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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. These are user-to-user support forums so bug reporting does not, usually, get picked up very quickly. A support ticket is best but only available to subscribers.
  2. This may be a case that you have smart filing enabled. Check this on your account settings inside the webclipper...
  3. Whatever you think about the stupidity or otherwise, that's the way it is I'm afraid
  4. This isn't a function in Evernote v10. Some users have managed to achieve our by the clever use of sym links. You can search in the EN v10 Windows Issues threads for the previous discussion. It seemed to work for those that needed it. You'll do it at your own risk.
  5. The directory HAS to exist somewhere on your device. If it isn't in the default location then search for directories called Evernote. You will no doubt find more than one. The data directory you want includes the config.json and a file called lastVersion.txt Back up that directory and all the sub-directories. This isn't, though, the way to capture your data for a complete offline restore. The primary store is in the cloud so reinstalling the application and reconnecting your account is the way to go. If you want a copy of the data for the safety of restoring to a different program in the event of the failure of Evernote as a company then you should use the .ENEX export of each notebook
  6. This is the Android v8 forum so you may miss ideas from other better informed users. The normal approach to this type of issue is to completely uninstall with an uninstaller program such as Revo Uninstaller. Reboot Windows then reinstall. Also checking that this isn't a note shared with you in which case you may not have permission to edit the note.
  7. I would read the many posts in this forum which will show you the mixed experiences users are having with EN V10 for Android. Some have no problems others have a different experience.
  8. I haven't had the privilege of an upgrade to Win11 so can't be sure. However, there's no indication that the directory structure has changed since Win10. Try opening Windows Explorer and typing the following in the address bar at the top of the window: %AppData% This should take you to c:\Users\<your account>\AppData\Roaming ..\Roaming and ..\Local are essential parts of the Windows 10 installation
  9. I think you are likely to struggle with you're devices until you have the ability to deregister some more. The way to resolve this would be to access your account and deregister all devices then start with the two you require. The current advice for users in India is to subscribe via the Google Play Store or the iOS app store to work around the banking restrictions on India.
  10. Yes, you are correct. Exporting PDFs and printing notes (to paper or PDF) remain problematic in Evernote v10. It is one of two remaining things that I routinely use Legacy for. You might find exporting to HTML and then printing the PDF from the HTML may be a workaround. Clumsy for sure but it seems to work well enough.
  11. For a quick note the scratchpad is possibly the quickest or the new note keyboard shortcut
  12. You may need to select the setting to show system and/or hidden files in Windows Explorer.
  13. I've always found that the Email addresses appear to come from my linked Google account - similarly when typing addresses to share a note. Perhaps you could disable by disconnecting Google Calendar and Contacts in your EN account settings but that may restrict other things you do want
  14. The $3.50 per month rate is an annual rate averaged and presented at $3.50 per month but you pay for the whole year. The pay monthly rate is is more. Since you have misunderstood the tariff you should raise a support ticket and explain your situation. You will receive a refund. Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning
  15. Actually In not sure this is solved. I'm on Windows and my experience is exactly the same as @MalcolmK
  16. The multiple upgrades is an error. EN only updates once or twice a month. This is usually an indication of a damaged installation. You should completely uninstall AND ensure that the data and program directories are completely removed. Then reinstall the current version. Login and allow the data to be rebuilt.
  17. I think that this would be something at the OS level rather than inside Evernote. But disabling notifications in the operating system would also mean missing notifications such as note or task reminders. I wish I got reminders for updates. I invariably have to manually update since waiting for an alert could mean weeks before the next version arrives with me
  18. If you are a paying user then I'd recommend a support ticket to highlight that drag and drop still doesn't work since that is important for you. Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning
  19. My first and second options for interface issues like this are: 1. File | Sign Out | Remove data | Log back in - This resolves many issues of this sort. 2. If that doesn't work then the more radical approach of a complete uninstall including a complete deletion of the data and program directories is usually enough. Uninstall using a program like Revo Uninstaller and ensure all associated data is deleted or check that %AppData%\Evernote is deleted as well as %LocalAppData\Programs\Evernote Then reinstall. In both options your local note data is rebuilt. In the second option you will have to retweak any personal preferences that you may have chosen - mostly column widths and information you want to include or not in the sidebar.
  20. I seem to recall a similar issue when Calendars were in beta. Have you raised a support ticket? If you can describe how you have been attempting to connect you calendar we might be able to suggest a solution. Calendars work as inteneded for those that are using the function although it does have limitations that I suspect are being worked upon. Rember, 'We' is other users but we're usually happy to pitch in with a solution if one is known.
  21. @PinkElephant is, as ever, correct. I was thinking of a view outwith the main app. A bit like running a widget on a mobile device which displays just tasks. Should have read the use case more carefully 😎
  22. My experience is that drag and drop doesn't work - at least not consistently. I can though, like you, right click, copy and paste into Word. To be honest, this is not a significant requirement for my use. I more typically drag into Evernote than the other way around. About the only file types that I do occasionally use from inside Evewrnote are images. I note, like you, that whilst I can copy and paste to Word, I cannot do the same into Photoshop. For that I have always used the Right click, Open approach which opens the image in Photoshop. So that still works for me as I've always worked. I can also double click the image and it opens in Photoshop as well. So I concur that drag and drop isn't functional in the current Windows version of Evernote 10.25 and copy and paste only with MS 365 applications. More work to be done here methinks...
  23. Then a support ticket is the way to go: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  24. Not at the present time. It is a feature that has been requested, especially for mobile devices. The best you could do would be to place a shortcut to your tasks note(s) on your desktop.
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