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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. @Shawn.H This is a known issue and you are correct that it hasn't been resolved. It seems that the only easy workaround is to remove the image from the note then duplicate the note to create a copy. That will be absent of the original image and you can start again. You can delete the original note and finally remove the word 'copy' that has been added to the new version. My experience of the issue is subtly different to yours... I have a note with a single image which has been used as the thumbnail. I remove the image and the thumbnail is updated to display no image. I then add a different image to the note and the thumbnail updates to display the original image even though it has been deleted. I did find a means of permanently deleting the thumbnail by deleting the image in the resource-cache directory and that seemed to reset the thumbnail until a new image was added to the note. However, this is not something I'd advocate. I was really testing to see what could be done. In a note with multiple images it would be exceedingly easy to delete the wrong thing and potentially corrupt a note. You're right that this is something that needs attention.
  2. You probably have the automatic sorting feature enabled. You need to change that in your account settings online.
  3. Thanks @Gazebo. There is also the option to 'embed' Google Docs into a note in LA egacy (which this forum section refers to) and in the new v10. So no need to copy and paste text.
  4. @Shosh generally your favourite search engine will provide the information you need. I asked Google and it took me to https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  5. Did you install from the Microsoft Store or the direct download? I'm not sure that Revo will handle the Store version... Uninstall via the store and ensure that the data directory has been removed. Use the direct download in preference to the Store.
  6. The recent blog post from EN CEO, Ian Small, says that mobile widgets are coming... https://evernote.com/blog/ceo-update-january-2022/
  7. The EN website says: ...There will be no future updates or bug fixes in older versions of Evernote, including Evernote Legacy. If you are having trouble with this app, our Support team may recommend that you update Evernote to the newest version... What can I do if I’m having trouble with this [Legacy] version of the app? We offer several resources for troubleshooting most issues in Evernote Help & Learning and in the Evernote Discussion Forums. If you’re unable to find a resolution, feel free to contact us. Please note that in most cases, our Support team will encourage you to update to the newest version to receive the latest bug fixes and performance updates. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  8. Quite often I find that complaints about v10 are about the way things work. Once I abandoned my expectation that I could do things in a particular way I found v10 would do what I needed. I've retained the older version of the program just in case but I never access it. It would be the place I would go of I needed to print a note on paper but that hardly ever happens these days.
  9. Evernote needs to run in the background for reminders, import folders, scanning into a note, sync across devices and probably more. As noted multiple times above Sign Out or Quit.
  10. The nature of these forums is that people who are facing problems arrive to state their troubles and seek a fix. Nobody turns up to say everything is working just fine. FWIW, I have only minor issues with v10 that I believe are being addressed.
  11. Picking up on what @gazumped suggested, many Internet providers also run a local cache which might also disrupt loading of the latest pages. That said, all these caches should refresh dynamic content even if holding on to static page elements.
  12. It is the Camera button when you tap on the New note button. It isn't a scanner - it is a camera... As @PinkElephant says, it will grab an quick image of a document which is adequate when you need a quick and dirty result. If you want a PDF then use a scanning app as we discussed already.
  13. I have no idea. Perhaps there were licensing issues with the PDF conversion software.
  14. If there is any formatting in the text or layout with bullets or tables then you cannot encrypt the text. That was true in the older version too...
  15. You might find using a dedicated PDF creator to be more effective. O use CamScanner which creates better quality PDFs than Evernote. I then just share to EN.
  16. A nice looking presentation. Either layout would work for me as a client although I think I'd probably find attachment 2 marginally more intuitive
  17. Various options are listed in posts just above yours. I'm not sure that the subscription level - either Personal or Professional - you've chosen would make any difference. The 'official' advice is to wait for v10.29 which will probably come along soon. Otherwise follow the advice given up the thread.
  18. I believe that the data is stored across data centres in numerous locations.
  19. Please don't hold your breath while waiting. I really don't think it going to happen...
  20. You will, of course, realise that a decision was made to restrict the font options in order to ensure that notes can look the same across devices. So the Ctrl+D keystroke is no longer relevant. The equivalent keystrokes are the markup style keys to set the relevant heading. If you want to retain the old font formatting option then you need to revert to the so-called Legacy version of Evernote.
  21. Thanks @FrankC. I'm pleased that I'm not alone. When the next version update arrives I'll probably do a clean install to check how that works.
  22. I'm not sure I'd bother with the Linux beta. As I understand, it is not progressing much. I continue with the web browser on Linux.
  23. Thanks @Mike P I tried the Sign out / forget data option. I'll try the uninstall/reinstall route and report back.
  24. Evernote: 10.28.3 - Windows Desktop Windows 10 OS Since receiving the v10.28.3 update I've noticed that the ability to right-click on an attachment such as a PDF or image file no longer exists. My typical way of opening a PDF in an external program such as Acrobat was to right-click and choose Open. Since the 10.28.3 update the right click menu no longer works on attachments nor inside HTML containers. There is a workaround clicking on the top bar of the PDF and choosing Open inside the three dot menu but the right-click menu had other options such as cut/copy etc and to do that now seems to require highlighting the PDF and using keyboard shortcuts to cut/copy etc. It isn't a disaster for me but it isn't convenient either. Anyone else able to reproduce?
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