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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. No, and I imagine it is what it is. There doesn't seem to be much energy around the left/right click options amongst users. My workflow has settled into right-click the tray icon and off I go. An easier option would be to dock an Evernote shortcut into the taskbar which will appear at the left hand side and you can left click that in the conventional manner. As with many of the changes in v10 an adjustment to workflow is required but it quickly becomes normal.
  2. You will not lose any data although you may have difficulty editing larger notes that exceed the maximum size for the free accounts. If your subscription hasn't been collected yet then I'd recommended a ticket Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning
  3. @notetakeingguy I've not seen any indication of this issue arising with any other user so I think we have to conclude that the issue arises in the combination of your Work PC and the associated software(s). Evernote 10 could be part of the problem or just an innocent bystander. I wish you well in the diagnostic process and you may well be right that, in the short-term switching to the Legacy application could give you a pathway. The normal route for this type of issue is the complete removal of v10 including the data and program directories. Then reinstall from scratch and allow Evernote 10 to rebuild the data structure. Have you tried that? Uninstalling using the default Windows uninstaller isn't always effective so be sure to check that %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote are both deleted before reinistalling. Others swear by Revo Uninstaller which I find effective too.
  4. Reminders, tasks, calendar, sync and probably more work best if EN runs in the background. File, Quit is the way to go.
  5. No. Add mentioned you can have both together if you wish. Or you can uninstall v10 if you wish
  6. Your favourite search engine will point you to this page: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote You can install both together or uninstall v10.25 and use Legacy instead. Legacy sites not support about of the new functions and will, eventually, stop working.
  7. Printing in Evernote v10 is dysfunctional. Use the Legacy version to print until v10 is fixed. Otherwise try exporting to PDF or HTML and print from there.
  8. Sure. Open the note. Talk the blue + button and add the task
  9. Tasks are automatically turned on in Evernote v10 mobile. Try the menu in the bottom left of the screen and the option for tasks
  10. A quick observation while on the run. The Windows desktop is v10 but with Android you remain on v8 since you have Android 9. Check lists and boxes are very different with v10. What you do on Android will be interpreted by Windows and converted to the Windows app's best guess for what you have created. Similarly vice-versa. You will probably not be able to resolve this working with Windows v10. You could switch to the Windows Legacy app which should give a consistent result but you will lose the updates that have come with v10. A few users might say that is no bad thing. I couldn't possibly comment
  11. It isn't possible to install the v8 apk from the Play Store other than on older devices. If you search these forums you'll find a number of threads detailing the means to obtain the v8 apk from services such as apkmirror. Be warned, however, that there is some indication that the older version may not work with Android versions which have been updated recently. If you have found functions that you feel would be worth including in version 10 then you can submit them via feedback in the app (but you will not get a formal response) or by opening a support ticket to receive support advice and response.
  12. @Jack Lynch I would use a link to create calendar events from within a note. A typical process might be to be working on a note and deciding to create a calendar event arising from it. At the moment I use Chronofy to create a calendar entry but it isn't linked to the note except that the note exists and can be searched for and added to. An Evernote linked calendar entry would allow me to look at the calendar and go strainght to the note that was previously created. I would also welcome some control over which calendar events triggered a note taking reminder.
  13. I'm confused... Google updates Android which breaks the older app and that is the fault of whom? EN is responsible for many things but not changes imposed on a no-longer supported application.
  14. Just turn off WiFi or unplug the network cable from the computer. You don't need anything as radical as disconnecting your internet service.
  15. I don't think I've ever heard anyone suggest that anyone needs to purchase a new phone. If performance is the issue then you may well find a suitable alternative. I wish you will in your search.
  16. @YAG A number of users have, in one way or another, declared that Evernote 10 is unusable. Actually, when we probe what is really being said, we often find that what has happened is that the new software has broken the workflow that these users have previously had. It is completely true that using Evernote 10 will require some changes to workflow although I've been pleased with the way things have come back to a point where I can work in a way that is effective for me. If your workflow cannot be accommodated in the new software then, as @gazumped suggests, a good search will throw out other options. But switching will inevitably mean creating a new way of working since no other product will work quite like the Evernote Legacy program either. So changing because of workflow may not be any more comfortable. There are regular reports of users returning after a foray to the other side. There remain some stubborn issues particularly around printing, performance with multiple notes, and performance with some Android devices. Progress is being made so if you can stick with the Legacy program then you may find that things continue to get better. Lots of improvements have arrived and I anticipate that more will follow.
  17. This issue was fixed back in v10.7 or thereabouts. It seems to have returned. Thanks to @ghon for the heads up workaround. I've raised a support ticket.
  18. This suggests that at some point in the past you have created an Evernote account with the Gmail address. You'll need help from support via a ticket. We're just fellow users here
  19. There is no evidence of EN staff responding to feature ideas in these forums. They do pick up ideas but nothing is ever publicly noted or promised.
  20. @Daveyt Drag and drop does not seem to be working in Windows but right click on the image, copy and then paste does work of passing into Office 365 applications. Copy & paste is unreliable with other applications. So I can copy & paste into Word but not into Photoshop. Many other users have a similar experience on Windows. I think Mac users have fewer issues.
  21. You seem to be using the desktop application. The web browser version is accessed like any other website through your browser. The smart filling seeing is part of the web clipper settings which are located in the clipper inside your browser.
  22. In general, Boolean searches are a feature of the Professional price plan
  23. I've raised a ticket since I'm affected. I'll report back if and when I get a response.
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