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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I'd suggest you uninstall anything Evernote on your pc, restart it and re-download and start again...
  2. HI. Please restart your device, uninstall the existing Evernote app if it is still present, and try a fresh install.
  3. It takes a while to update and upgrade the display on first use.
  4. It's nice that you joined the forum specially to say goodbye. Please do tell us what other solution you find out there.
  5. Hi again. According to the forum here, you're using free software, so will have limited access to Evernote Support - but if you do find there's a technical issue with your note you can contact Evernote via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps. This forum is -mainly- managed by volunteer helpers like me. When you merge several notes, the originals wind up in the Trash folder and the merged content appears with the title of one of those notes. If you found the group through a search it's possible that your new note doesn't match up with the original search and was therefore dropped from the display. Try searching for keywords from your content. If you don't find the merged note, you should still be able to find the original separate notes in the trash and re-merge them. There's more information about the merging process here... Merge multiple notes into a single note
  6. Hi. As a matter of interest, what are all these shiny new features that you're seeing? Apart from the 'Home' page setup, all I've seen Evernote doing is slowly adding Legacy features back to v10 one step at a time... And when you "clip a note in Chrome" - is this a web page? Depending on the size it could take a while to get to the server, and if you're then trying to start v10 up and edit that page further, the new version seems to take a long while to get its act together... maybe giving the process substantially more time will help. You're not (according to the Forum here) a subscriber, so official channels are limited - try https://twitter.com/evernotehelps to contribute your frustrations...
  7. Also - https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  8. I think Evernote may be panicking users unnecessarily sometimes too - I was told my account had been accessed from an Indonesian IP address a couple of days ago. The IP address was strangely familiar - I checked via https://whatismyipaddress.com/ and it turned out that IP address was me. Connecting through NordVPN and a server in the UK.
  9. Just for perspective I've used Evernote for 12(ish) years and currently have 54,000 notes. A year or so ago that was still on the basis of 97% of my notes being in one huge notebook and I had about 5 notebooks in total. A while ago I decided to get much more granular, and started adding a notebook per (important) topic - I'm up to 300 or so so notebooks now, and I don't anticipate getting beyond 400. It's possible to operate within the apps limits, but if that doesn't suit your work style, better to look elsewhere.
  10. Hi. How, exactly, did you do that? It looks like you upgraded your existing Plus account with Evernote, who quote rightly point out that they're not Apple and can't cancel your auto-renew with the App Store. They suggested you cancel your payment there. Your premium (formerly known as Plus) account will then continue with Evernote direct. If you're still in doubt see - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/135456-how-to-submit-a-ticket-for-a-billingpayment-issue/
  11. Hi. The third-party app Filterize has a templates feature that (I imagine - I haven't used this myself!) would be triggered on tags or keywords when a note is saved to the server. The template can add layout and structure to the note. Evernote, as I'm sure you are aware, can generate a note layout to be edited later. Neither option will automatically generate a note. If you save an ENEX copy of a note template to the desktop and double click it, a new note will be created from that template.
  12. I kind've did that for my first 40,000 or so notes, but after a while I would get such long lists in response to searches that I went the other way and I now have 300+ notebooks for each one of my 'focus points' (must find a better term for that...) Basically, everything related to Amazon is in my Amazon folder, each supplier or customer I have has their own named notebook, and current projects get their own notebooks too. I'm also one of those users that prefaces all note titles with a date, so a quick search (with a saved setting) shows me the latest entry. If I want to find out what's coming from Amazon this week I open that notebook and the top 10 notes show me the recent past. Likewise when Elon 'phones I can open his notebook and check what we talked about last... 🙂 When things overlap, like three people on the same project, I'll consider the project to be our 'focus' - so it gets the notebook. Everyone else gets tags!
  13. Hi. See What to do if content is missing from a note And. Having been using computers for a very long time now, I backup my files daily... just in case...
  14. Hi. As and when you find these notes, just tag them with the name of the notebook they're in? Or change the title to be "<notewiththesametitle-work>" and "<notewiththesametitle-home>" ?? I'm sure there must be a scriptable way to find all notes with duplicate titles somewhere... 😏
  15. Hi. Sorry for the frustration, but Evernote doesn't work that way. Each device sends and receives updates from the server independently. Better to do all editing on one device, or to send the file to your desktop via a cloud Drive and attach it from there.
  16. Hi. The browser web clipper is a separate app from the desktop client. Your Firefox browser is apparently reacting as though the clipper app has just been installed. Try using the browser settings to remove that extension, restart your browser and reinstall the extension. You'll see the welcome page again - hopefully once only this time.
  17. Hi. Sign in to Evernote.com via your browser to check for the server copy of your notes...
  18. Evernote is really NOT the best place to save passwords or (while we're on the general topic) photographs. There are far better and more feature-rich package out there which do a far better job. I use Bitwarden for passwords, and for random keywords. It can generate random sequences like 9a^fEVFHs3h@ (not used) and remember which website I was logging into when that was created.
  19. Hi. There is no family subscription. This is not Spotify.
  20. Try this one - it contains instructions to unlink your account. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/230436427-Sign-in-to-Evernote-with-Google
  21. Hi. Your friend should report this theft to the police.
  22. Hi. Like @DTLow I'm firmly attached to the pre-v10 version of the app for the forseeable future. It works as well as it always has and I'm used to its occasional quirks. As to reaching out to clients, Evernote have more users than most countries have population, and are probably buried under crash reports. Pro-actively reaching out is not an option. If you contact them by support request on a specific issue, they'll respond directly.
  23. As I understand it (I don't have this setup myself) you need to be using ScanSnap Home? https://www.pfu.fujitsu.com/imaging/downloads/manual/ss_webhelp/en/top/index.html
  24. Always helpful to know what device, scanner and OS you're using, but most scanners should have a setting for either 'one PDF per page' or 'one PDF for all pages'. Check your scanner instructions.
  25. Hi. As a subscriber, if you're seeing slow processing speeds, the best way to bring it to Evernote's attention, get some direct feedback, and maybe even find a cure - is to raise the issue as a support ticket. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
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