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  1. @DTLow Recently I have been using the Evernote Web beta on my work computers where I couldn't install applications, and it doesn't search the shared notebooks unless I click into them (I don't think that is exclusive to the web beta). I do recall having the shared notebook appear in general searches on Mac before, in that case I wouldn't share, and I would log into the other account on the rare occurrence it was needed. Yes. In my use case, I search to recall of most of my notes. The search terms I use usually come up in old notes, which is where archiving comes in handy for me. It is more of a ease of use thing, than a performance thing, for me, as the performance hasn't too significantly declined when there are a lot of notes (at least not that I notice).
  2. I believe an archiving system would be very useful, however I don't feel that it should be prioritized if it interferes with more important upcoming improvements. For me, I use an archive tag to organize data, however, when it comes to removing it from search I would need to search with -tag:Archive. The solution I am using now, like CalS mentioned, is moving archived data to another Evernote account every year to remove the notes from search, and share the notebooks back to my main account so I can access them. I still have an archive tag (and notebook stack) so I don't need to go through the notes for what I need to move to a different account. This is working for me, however, a dedicated feature for this would be appreciated.
  3. Love this series and the way it is created! Great to see Evernote improving.
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