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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. There's a votable feature-(return)-request thread here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/129156-restore-import-folders/
  2. Hmmn. Anyone tried this one? https://speakai.co/ As far as I can see it isn't a note-taking app, it just helps you communicate better... allegedly. It can tell you whether or not you're most productive on a Wednesday evening, and how often you use the word 'splendiferous' in your text (I paraphrased some of their stuff). But honestly - I don't see the point. 🤔
  3. There's more detail elsewhere on the forums, but I thought Joplin might have been a contender - optionally encrypted syncs to your Dropbox account. But I tried it out and was not overly impressed with the reliability of the syncs. Secure is good, but Flaky secure is even more worrying than untrustworthy servers...
  4. Hi. This is a (mainly) user-supported forum, so under-the-hood issues are outside our brief. As a subscriber you should be able to contact Support to check whether there's an issue with downloads. It always takes some time, and just after the update to v10 it may be taking a lot longer to catch up. There seems to be a 50-note limit in place on most things - are you wanting to download more than that? Do you have the storage space on your device for that volume?
  5. One of my laptops has an annoying habit of dropping out of the network, forcing NordVPN to reconnect to the server. Evernote Windows 6.25 doesn't seem to mind overmuch - my Evernote session stays active and open...
  6. You're correct in that before v10 the exb file contained all your notes. After v10 when local notes are no longer supported however... I don't know. It is was possible to extract notes from an exb file a couple of years ago - see https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/99531-importing-notes-from-exb/ You could (according to that in 2016) extract notes from exb into an enex file and -maybe- find your lost note there. I'm a little confused - we now seem to be talking about a local note, which would have to be stored in a local (unsynced) notebook. Reading back over this thread it seems more like this should have been a synced note, but has somehow gone missing from your database. Either way you may get something from the exb file, or you may not: if not, have you checked the account by signing in to Evernote.com? Good luck, and please let us know how you get on!
  7. Hi. https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  8. Hi. Check your local storage and backups for an *.exb file. Windows saves all synced and non-synced notes in the same database. If you were to reinstall the Legacy version it would download another exb file, but this time containing only the synced files. The others were never sent to Evernote storage. If you don't have an original exb file, then I'm afraid your content is gone forever. If you can find the exb file, you can use the legacy app to extract your local notebook files.
  9. Hi. If you're using the desktop version, try the web client. If you're using web, try desktop. When Evernote updates there's a period where it has to rebuild the database, so you might just have had a temporary glitch. If it's still a problem, please confirm which version of Evernote you're currently using...
  10. Hi. Go to Evernote.com in a desktop browser and log into your account. If that doesn't work, use the 'forgot password' process and your original sign-up email address to get it back.
  11. Hi. I had a question and got a response within 7 days. When I raised the question I had an immediate response with a ticket number, so I knew I was in the queue. What's your ticket number?
  12. May be to do with v10 being launched. What devices / what Evernote versions / what trouble?
  13. Hi. Might help to attract some assistance if you can summarise what appears to be going wrong. Is it all iOS-related?
  14. Yup - you and me both. 5.33 is still unfinished and annoys me considerably in that it takes a couple of clicks and a 10-second wait just to delete a note. And don't get me started on multi-select...
  15. Hi. You may have noticed that Evernote just released v10, which has come with a slew of restrictions and several bugs. If you're looking to make a value comparison I'd leave it a week or three and try again...
  16. Hi. I assume you're using Evernote 8.13, which was the last public release. The reason previous posts in the forums have remained unsatisfied for some time is that Evernote were developing and are now about to release version 10, which may go some way to deal with your issues. However Evernote has never been great on mobile devices with long notes - you may find performance will also improve it you can take more smaller notes, linking them by title or tag. Good luck!
  17. Hi. Not a bug. Evernote now count the web version as a device and limit the syncs. You could maybe update and pay monthly - for one month - to get access back, or try Twitter @EvernoteHelps
  18. Hi. Have you checked the IP addresses of these wandering access points? I did have a couple of confusing notifications myself where an IP address I know is mine connected - allegedly - from India. Which was impossible. I reported the glitch and India hasn't since shown up, but it does indicate that there can be some weird messages. Support are the only people who can help in this case - not least because it should be impossible to beat 2-factor logins. If that's not the case I'd certainly like to know about it! As you're apparently having some issues with the report I flagged your post for an Admin to take a look at - hopefully you'll get a reaction within a few days; although as you can tell from the traffic in the forums, they're a little busy right now...
  19. Me too. I asked Support about that, and they say it's because I have too many notes. No indication whether they might expand the range at any time... Evernote Web should be available through any browser - what device, Evernote version and browser are you using now? Have you tried clearing the browser cookies and cache? Restarting your device?
  20. Just for the record (and any new folks here) this Forum has been going for the last 10 years or more and Evernote have only once or twice joined discussions (in very general terms) about current or future plans. Staffers do watch the forums to get feedback, and support staff have leaned in from time to time to help out with individual issues. But Evernote - like many other businesses - have a policy not to disclose their plans or progress* in discussion forums. And - again for the record - I far prefer them hard at work fixing issues, rather than spending countless hours here discussing their life choices. * Having said which: I do think, since we started out with an app that would do (say) 30 things fairly well, and it got replaced by something that only has 5 of those features left, that I would expect the company to give us a prioritised list of what is and is not coming back, with some timescales as in: "we're aiming to bring back 2 features per <insert reasonable time period here>"
  21. Hi. The forum here is -mainly- supported by equally frustrated users, so we share your stress - but don't have access to any answers. I'd suggest it's worth contacting Support, although I'd imagine they're pretty busy at present... but as a continuing Legacy user (actually I never got that far, I'm still on the old public version 6.25) any suggestion of corrupted databases makes me very nervous. I'll flag your post for an admin too - they may be able to help reconnect you to your shared notebooks. For any other issues - might Note History help? You can step back any note to a previous state....
  22. Hi. Not a Mac user, so please excuse a possible dumb suggestion. Can you log out of the empty account you're now using, and log back in with your original user details?
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