tags, Shortcuts etc. titled Archives, which would effectively be exactly the same as Notebooks view, but by default anything in the Archives is excluded from search results and tag listings, unless you are specifically doing a search within the Archives.

Thank you!

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The easiest method is using an archive tag, and exclude this tag from searches by using the string „-tag:archive!tag“ or whatever you have called it. You can save this as a saved search, call it and simply add the real search string to this search.

This is a workaround, I hope as well that an archiving tool will be made available.

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Very needed function. And now when we have tasks, i create more and more not structured notes.

After i complete task i need it to archive it easyle, like in google keep or gmail. 

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Until now i thought I was the only user who wanted a way to prevent searches from picking up notes from specific notebooks and/or tags. Just saw this topic for the first time. Based on reading the many postings in this topic, the "-tag:ARCHIVE" solution appears to be the easiest one to use -- and it can be added to shortcuts (where you then add to that shortcut).

+1 for me for the archive feature.

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I am working on Nimbus on my recent project, test-driving it, while still working with Evernote Legacy and Android on all other things.

The "archive" function is not implemented in Nimbus. But if you create a new Workspace ([Project Name] (archives)), you can move the notes you want to archive in that workspace. It will retain tags. 

Not perfect. But quite useful. Searches are easier and more focused. When I'll close the project, all the notes will be reunited in one big workspace.

But you cannot do searches through all workplaces.


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22 minutes ago, TJ8756 said:

DTLow,  for every single search you do, you add the archive exclusion "-tag:ARCHIVE" ?

Only searches where I want to exclude archived notes

My default search order is modification date, decending   
I'm looking at the top of the list;  which are recent notes     
Not impacted by the rest of the list, even if it's thousands of notes

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Wow, this is an old one. To me, the solution would be to fix the Export Notebook to PDF. This would not only give me a good backup procedure allowing me to leave Legacy after a year of the "work in progress." It would give me an easy way to archive data, but still keep it close at hand and easily searchable. 

I reported this bug back in August. After tedious back and forth with support, it was finally added "to the the existing issue report." Not sure why I had to prove it was still broken if there was an existing issue report, but there it is.

Tested yesterday with a small notebook, 76 notes, specifying start each note on a new page. It produced a 10 page PDF. Useless.

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It probably depends on your archiving needs.

If you want to be able to reimport the notes, I would use the ENEX export file. It can always be imported back - each ENEX file will be imported as a single notebook containing the notes, with all content.

As a use case, you may want to export all tax documents of years closed from the active account. But in case of a revision you need to be able to reproduce them. Then an ENEX file import will do the job.

If the archive should be independent from EN, a HTML or PDF export will do. When exporting to a pdf (even if it worked) you will loose all attachments. This is why I think HTML may be the better choice: Can be opened with every browser & preserves the attachments.

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

It probably depends on your archiving needs.

If you want to be able to reimport the notes, I would use the ENEX export file. It can always be imported back - each ENEX file will be imported as a single notebook containing the notes, with all content.

As a use case, you may want to export all tax documents of years closed from the active account. But in case of a revision you need to be able to reproduce them. Then an ENEX file import will do the job.

If the archive should be independent from EN, a HTML or PDF export will do. When exporting to a pdf (even if it worked) you will loose all attachments. This is why I think HTML may be the better choice: Can be opened with every browser & preserves the attachments.

I currently do a full back enex of all files monthly using Legacy since you can grab more than 50 files at once. Does the enex backup per notebook work in 10? I haven't tested that yet. 

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On 12/29/2021 at 6:01 AM, PinkElephant said:

If the archive should be independent from EN, a HTML or PDF export will do. When exporting to a pdf (even if it worked) you will loose all attachments. This is why I think HTML may be the better choice: Can be opened with every browser & preserves the attachments.

The other upside to an HTML export is that you can use the options to keep the meta data for tags, created/updated dates and URL.  A banner of sorts is added to the top of the HTML.  These files are easily searchable if you focus index the files, in Windows. 

Downsides are you end up with "a lot" of files, the HTML for the note and a folder containing any attachments in the note, including icons and the like.  Plus, EN only uses 45 characters of the note title for the file name.  That being said the HTML repository works very well as a searchable data base.  Example of output.  FWIW.

File Name (Tech is a tag I bulk added post export)


Top of HTML page 


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45 minutes ago, nofrills said:


Tell you what Evernote team (if they read this) - I'll pay for the product, when an Archive function is introduced.

Tell me what - why do you think you need an archive in the future, for 50 notes ? And where should it  be - you have just 1 notebook ?


We have had enough of users plain lying about they would subscribe if this or that. Who uses EN for anything serious and still isn‘t subscribed doesn‘t want to, and should be honest about it.

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I'm personally happy with using the workarounds. It does occur to me though that with the current popularity of Tiago Forte's PARA method (second A is Archive) that it might be worth EN tackling the issue directly - even if it is only a marketing tool.

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On 8/14/2024 at 8:08 AM, esarbabi@gmail.com said:

It will be great to creat archive option so notes that are seldom used can be archived and excluded from search. 

I use the trash bin for this purpose

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It’s pretty simple to build an archive. Some options:

Use a tag „Archive“, exclude it from searches 

If you have a project or similar, put everything into a notebook, then export it to an ENEX file. Erase the notebook. If you need anything, import the ENEX file.

Use a second account to store everything. Buy a month of Personal, then upload, then drop to Free. You can still access and even edit everything there.

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50 minutes ago, faruk.kutlu said:

The most critically value from Evernote or similar tools is finding your data easily. With no archive feature, you may have to find your file among hundreds of useless search results.

There are various archive solutions presented in this discussion.  My solution is to use an !Archive tag

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