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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. There are about 18,600 answers via Google... https://www.google.com/search?q=convert+enex+to+xml&oq=convert+enex+to+xml&aqs=chrome..69i57.7064j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  2. Possible bug with this release - reported elsewhere here by several users. Thanks for the work-around! @Shane D. - please see posts from other users on this, including @Stacey
  3. Hope someone has reported this to Support - they'll probably catch it here, but a direct report may be a little faster....
  4. Hi. This is a -mainly- user to user forum. While it is read by the developers, there's no telling when they'll get around to this thread. You'll be better off installing the Legacy app to get the original print style back if it was working for you before. As a subscriber you can also submit a Support request - though you'll have a 10-12 day wait while everyone is raising their own new issue problems there. Printing to PDF is problematic in itself in that Evernote is not a page layout tool. You might be better off using Libre Office or some similar word processor to create your notes, attaching the output file(s) to a note so they're available wherever you are. To allow searches and to see the content inline it's easy enough to copy and paste from the Libre Office file into the note, making any changes to the source file if/ when necessary. For all the notes you may already have created, you could copy and paste the note content into a new Office file and check the layout there before printing...
  5. I appreciate the frustrations, but what exactly are you expecting them to communicate? Evernote isn't a co-op or a democracy, so they're not going to ask our permission to do things; they're not going to promise to fix things they're probably still working on, and they may not have taken some decisions in light of Global Pandemics, unpredictable user reactions and the probable system strains of running two generations of apps at the same time. Oh - and no corporate is ever EVER going to say 1) we made a mistake or 2) we're sorry. Their lawyers wouldn't let them. Throw in commercial confidentiality, a set of rapacious competitors revelling in the problems they're seeing at Evernote, and customers surrounding the building with burning torches and pitchforks (I made that last one up - I hope!)... The best and most productive thing they can do is to metaphorically roll up their collar and just get on with fixing things as fast as possible. Which is actually what we want them to do anyway!
  6. Careful what you wish for... I'd guess the distribution takes a little while and will get around to you eventually, but yes it will update - or offer the option - from the app. If you really want to jump in, go ahead and download it manually.
  7. Hi. No idea where the Mac location is, but it's not useful information - the database is a temporary file that is not officially available for backups or editing. You can option to retain it on your local hard drive for offline working, or allow the app to clear it out when you log off. To get back to a local database (temporarily) - use the Legacy app which retains full original features.
  8. Hi. Are you using the older Office versions, or Office 365? You should be able to continue with EN Legacy for some time yet, and if you can view your email in a browser, does the browser clipper not offer an option?
  9. I'm still strictly Legacy, so we'll have to wait for more informed (or experienced) users to comment - I have noted that others are finding searches take time to 'activate' since they're much more server-oriented in the new versions. If you left your annotations in place I'd suggest you go back and try again - you might find an hour or so will make the difference. Plus (it now occurs to me) annotating a PNG might not cause the image to be re-indexed very quickly or at all - have you tried searching PDF annotations?
  10. Hi. Have you checked in note information? I'm still on the legacy version which still shows that detail in the note header.
  11. Hi. Without knowing your printer, difficult to advise; but maybe check whether there is a different shade or colour to use?
  12. Hi. So for the moment run the Legacy version to keep your local database and enable exports, and look out for other services that might be able to do a cloud backup rather than download notebooks in the future?
  13. Short term, the quickest solution is to subscribe - pay monthly if you can, and downgrade the account if you want after one month. You'll get your access back within hours.
  14. Hi. I think they're trying. Here's an answer I posted earlier in a related thread...
  15. So tying up even more resources at Evernote so there are fewer staff to deal with technical queries, or to work on fixing them... and denying income so they can't afford to keep on employing coders... Good plan, providing you're definitely leaving, or if you work for a competitor...
  16. That's got to be in the developers' mind at all times. If you watched Steve Dotto toward the end of his comments (about 40 minutes in) he does note that the app is 'pretty speedy' on all his devices. It might depend on individual cases like OS version and device! If it doesn't get better, submit a support ticket. No idea. Windows apps are basically the same code packaged in a nice Windows Store wrapper: but it is an extra layer and might have some minor differences - you could always uninstall it and reinstall the Evernote.com version. (One thing the new app makes easier is uninstall/ reinstall!) -And the legacy app is 6.25.2, while the last public release is 6.25.1. Again no idea what differences there may be, but it would be an idea to install Legacy properly - it's at least designed to integrate with version 10, where 6.25.1 was not. (Though I don't know whether any changes were required.)
  17. Hi. This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum and if you check every one of the thousands of threads here, you'll find that developers have never commented on work in progress. Some of us users try to give what support we can, but you can imagine it's been a little busy around here recently! On the main point of this thread - the launch version of EN10 in all operating systems was a stripped-down shell intended to volume test the new backroom systems for bugs that would not / could not have been found in normal beta tests of maybe a few thousand users. Evernote runs 250M accounts (probably a little less after the last few weeks...) so normal levels of system traffic could not be tested without just going ahead and doing it. The 'legacy' app will run alongside the new version and is available for all systems apart from iOS (that's an Apple restriction). It should have exactly the same features you've always used - including multi-language support. Evernote will continue to support both for the meantime until the new app is more on a level with the old. At that point support will end, and we don't know when that will be. The best tactic (I'd suggest) is to use the new app where you can, but when you (if you're a subscriber) find missing or broken features, submit a support ticket so that Evernote have a picture of what developments are still needed and what priority to apply. Where you need features that haven't yet been restored, use the legacy app. If you prefer to avoid all the fuss you could uninstall both new and legacy versions of Evernote and go back to the last public releases, disabling updates for the moment. You probably have at least 6 months of continued activity before things are likely to change. The new app is getting better - 10.0 at launch is now up to 10.4 and will continue to add bug fixes and features across all operating systems. I'm dug in on the old Windows version at 6.25.1, and while I've looked around and have inspected suggestions from other threads, there is so far nothing which compares with Evernote for my level of use. Your case may be different - search for 'Evernote Alternatives' online if you want to spend some time trying out other options. I reserve the right to say "I told you so..." Useful links: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote http://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.1.9091.exe https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/119867-evernote-for-mac-710/
  18. Exporting to ENEX is good for backing up data - and the format seems to be importable for a number of apps including Evernote. AFAIK the format is not human- (or search-) friendly though. Not good for viewing content outside of a hosting app.
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