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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. @jeancharlesbkk don't forget to change your password for something secure, use a password manager to store passwords and enable two-factor authentication.
  2. There are no reports of a widespread hack. We'll have to see if anything is announced from EN HQ.
  3. I suspect that the designers worked on the assumption that tasks would primarily be accessed via the menu bar rather than individual which are more like containers. The suggested method of working is, though, logical and I'd add my vote.
  4. I think it is on or off everywhere. Personally, I don't find it saves much space on the desktop and but more of a saving on mobile although not a great deal.
  5. Without doubt v10 does demand changes in workflow. Some are insignificant others get in the way. This isn't a bug since it is functioning as designed. You should open a support ticket. Your request will go on the list for attention but remember the list is already lengthy.
  6. Is this text that includes bullets and indents? Bulleted lists definitely exhibited this sort of behaviour in the past. I don't know if it was ever fixed.
  7. It happened with me between 10.24 (a beta) and 10.25. I just recreated the links.
  8. Scans of what? How does this work with Evernote? It always helps if you can give us steps to reproduce the issue.
  9. It is VERY common that new accounts are created in error when starting a new device. The new account will, of course be empty. You should check you are using the original username and password. If you are then work with sorry but opening a ticket.
  10. I'm not sure that this is possible but you will need to open a ticket with support who will tell you exactly what is possible and how to achieve it.
  11. Thanks @deano7000. Good to know that removing data isn't essential. You'll be pleased to know, however, that that stage isn't risky. It actually exists to provide additional security but also a means of fixing some days corruption issues. When you log back in your data is rebuilt afresh
  12. No, there is no speed limitation based on whether you pay our not. Since we're talking about the v8 version of the Android app and it isn't an issue previously reported I'd be looking at something that has changed locally. Perhaps your device storage has reduced with use so that you no longer have sufficient free space to edit larger notes. This is a guess/illustrative suggestion. You say your device is older so free memory/ storage could easily have been consumed by added apps, abandoned files. What about temporarily installing an app such as CCleaner to tidy up the device? Then uninstall CCleaner. Alternatively wipe the phone and start afresh - but that's more hassle than Is want to take 😉
  13. Hope you've been able to try the solution posted above and in other threats 😉
  14. But we don't know if this is easy to do in Evernote. It is easy to describe but not, necessarily simple to program. That said the Tasks menu pop out does have the ability to hide completed tasks (or show them completed but at the bottom of the list). So I presume what folk are seeking is for the ordering inside the specific note. Otherwise the job is already done.
  15. Welcome to this thread which is over a year old The browser and the website producers make security decisions which prevent clipping under some situations. An example, I cannot clip on screens inside my bank's website. Nothing to do with Evernote web clipper, not even the browser but, in this case, the bank's website design. I can capture a screen dump or expert using the bank's options and import into a note.
  16. I had a similar issue once months back. I took my normal approach to display issues and rebooted my PC. Everything was fine when the computer had restarted.
  17. The point is that this isn't a universal experience. I'm (currently) in the fortunate situation of having good response times in Windows and Android. I know this isn't true for everyone but illustrates the complexity of the problem. PLEASE raise a support ticket. If everyone with an issue did this it may get more attention. All that said, the Devs are aware that performance isn't as good as they would like. The latest v10.25 for desktops is said to have some performance improvements.
  18. I haven't played with this so very much but would a Saved Search be a useful mechanism? I have a successful search inside a stack saved in my shortcuts.
  19. There are lots of mentions of alternative products. Most come with different limitations and many users leave but then return. Your favourite search engine is probably the place to start.
  20. As does Evernote version 10. This thread was about the ability to indent a line with the tab key rather than that triggering a whole paragraph indent. It is also two years old and pre-dates version 10 by around 12 months.
  21. This type of issue occurs occasionally. I've seen it affect many different applications. It's is invariably a glitch with the virus database which needs to be fixed. I recall that AVG was flashing Evernote as being unsafe. It required AVG to fix its virus records.
  22. I had this issue on Windows desktop. I went down the File / Sign Out / Remove data from this device / Sign back in. This resolved things.
  23. Uninstall/Reinstall would be my next stop. You could try the slightly easier File / Sign Out / Remove data from this device These options should rebuild your data from the servers.
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