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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Support ticket I think - when you ... eventually... get any resolution please post back. Haven't been aware of any issues, but maybe I title more tersely...
  2. Hi. It doesn't seem to me to make a difference where the 'focus' is as long as we have access via desktop, web and mobile clients - which is still the case. Which (AFAIK) is still possible via whichever app you happen to be using. Spotlight is a Mac-only feature. Evernote has been under pressure for ages to give everyone access to their data on any app in any OS - which means that some app-specific features can't be supported. Windows/ Android users don't have an equivalent - we'll have to do two searches. (Although if you're a haphazard saver, you could keep links to your device-based items in Evernote too, so an Evernote search will find everything.) You still have the ability, it's just in two searches now... ... by most Mac customers? LIke I say no-one else had a comparable feature!
  3. I agree - that would be the 64,000 dollar question! It's gonna be less than half worldwide - on the basis that some folks just don't have Evernote running at all or full time... but then some will have four devices that are all active, so check in regularly... so I have no idea. 🤗
  4. For the reasons @Powerfab mentioned I didn't watch the full session. Uncle Steve got a bit painfully bogged down trying to field the sort of questions we're seeing here. The actual content runs from 8 minutes to around 45 minutes in, and he makes the point that this is a foundational release onto which Evernote are building some shiny things - including new Apple Pen handwriting recognition on the iPad (which was mostly Apple, but hey - it works...) and a 'play' feature for embedded videos. He did point out that it was pretty snappy to use across all his devices, and showed the same interface on all of them. He bemoaned the loss of 'local' (unsynced) notebooks, but was a bit dismissive of everything else; and he reckons that the reason there aren't any options to speak of is that we don't need them now. (Jury is still out on that). My general take is like @DTLow - I'm not going anywhere near this until I have to!! But it's nice to have a grown-up view from Steve, and he'll follow up on this I'm sure.
  5. Hi. Several suggestions... I'd suggest you raise a support ticket with Evernote - you'll get a ticket number and a place in the queue, and probably a notice that help might be 10-12 days away. If you come back here and post the number though, we can raise your query with an employee to see whether they can help. Depending on how many notes you have and what sort of content you share you might find public links are better. They can be opened in a browser and you can create a mini-website by creating a table of contents link to all your notes. By definition, the links in that ToC will be 'internal' links, opening directly in the app; but I believe in the new app that if you click on one of those links externally - ie from an email or a browser - you'll get the browser version of the note provided the note has been shared publicly first. So: create the table of contents, share it, and all the notes in that notebook as 'public', and send the ToC link address to your audience and you should be back to normal. But I'd suggest you try this with a small group of 2 or 3 first to make sure it all works! - I've used similar methods to share notes with the 'old' Evernote clients, but (for obvious reasons) I'm steering well clear of the new Evernote for the time being, so this hasn't been tested under the new systems. If 2 doesn't work for any reason, or seems like too much hassle, you could look into Postach.io which I use to create a blog - see https://cliffeactual.postach.io/ for details. That's actually a standard Evernote notebook 'shared' via postach.io which will create one blog -or other shared content- for free. Hope some of that is helpful - if you need more on the Postach.io option, please feel free to message me directly. (Hover over the Gorilla!) ☺️
  6. If you still need reassurance, have a look at Steve Dotto's take on all this - which includes some stuff that I hadn't realised about the new app... He seems to be pretty happy with progress so far. The video is free to watch for 6 days from today, and the full magic starts about 8 minutes in when he gets to the meat of the release. https://youtu.be/ErJgfjnXWTk
  7. With 250M users (give or take 100 or so Forum members...) it would be pretty epic if they managed it. And a lot of people would be flocking around to help survivors...
  8. Hmmn. Everyone is entitled to their own reaction - mine is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutting_off_the_nose_to_spite_the_face
  9. Hi. Evernote have said in several videos on the subject that the release version 10.0 was a stripped down product which they used to ensure that their brand new system was working. They plan on restoring most missing features while fixing any remaining bugs. They're still fixing, but the original 10.0 has already gone through several versions and is -gradually- getting better. It's a responsible and practical way to introduce a new process to the huge number of existing users they service (250M!!) If the new version is missing some feature that you need on a daily basis, then there's a 'legacy' app - the last public release before the update - which you can run alongside the new app and use when and if you need it. Worst case, it's possible to 'nuke' your system and remove the newer versions or Evernote completely and go back - for the moment - exclusively to the last public version, disabling updates meantime. There's no sign Evernote is going to drop essential services anytime soon. They have some work still to do, but things should improve. Meantime I'm getting on with my life and leaving them to it... For information: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote http://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.1.9091.exe https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/119867-evernote-for-mac-710/
  10. If you need to/ decide to move away from Evernote, then obviously you should end your subscription. If you intend to go on using it, then it would seem monumentally silly to expect the company to mend its ways because you reduce its income. They'll lose staff, update slower, and complaints will get more and more strident until there's no point in continuing. Congratulations, the golden goose is dead. As to 'lack of interaction' - there's no history in this forum of Evernote ever having a discussion with users about where they should go next. You're welcome to submit suggestions, but this ain't a democracy; Evernote take their own decisions based on feedback and corporate economics. If that suits you, stay; if not - bye.
  11. This is a transcript of an interview published a month ago that (presumably) occurred earlier than that. Evernote (IMHO) are more aware of user opinion than you give them credit for - but the opinions in this forum aren't exactly representative of the 250M or so users out there. I'd have confidence that Evernote will behave responsibly, and if they eventually don't, I'm sure I can find someone to look after my data. Why exactly should I be scared?
  12. Evernote employees do read these posts. There are hundreds each day. They will not respond to specific user about an individual issue. If you want personal service... eventually, use Support!
  13. Hi. More is now handled on the server - searches take a little while to be available. You can get some features back here. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  14. New version, limited functions; install the Legacy version (on desktop only) while they are brought back >> https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  15. Hi. No clue why your install is not working. You might want to try stepping back to the last public version 6.25.1 and starting over. Use Revo Free uninstaller - it gets to the parts of Evernote that Windows will usually ignore. If you have any local (unsynced) notebooks please check back here for more precise instructions. You might also want to read some of the reviews of v10 before updating further... http://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.1.9091.exe
  16. Good suggestion - let's get them into real trouble so they can't ever fix the issues. I still haven't found something better than Evernote - maybe a little patience until they get their act properly together? I'd hate to have to use some of the alternatives...
  17. Hi. Did you get the word 'temporarily' in my previous post? Also see: 'Legacy'.
  18. It's already resolved in the Legacy app. No idea when the feature will come to EN10.
  19. Hi. We're a (mostly) user-driven Forum here, so we'd have no clue what Evernote are doing with their marketing at the moment. You could try Support, but they're likely to be a little busy ATM. Best suggestion I think - sign up and invite away (if you're really sure you want to do that at present!) and see what happens in a few weeks...
  20. Apologies - I got that you were worried the web app itself would cease; didn't register that you were stepping back the web client to it's 'old' editor too. Having said which - they're updating to a current generic Chrome-based editor so that all customers on all operating systems can have the same access to their notes. It's not Evernote's responsibility to check with every third-party app to see whether that will cause them any inconvenience. It is the responsibility of third party apps to keep up to date with software changes that affect their users and provide suitable fixes where possible. Having just viewed the app I didn't realise that it was an Evernote add-in - they're going to be out of business unless they can find a way to integrate with EN10. This really is their problem. Evernote has to react to third-party OS and browser updates on a regular basis; Marxi.co will have to follow suit. I hope they can - is looks like a very handy app to add to my own system.
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