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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. ... Or use the Legacy version? I didn't know Outlook had any scanning features... ?
  2. Hi. Try going back to the Legacy app to regain lost functionality. I actually don't remember Evernote ever providing a Thesaurus-level look-up option, but I use Windows and Android which might be different in that I get spelling help only. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  3. Yup - basically what I said. Since you're "pasting a note within Evernote" by dragging and dropping one note on another, this seems like a bug.
  4. Hi. I believe that Evernote had a situation at one stage where a link would open in the app if it was open elsewhere on the device, but would go for the browser if it was not otherwise available. Don't know if this is a temporary 'feature' of v10 or a genuine bug, but as you're a subscriber I'd suggest you raise it with Support so they're aware...
  5. Hi. Apparently you can - Evernote just creates a neat little sub-folder to contain the various HTML files. You could raise a feature request to have an option to place the files directly if you wish? Otherwise this seems to be a developers idea of being helpful.
  6. Hi. Sadly we're not Support or (mostly) even Evernote - this is a user-supported Forum. And the best way to fix app issues is usually to uninstall / restart / reinstall. You are, however a subscriber, so you could try reporting this issue to Support via the app. There's some help online, but I don't know whether it will help. Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  7. Hi. I deleted your other post. Please don't post twice on the same issue. The "clip all pages" option is supposed to work on web sites that have content - like long articles - spanning several 'pages'. It won't allow you to clip several times into the same note. Clip web pages
  8. Hi. "Email already in use" means there's an account somewhere with (literally) your name on it. You'd need to sign into that account and delete the email, or use a different email address to update your current account until you can resolve the issue. How to change your account login email address
  9. Hi. If the content is important to you, it might be available through an upgrade - even if only for a month or so - to gain access to Note History Use note history to view older versions of a note Even if that doesn't work you'll also have access to Support who'll be able to analyse the logs and work out what happened.
  10. Hi. I'd suggest you check with HP - Evernote doesn't have any inbuilt connectivity for scanners or printers; saving notes into Evernote is dealt with by the scanner hardware or management software installed on a desktop. If you can scan to PDF and save the files to a folder on your system you can add them to Evernote either by using the Import Folder feature still available in Legacy, but still "coming soon" to v10, or by drag/ dropping them into notes. Create import folders in Evernote for Windows
  11. I'm also in the Heck, NO!! category - notwithstanding the 'easy' prototyping that's allegedly possible in Electron packaging, Evernote is having issues getting v10 back up to something approaching the standard of Legacy features. It may be shiny and new, but it's s-l-o-w. I would not like anything taking the company's focus away from upgrading the current package. Plus we users are such nit-pickers that despite whatever limited package of features Evernote puts together there'll be a host of requests for more fonts / styles / colours / 'essential features' desperately needed by small groups... the limited package would eventually grow into the full set. In fact we're only where we are now because of the slew of user requests for the same appearance on all platforms / parity between features and the rest. Evernote might have jumped at the chance to reduce their overhead on different coding for different devices, but it was also to answer user requests. So. No new projects - get this one right first!!
  12. As suggested previously - raise this with Support; they'll be able to check your logs and see when and why this is occurring.
  13. Not to interrupt this enthralling exchange but given this request has 22 votes against others with 600 or more votes which are still not realised, it is unlikely to happen anytime soon. That said, if developers have other reasons to play with the web page code, they may fold this tweak in at the same time. Evernote don't share their road map so we won't know whether or when it's going to happen until it does. Entirely their decision.
  14. Hi. That's on the index page of this forum I believe -
  15. If you are a subscriber, you have pretty much an unlimited amount of storage. I forinstance after 12(ish) years have 53,000 notes - actually going back further than that because I digitised a paper filing and library area early on. Some of my stuff is probably 30 years old. Now I could spend an hour or two every day for the next 10 years going through my old notes to weed out the so-old-its-irrelevant-now stuff... or I could employ those 3 solid years of effective working time just doing whatever jobs I want to do in the meanwhile, and if I find some old stuff in the process, I'll throw it out. But while making everything look neat and tidy can be very satisfying, it's generally a complete and utter waste of valuable time. Evernote's storage formats are designed to work best in Evernote with its inbuilt searching and categorising features. Exporting notes will give you a huge folder full of Megabytes (in my case Gigabytes!) of random individual files that will be a pig to manage. Good luck with that!
  16. ...What @DTLow said. I have a ScanSnap sheet-fed scanner and an Epson photo printer/ scanner - one for documents and the other for 'serious' photo scans. I also use my Samsung phone for ad-hoc scanning (using one of several apps, most frequently Evernote) and pictures when out and about - also images where the object I want to 'scan' has more corners than will fit into my scanners. My choices depend on what is currently available to scan the item in question, and whether we're scanning for a multi-page document I will need for reference, or imaging a tear-down summary of how my phone goes together during a repair. Images are always visible inline unless you specifically choose that they are not... but searches are more hit and miss depending on focus and resolution. Plus image recognition is more scattergun - a sign saying 'house for sale' might be interpreted as house, hearse or horse - and a search for any of the three would turn up this image. All the options would be present in the search metadata for that note.
  17. If there are only three of you I'd suggest avoiding a Business account. If you did go that route, you would effectively be four; the business account exists independently of any individual. Someone would have to administer their own account, plus the business account to manage everyone's access to the separate notebooks and 'stacks' (spaces). It adds a significant overhead to the admin side without (IMHO) enough new features - apart from massive upload capacities that you probably won't need. Beware too that syncing information happens between individuals and Evernote's server - so person A changes an item and syncs the edits to the server. Person B needs to ensure their device has picked up that newly changed version of the document before viewing or editing it further. Some trial runs might be an idea so you understand any limitations that delays between device syncs might incur.
  18. Hi. No clue. To avoid messing up your account(s) I'd recommend contacting Evernote Business - https://evernote.com/business/contact/
  19. Just to remind everyone that the legacy app still exports ENEX or HTML... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  20. It might be useful to post the question(s) you have - if they're relevant to Evernote - so we can evaluate whether anyone can help. If it's a question of geolocation of images though, Evernote is probably not going to help a great deal (and it's not a great place to store images) but you might checkout https://what3words.com/products/what3words-app/
  21. I doubt there's a way to do one mass conversion - have you tried accessing these notes via the legacy app? Raised a Support Ticket?
  22. I imagine the coders have a very long list of shorter and longer fixes they're working on, so even if that's the simple answer it may take a while to apply it...
  23. Hi. This is the background to devices - Understanding the device limit. Have you been removing the extra device correctly?
  24. Hi. We're a -mainly- user-supported Forum and they don't let us play with live accounts. You could try DMing @Shane D. who's our Admin and an Evernote Employee. (Mentioning his name here also gets his attention!)
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