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fredhammersmith last won the day on July 11 2018

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  1. Yes. --- I moved the temporary data folder to my boot drive, an internal SSD that I wanted to reserve for Windows and software. It was previously on a standard hard drive (Seagate Barracuda 2 TB HDD SATA 6 Gb/s). For now, it's like night and day. I was so used to Evernote's slowness that I accepted it without much complaint. But now, it's like a brand-new software. I have 48,000 notes, so possibly the impact grows with volume. But it's very recent (this morning), so we'll see.
  2. Oh my god. I had all kinds of trouble reinstalling Evernote so I migrated the local database to my SSD. Temporary measure I told myself (I want to keep my SSD for Windows and software) It is like a new software. So quick. Cannot go back.
  3. Good to know. I reinstalled completely. It seems to work now.
  4. So, new upgrade, 10.973. Seems OK. A bit on the slow side, but better. Boomerang effect: still there (moved note come back to old notebook). Not every time, not every note. I guess a complete re-install will be necessary.
  5. It is so weird. When I move a note from one notebook to another, it just comes back to where it comes from after a moment. I really dont understand what is happening.
  6. Cause my version is very slow. It was very quick before. Maybe I'll reinstall from scratch.
  7. Just downloaded the Windows version from the site... it says 10.96.5. I am confused.
  8. Strangely, I cannot upgrade my Windows version using the help menu. Can I force an upgrade another way? I spent way too much time staring at my screen this morning.
  9. The latest upgrade seems to have significantly slowed down operations on the two platforms I use (Windows 10, Android). Version 10.95.6 on Windows, 1.95.1 on Android. Has anyone else experienced the same issue?
  10. Finally, it worked. 18 300+ files. Not a lot we can do right now, but the possibilities are easy to project. Did Evernote mention their plans for this feature?
  11. Bit of frustration here. Following suggestions. Uninstall (with Revo), re-install, let Evernote synchronized, click on the Files icon, went for a (long) walk. Came back. Same results: spinning wheel. Yes I have a lot of files and a lot of notes (close to 47 000). Still... in this day and age, displaying a directory should not be complicated. It has been said so many times: Evernote should stop create new features and make the app rock solid. The thing I have not tried: trash the database. Should I try? (70 Gb, 323 000 files).
  12. Although I hate it, I will uninstall with Revo and reinstall in order to see if the Files feature can work. If a fresh install is necessary, to use a new feature the developer should say so. It would be less frustrating than the eternal cycle: upgrade, try, does not work, try again, does not work, upgrade again, try, does not work, start or contribute to a thread here, lof of, log in, try, does not work... I mean, they must know about it, no?
  13. I like the idea. But... does not work for me, on Windows 10.85.4 46 000 notes. I logged off and on. The spinning wheel is spinning, and spinning, and spinning...
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