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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Hi @ianmit. Welcome! Most often duplicate notes are caused when the same note is open on more than one device. My experience is to put the mobile apps into the background whilst working on the desktop. Or if your mobile is your primary device, move away from the current note on the desktop.
  2. This may be a function of the new OS rather than Evernote. You could try running Evernote in a Win10 emulation window (if that exists in Win11). Sadly support responses into the New Year will be delayed. If you haven't heard by 4 January then chase it up.
  3. There is a difference between the screen clipper - last of the the icons at the bottom of the scratchpad and the web clipper - the browser plug-in/add-on installed in the browser from the add-on/plug-in library for the browser. I understand that there have been issues with the plug-in/add-on for chromium based browsers. You are clearly using the Mac desktop since the scratchpad is subtly different on Windows. But it works for me well enough. You can also use the associated keyboard shortcut to reduce the number of clicks.
  4. My guess is that there are very few users with Legacy running on Windows 11. I also anticipate that some tweaking might be needed to run Legacy on Win 11. There are a few reports of problems running v10 on Windows 11 but no great flood. Also the Win 11 roll out is slow so there is probably no significant use of Win 11 amongst us. Unless you wish to be on the bleeding edge...
  5. Apologies. There was no mention of the iOS dimension in your initial post. Sorry to have attempted to provide reassurance.
  6. So since all is not lost, carry on with the better of the Classic versions, and ask tech support for help. No doubt support is restricted over the Christmas and New Year holidays but you will get a response.
  7. THere have been updates to the ScanSnap Cloud service in December. I received Email warnings but ignored them as I use ScanSnap Manager. I'd go to ScanSnap and be sure you have the latest Cloud software. Also noting you have Windows 11. Who knows what problems a new OS might have created. SInce you have problems with Dropbox as well I think you need help from ScanSnap.
  8. You can, and should, use one of the many Markdown Editors which are fully featured. Save your work into a Markdown Document and store that inside Evernote. Evernote will then open that document in the MD Editor. Hit save and the updates are back insde Evernote. If you truly want Evernote to be a Markdown Editor then I think you have set off with the wrong product. I suspect that the outcry would be very loud. Another note-taking program that does have a MD editor is Joplin.
  9. Can you help us to help you? Where did you click on the Upgrade link? How did you pay last year? (Credit card or Google Play/iOS store). Are you able to access your account and see your notes? If your subscription expires then you will now be on the Free tier with its standard limitations. If your plan is about to expire then you should log into your account settings and follow the menus to upgrade to the next level. If you have expired then just take a new subscription for the tier of your choice. If you originally paid through one of the app stores then you need to negotiate their systems to upgrade. My advice, pay direct if you are able. It seems to be more flexible and easier to amend.
  10. Checklists and Check boxes are a much debated thing. The new list approach was introduced because, apparently, users had been requesting something of this type. Thankfully boxes continue to be available. The option exists in the Insert menu (the blue button at the top of the note. Check boxes that not at the beginning of a line will stick. If you are typing a list and want each item to start with a check box then type the list first, highlight the items, insert check box. Each item will have a check box rather than a checklist. The font issue isn't going to change. It seems a decision has been made to limit the fonts offered so that notes look similar on every platform.
  11. How did you pay the fee? If it was charged to a credit/debit card then deal with Evernote support via the link above. If you paid/renewed through the Apple Store or Google Play Store then you need to process the request by that method.
  12. It works for me on Chrome and Firefox. Pretty certain that it's also working on Safari for @PinkElephant It may be firewall, anti-virus or Internet provider routing thing. Can you try on a cell phone using cellular data?
  13. Quite possibly. If it is a function you want to suggest then you could submit feedback or support ticket. Remember that this thread pre-dates v10 so any new suggestions may get lots priority unless there is strong evidence of demand.
  14. A quick and dirty test showed that the Home screen pic on my device takes roughly 12.5% of the display. I'd agree that this is significant on mobile devices which usually open on Home. It isn't an issue on the desktop apps. I'd submit a ticket or feedback through the app settings/support menu.
  15. I don't believe it is an option at present but you can suggest via feedback in the apps
  16. The issue is usually that the text has formatting. Tables, bullets, tasks all prevent encryption. Better to use an external encryption programme.
  17. I don't know why this might have happened but the standard resolution is to uninstall being sure that all the program data and program files are removed. In Windows check that for %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData\Programs\Evernote As an alternative, use a program such as Revo Uninstaller which should deal with everything. Once completed, reboot the PC, then reinstall. If that doesn't work then open a support ticket. I'm the meantime you should be able to access your account via the web browser interface.
  18. I think you are mistaken. It is dangerous to assume.
  19. @Jer P You are talking to other users in these forums. Staff do, occasionally, drop by but not with any certainty. The tabs option has been requested by others. You could submit feedback on the application or a support ticket via the website to add your voice. Assuming your are discussing the desktop application... The note sidebar is available but it depends upon how you access a note. Basically if you open a notebook via the left hand sidebar it will open together with the column list of notes and thumbnails. Of you open a note directly then you will see only the note and no sidebar.
  20. I find v10 much more consistent that the old v8 on Android. You do have to allow the sharing to complete. It isn't instantaneous. But, for me, it works everytime whereas v8 was mostly not working.
  21. There is no further support for this version of the Android app. So no fixes available
  22. I would try resetting your laptop program. Select, File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote data from this device Then reboot your laptop and log back in. This will recreate your data. p.s. I notice that you've posed this same question a couple of times. ALways good to avoid double posting. Thanks.
  23. This is the subject of another thread. There's is a fault identified with the Gmail add-on. This is, I think, unrelated to your PDF issue. Check that the PDF filenames have the PDF file suffix. There's was a period when they disappeared and that broke the automatic file opening process.
  24. I recently attempted to login to an entirely different website but with very similar results to what is being described here. Firefox and Chrome failed. Clearing cookies didn't work so I tried with Edge and was successful. Could this be a browser issue?
  25. You will renew automatically on your current plan at the previous price. If you were upgraded to Personal then you will get Personal on the price you previously paid. This was all in the announcement of the new plans that were sent out by Email at the time. You can always get support for account related issues at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
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