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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I apparently have something around 30GB and had a chat with them too... they recommended to me that I should choose one notebook at a time to convert if I wanted to go that way - which would cut the average size a lot (I have 300 notebooks). I also considered the idea that lots of my notes are (now) archive and history. I could work on a 'lean' basis of starting a new project with Nimbus and only converting notes from a continuing Evernote Basic v6 account as and when they were required. I'd delete the originals, so over time the Evernote account would become inactive and purely archive and history. Nimbus has other issues though (for me) so that's all on hold for the meantime. Plus Evernote might still deliver...(!) and Legacy, for all its "we're not going to support this because we need you all to move over to v10" is still open, stable and secure (AFAIK). I don't believe in crossing bridges (or burning them) until I absolutely have to...
  2. Hi. Evernote v10 doesn't default to storing notes locally - they're usually only available from the server; so downloads is the main way to get your own copies, and that's "temporarily" subject to a 50-note limit, though we don't know when that will be raised. There are third-party services that do -or hope to be able to- download from the server direct to generate a backup, but for the moment your only route is to use the Legacy desktop app. This does have an accessible local database from which you can easily copy or backup notes.
  3. There's definitely nothing available AFAIK. I have some (very limited) sympathy for Evernote in that having "disappointed" a lot of heavy users, if they did say that feature X (forinstance) will be out next month - and then failed for any reason to hit that target - there would be another flood of aggression, complaint and general negativity. Having been involved with projects like this I know that unexpected hazards often do crop up when you're under the gun. I've made the decision before now to turn up my collar, ignore any distractions or complaints, and just get on with fixing a problem. Plus there's the individual and corporate psychology (and frequent legal influence) of "if we admit we made a mistake, does that threaten me / us / our liability / our investment prospects in any way?" - Better for everyone to tough it out with a feline "I meant to do that" attitude. But as a long-term user, frequent contributor and supporter, & general optimist... I'm not at all impressed to be on the receiving end. 😠
  4. Hi. As you come up here as a Business subscriber I'd guess you fell foul of Evernote splitting up business and personal accounts into two separate entities - so yes, you do have two accounts, but you'll probably need to contact Support to sort that out. When you get a ticket number, please post it back here, and we can get an Admin to look into this for you...
  5. Hi. Tried any other browsers, any other screenshot apps like Nimbus?
  6. Hi. Welcome to the Forums. Depending on what device you're using, and which version of Evernote (both items always useful to know when you post here again) you should be able to use Ctrl+F when you have selected a note body, which will step you through all occurrences of the search term. Likewise if you have a 'View' menu, you may have an option "search information" which will show you how many notes were found containing that term. There is no count of the number of terms however. Search is quite a big subject - and the help pages may be partially rewritten by the recent launch of version 10 - but this may help: Find what you need
  7. Hi. Are you clipping web pages or other apps? The web clipper should still work, and if v10 isn't allowing screen grabs, there are other utilities for Windows 10 that will image all or part of the desktop and generate a PNG or JPG to attach to a note.
  8. I'm currently using the web version on Linux, which isn't great - but it lets me look notes up and add new clips - and respond to Forum queries, so it's usable... and should get better as the main app is further extended.
  9. Hi. No information, I'm afraid - you could try raising this with Support, but there will be a delay in responses given their present workload... Bear in mind this is a feature-poor launch package with much more flexibility to be added.... eventually.... so the ability may come back; but meantime (as ever) the options are 1) just collapse the window or 2) go back to the Legacy version that has the options you need.
  10. What browser are you folks using? Have you tried any alternatives?
  11. Hi. There are probably technical ways to embed a URL, but for easy access to update the notes and real-time accessibility you might want to look into Postach.io - it's a free service that will host a small website of pages from a specific notebook in your account. Update the note(s) and all the online pages are changed within a few minutes. The published page is not part of any other website, it's a stand-alone blog which can have one, or many pages. Alternatively you could post the public link to your notebook page and show the stats there.
  12. Not sure. There's AWS and MS and Box and a gazillion other options. It's already easy to attach a direct link to a file in a note for all of the above. Google (I think) happened because that's where Evernote stash their servers, so it's 'in house'.
  13. Sorry - I'm out of ideas. It'll be a long wait, but I'd suggest referring this to Evernote Support to see if they can offer anything...
  14. OK, I see not. Try the process Austin G explained, and import the file, don't just attach or drag and drop.
  15. Question still stands - do you go to File > Import and select an ENEX file created from the EXB using the process described above?
  16. How are you 'opening' the file? Importing? Any error messages?
  17. I've not gone near that yet, so your guess... but does it work? You might be needing this at some point: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  18. You could extract an ENEX file as above, and then import to v10, but 'opening' an EXB file is only possible in v6.x
  19. Hi. Not something we've heard here before - plenty of issues with Evernote nagging for upgrades, but not third party products. I'm pretty certain that this could be down to another app on your phone, but there's no harm in raising it with Support since that's what you pay them for... As noted above, we're not support: an Admin will see your post sooner or later, but if you prefer sooner - contact Evernote direct.
  20. Hi. Were the original single notes still in the trash notebook with the PDFs?
  21. Hi. Can you still see your notes? The usual explanation of mysterious losses and changes is the (all too easy) mistaken creation of a new and empty account. If you can still see your notes, that's obviously not the case - I'd suggest then that you log out of all instances of Evernote and restart the device(s) you're using and try again. Meantime post your ticket number here and we can flag it for someone to take a look at from their end as quickly as possible...
  22. Hi. My stock answer to missing features at the moment is the Legacy version - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
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