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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. It is unlikely that you'll get a date. v10.29 is currently in beta so with some patience you might guess at a date within the next week or two. But that's all it is, a guess...
  2. A small part of the reason that the Legacy appears so much quicker than v10 is because the sync/save process in Legacy is to a local database. That, in turn syncs to the cloud on the sync schedule you select in the program options. In effect sync feels like it is in the background. v10 syncs as it goes along. So drop a PDF into a note and it immediately syncs in the foreground. That way of working isn't going to change in v10. So if Legacy works well for you then keep on using it. You are right to conclude that the Legacy program isn't going to get any further development. v10 is moving forward and performance is an issue that continues to gain attention. Legacy will probably work until your OS breaks it. So, I anticipate that one day Apple/Microsoft will update their OS and Legacy will cease to work because of the OS changes. Best to have determined your future with note taking before that happens.
  3. Some of the issues you mention are experienced by others but not, I'm pleased to say, by me. So your experiences are not universal but I'm sure there are others who would agree.
  4. Works just fine for me. Open the note to be exported Click the three dot menu button in the top right of the note Select Export PDF Follow the prompts for the layout of the Export PDF menu and click Export Choose the filename and destination folder The result is an Export Complete box with the option to open the containing folder or just OK.
  5. Seems pretty clear to me... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/222973507-Evernote-Personal-Offer-for-Students The promotional period is one-year...
  6. Perhaps you've only recently exceeded the two device limit.
  7. THere is no Email support. You have tyo go via the support website. Tech support requires a subscription but account support is free... Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning
  8. The EN web browser had been included as one of the devices for over a year. The best thing to do is to disconnect all devices on your account and then log back in with the two you intend to use.
  9. The special offer is first year only. Once you lose the old price deals they aren't recoverable. So your only options are Free, Personal or Professional. The special offer isn't flexible. You could try contacting account support but I wouldn't be hopeful. These forums are largely user-to-user. So whilst we can sympathise, we can't help.
  10. That probably means that you have an extension conflict. Disable all extensions you have installed and check if the browser version of EN is now working. If it is then re-add them one at a time until you identify which one is conflciting. Then you have the option to remove that extension/stop using EN in the browser/raise the issue with the extension author.
  11. Have you logged a support ticket? This type of issue needs to be raised because a new OS may have broken something which Devs may not be aware of. EDIT: Have you tried using the keyboard shortcut? Alt+Ctrl+S by default on Windows. Having an answer to that will potentially provide a workaround and probably assist in diagnosis for the developers.
  12. This has never been a feature of Evernote and there is no indication that it is planned...
  13. Search had changed in EN v10. But it is more an issue of the order of doing things. Give us an example of what isn't working for you. There are some very experienced searchers here. We may be able to help resolve that. I can't comment on the applescript thing. Some are doing automation of sorts. Again an example may allow someone to offer a solution. EN has not announced any plans.
  14. The EN special address is a combination of your user-id and the randomly created numeric code. If you registered with your Google address via SSO then your user-id was your original Email address. Changing your user-id by changing Email won't change the inbound Email. As others have suggested, reset the Email.
  15. I presume you are saying that your device battery ran out of power rather than the phone completely died. Sadly, loss of power is terminal. The Evernote app would need to monitor your battery and at some arbitrary moment decide to save everything just before the phone shutdown. I think you'd need to check that you have all the OS battery saving settings enabled and then pay attention to them. I don't believe that there is a cache of what had been recorded which you could access. Sorry.
  16. Except that you were not downgraded. Premium is now called Personal... Hope your tickets will get a clear explanation.
  17. Premium was rebranded Personal. A number of additional features were added so you have not been downgraded. You should be paying the same price as before. Not the the publicly announced rates on the website. If you have actually been charged a higher price then you can raise it as a support ticket. These forums are primarily user-to-user so while we will sympathise, we are just feels users so please be gentle with us as you get this issue off your chest.
  18. Your favourite search engine will take you there or try https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Choose one of the account options.
  19. @Sean12122 A little difficult to know without being sure of your app version and/or OS. Most users don't experience major issues although there is some better evidence of the issue affecting some Android users with specific devices. Possibly an issue for users with larger collections of notes but that is less well evidenced. Give us a chance with the app/OS and I'm sure someone will come back.
  20. Not at present but it would be useful option. Is make a recommendation via the feedback option or a support ticket.
  21. I'm not sure we can advise more clearly than has already been done in this thread... @DTLow shared a few posts above... If you don't feel confident in doing this type of thing then you probably need someone nearby to hold your hand through the process the first time. (And that's OK. Not everyone is as confident as others.) I think you may need to find an IT buddy. If I ever get to that position I call my son...
  22. You don't need a local backup to restore Evernote. Just install the software, login and your data will be recreated on your device. Time Machine backs up a Mac to give you an additional level of confidence.
  23. I concur but this is by design. The switch to dialogue is to change your current notebook focus which is not something you would most naturally wish to do whilst editing a note. Your workaround of Ctl+Alt+F works but with an extra mouse click. I think that may be your only option. Submit your request via Feedback in app or by raising a support ticket.
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