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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I'll see your 'old' and raise you an 'ancient'. I remember my first Eureka moment on an IBM PC when TSR (terminate and stay resident) software was produced and something called PE (Personal Editor) could be called up even while you were working on a database in the one DOS window that was available on my one-floppy (no hard drive) desktop. Two windows at the same time! It was ground-breaking... way back then... ☺️
  2. Still with the emotive language. I haven't seen any sign that 6.25.2 (the legacy version) is any less capable than 6.25.1 (that last public release - that I'm now on.) I believe the legacy version was tweaked to allow v10 to run alongside it and share syncs as and when they happen. I did advise someone who's running 6.25.1 alongside v10 and experiencing some slowdowns, to go back and nuke his installation and reinstall 25.1 on its own (from the Forum link which is still live). It will be interesting to see the outcome. Either way the last public version is still freely available if you have issues with other options. <Sigh> "Evernote's approach" being what exactly? They issued a new version and said they weren't going to support the old one forever. Sounds like every other app update in history from every other provider so far... and it makes sound business sense because otherwise instead of replacing the 5(?) support networks they have now with a single more efficient option, they wind up with 6 support mechanisms instead. Of course they're going to promote changing to the new version as hard as possible. And even if they do withdraw support unexpectedly - I already made the point you will have a full copy of your database in the last public or current legacy versions, which will be exportable to any other product you care to try. Please stop saying the sky is falling. It really, really is not.
  3. Purely a personal opinion, but like everything these days I think it's driven by equal parts panic and special interests. Panic, because people are busy being whatever they chose - butchers, bakers, candlestick makers - in hard times with lots of challenges. It's just one more when the software you relied on stops doing what you thought it should, and you have to find out why, and how to fix it. Straw vs camel's back stuff. Tends to get emotional. Interests, because there are a lot of other new providers out there in what's supposed to be a potential billion-dollar market. (How's that going, Evernote??) And Evernote - which was the market leader - has stumbled. Some of our contributors here may have more of a stake in leading users to other homes than they're willing to admit - so whatever faults get mentioned, get amplified into absolute catastrophes (or potential catastrophes) to get customers on the move. Again it's a cold, hard world out there - there are only so many customers and Evernote has the mother-lode. For the moment...
  4. Absolutely. The fact is that Evernote made some (cough! understatement!!) mistakes in how this went through, but the old version is still alive and well and (pretty much) available to everyone... except for iOS users who need web or desktop access for a while. The team are working to fix this and are (I think) up to about 10.3 already. On the scale of pandemics, elections brexit (I'm in the UK) and tornados this is barely a flicker. Get a grip people. We all have better things to do. In fact to quote Janis Ian... https://www.bettertimeswillcome.com/ 😁
  5. How exactly do updates work in v10? (You'll note that I am not going anywhere near them for the rest of this year at least!!) There was a suggestion that Evernote were setting themselves up to be able to apply updates automatically and transparently as the app develops; but it sounds like the system still gives you an "update available" alert, which you can follow up if you want...
  6. Hi. I moved you to the Windows 6.25 issues forum for somewhere more Windows-y to put this post. You might want to delete your email address - it's a public forum and spam-fodder just attracts undesirables. I can understand your frustrations, but 6.25.1 is alive and well on my laptop and working fine... for clarity do you still have v10 installed too? I assume there was a reason they updated 25.1 to 25.2 in the legacy version, which may mean having your current setup is part of the issue. I'd suggest purging your system of everything Evernote-related. (Revo free is good for that...) and after a restart, just install 6.25.1 - and disable the updating options! That should get you back to a stable footing, and then - maybe - consider where to go from there... EDIT: when I say 'purge' I also mean keep a backup copy of your database folder. Just in case...
  7. Hi. To use a technical expression - that's weird... Can't think of any way to clear whatever persistent cache you have going there. I'd suggest reporting this to Support but as it's a nuisance rather than a problem, it may take some time to resolve.
  8. Let's not get too apocalyptic here - if you have an active legacy (or un-updated) copy of Evernote on your desktop, you - by definition - already possess a copy of your database. Evernote have given no sign that they plan to disavow the previous versions yet, but even should they do so, you'll still have your database and the ability to export that to other applications. Evernote would not and could not remove your access to the notes - and plenty of other sharks will be fishing around for unhappy former users to sign up to their systems. I'd imagine anyone that hasn't got an Evernote notes import feature has prioritised that already... ...and that's just mean. "Not saying" is what they've (not) done for 10 years or more, and while Evernote is a corporate body out for its own profit... what else is new? That description (and the resulting behaviour) is common throughout IT - evidence Google recently deciding it won't offer unlimited image storage any more. (Though I'm surprised they did that in the first place!) And the 'restoring lost features' thing is something I have in my head too - I'm fairly sure Ian Small said it in one or more of his video appearances in the last few weeks, though I couldn't pin that down further... Certainly the update notes are beginning to feature 'coming soon' items that include some old favourites... I'd be hopeful.
  9. Hi. Evernote 10 was launched with very few of the original bells and whistles so (presumably) they could make sure the basics worked correctly before adding back all the extras - checking the 'operating system' without the distracting add-ins. Most of the (currently) missing features will -eventually and probably- come back. (Some already have - with added bug fixes...) Meantime if something's not working for you there's always the still fully functional 'legacy version' for desktops... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  10. Yep - that was a two-year old suggestion. Things have moved on a little... 😏
  11. Evernote staffers don't generally respond to individual threads in the public forum. For the personal touch (eventually) - raise a support request! Syncing may have become a lot busier given the number of people updating their accounts in the past few weeks. Do you still have an issue there?
  12. Hi. How do you know that someone hacked your account? And have you checked the notes outside of iOS by using a desktop to sign into Evernote.com? Just in case - What to do if you suspect unauthorized access to your Evernote account
  13. Hi. If someone purporting to be you uses the right user ID and password, Evernote has no way to know what countries you might or might not work in or visit. The app also prides itself on being available on most devices and any internet connection - they can hardly query every single new access from their 250 million users... You can easily do both via your account page here: https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action Evernote already appear to take these issues seriously - What to do if you suspect unauthorized access to your Evernote account
  14. Hi. You could try installing the legacy version if you've not already done so... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  15. Agreed - it was (it seems) a question of "if it hangs together, let's ship it out" - even though a lot of previous features got left behind. They are - they say - catching up... -And by the way until they do so, you can go back to using the Legacy version (if you're on a desktop) to get the full feature set back. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  16. Whilst I agree with you that it is necessary to be flexible to overcome temporary setbacks, I would not envy anyone moving a sizeable note count to new and untried software while they learn how best to use it, and adopt their working processes to new capabilities and controls. I have no permanent tie to Evernote, but while my 6.25.1 (the last general release) continues to work without issues I see no reason to borrow aggravation by rushing into a new app. I'd rather continue using my present working systems, using features I fully understand.
  17. Funny how most of the discussions seem to end up with Evernote Legacy still seeming the best option amongst current limited or poorly designed competition, and many users (like most of the Level 5 contributors here) sticking with previous or Legacy versions and waiting for Evernote to return various temporarily missing features to v10...
  18. Hi. You fell foul of the 2-device max rule on free software. That doesn't make it badly written. I believe if the 2 device rule locks you out it only does so for a limited time. I don't know whether you can view your notes on any device during that period. If it is urgent to do so, you might consider becoming a subscriber - even if only for one month - to cancel any current restrictions. Understanding the device limit
  19. Unless I missed something important aren't those two statements somewhat contradictory? I think I'd trust Evernote over Apple and Gmail! 😏
  20. Hmmn. I have 52,000 notes in Evernote Legacy (actually I killed update and stayed with 6.25.1 - the last public version) and I'm staying firmly here until Evernote bring back the features that they've stressed several times are temporarily missing from the desktop apps. I reckon by the new year the app might be back to usable, and after that it should get a lot better... but I see absolutely no point in crossing the bridge of choosing a new home for my stuff unless I absolutely have to. If things don't improve, or if the old apps get shut down, then I'm gone - but you can bet that there will be more options in 3 months time than there are now, and others will have jumped ship in all the available directions, so you'll have more feedback as to which option might be best. Good luck, whatever you choose...
  21. No, the Legacy app is designed to work alongside EN10 - you can still get the ongoing updates, which hopefully will include the search features you need, as and when they are released. iOS is also being updated - it's only down to Apple rules (according to Evernote) that there's no legacy option there either. I'm open minded about where this is going, but their launch strategy really sucked. Much better to invite new users to try it out, but warn everyone that certain features would not be available immediately.
  22. There's always the legacy app or email... or they might change their minds if we vote.
  23. You seem to have done all you can apart from maybe change your password to something you don't use anywhere else. See What to do if you suspect unauthorized access to your Evernote account for more...
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