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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. What solutions have you tried, and why aren't they acceptable? In an ideal world it would be nice to have an app behave perfectly. This ain't that situation...
  2. Yes I do. No it hasn't. What happens when you right-click a notebook name in the Notebooks page? Have you checked the 3-dots menu?
  3. Hi. If you "just updated" you might want to give the app a little while to rebuild its search indexes and try again later...
  4. Hi. There's some background and possible help here - Understanding the device limit All due respect - using a free app for a business-critical purpose is not always a good idea...
  5. Hi. As has already been pointed out, someone has to be in a position to log into your account as you before being able to look at note history. If they have that much access, you have bigger problems than potentially having a decade-old note decrypted. The answer appears to be the same as for general security - a unique password, 2 factor authorisation, and locking access to the account when not using it.
  6. Hi. Given that this thread has been quiet for a year, I wouldn't think that Evernote developers will be leaping to create any in-app connections; but there are several automation apps that do connect different applications together, so I would think that one of them could allow you to create a link between one action in Claris and creating a note. Zapier is one such app, though there seem to be dozens for both desktop and mobile...
  7. Hi. Not sure what's going on here - some pages are hard to clip (it's apparently not an exact science, given the different codings and automations involved) so trial and error is required in those cases. There are several options - If you have reason to doubt the Clipper - use Browser Admin tools to remove and re-install it. Reload that page and - if nothing else works - restart your system. Try bookmarking / simplified article / separate sections of the screen (Selecting sections of the screen - a big page may involve lots of links and images; a lot to capture) Screen cap - images are OCR'd by Evernote, therefore searchable. Try online services - various websites will 'clip' pages to PDF as a service Try third-party tools like Nimbus Screenshot - https://nimbusweb.me/screenshot.php Print to PDF - PDF editors like NAPS2 can convert images to text. Subscribers can attach PDF files to notes and they will be OCR'd within (usually) a few hours Print to paper and re-scan (if absolutely nothing else works!!) If you're really stuck - try sharing the site to Evernote from a mobile - or use it to take a picture!
  8. You can't 'lose' your notes - you may not be able to get into the account, but the notes will still be stored for you. You can't, but Support should be able to do it for you, subject to them being happy that you're you. Go to https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and use the 'continue as guest' option to report your issue. You can also try https://twitter.com/evernotehelps Maybe. If you're on a desktop, go to the 'notebooks' page and right-click a name. You should have an option to export all notes to ENEX. It's necessary to do this for each individual notebook.
  9. Or lessee... create your note content in a word-processor that will password-protect the file and attach it to a note print the WP content as an encrypted PDF file and attach it create a note with two lines of 'holding' text spaced fairly widely apart... ...like this. Select both lines and the space between. Encrypt the text and sync it. Then decrypt the paragraphs and copy/ paste your content between the original lines. Encryption is a text-only feature anyway - I prefer encrypted PDF files which can also hold images and graphics.
  10. - That would have been my standard advice in this sort of situation anyway - use a WP if you want anything but basic styling in your notes, and especially if you want print breaks in sensible places. The editor has always been the electronic equivalent of that spiral-bound notebook you add notes and doodles and generally use to keep scraps of information handy. I used to use one of those, and write up my notes 'properly' based on the content. No-one else would ever read my writing if I showed them a page... Us users have always pushed for more styling - but take a look at Word's menus, and imagine those being added into an Evernote window. There's a limit to what's possible. I don't use Evernote to send emails either - there's third-party software which specialises in doing that. Same with nicely laid-out documents...
  11. Hmmn. Sorry I missed your main point, but I still think this is a coding issue - Evernote uses their own brand of HTML within a note, and obviously the 'straight' HTML posting is being mangled in the conversion like a phrase being translated between two languages. It's probably a complete accident that 'undoing' something reverts the change. Since you;re a subscriber, best advice would be to raise this with Support, who may be able to suggest something better - but as above, both PDF and image files will be indexed by Evernote. (OCR on attached PDF files is premium only, but it is possible to OCR externally to make the file searchable.) Tips for searching scanned PDFs How Evernote makes text inside images searchable https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  12. Hi. Why not just use AHK (or similar) to generate the standard search and leave your cursor in the field at the correct point? I use Phrase Express and Text Blaze (a browser add-in) both of which can do this...
  13. Hi. It's been explained a couple (of hundred) times here that the content of a web page is formatted through hidden codes, external style sheets and one or other of a dozen or so different coding languages. So copying a section and removing some or all of the style instructions, naturally has - unexpected - results. Likewise adding your own (or at least Evernote's) fonts and layout with conflicting information is likely to scramble the page. Setting "paste as HTML" as a standard would not help these facts of Internet life. You can however screenshot the page, using Clipper, your native OS features, or any one of dozens of third party 'copy a web page' services, and then annotate the picture with graphics and comments. Or you can copy the content of the page using 'simplified article' (-or any one of...) and play around with the wording to your hearts content. Somewhere in all of that (and depending on how much editing is involved) you could print the page to a PDF file and annotate or even -maybe- edit that file. Ctrl+Z by the way just 'undoes' what you just did - hence resetting the edits back to their original condition. If you have to use it, you're probably doing something wrong...
  14. Hi. Backups are simply exported copies of notes or notebooks. Easier in the Legacy version than v10, but in both cases just go to the Notebooks page in Desktop (not the Web version) and export all notes to the backup destination of your choice.
  15. Hi. Evernote version? Size of images? - And if you create the content as a normal note and sync it with the server, does anything get deleted? If not, you could export that note to ENEX and save it to a desktop file. Double-clicking the file should create a new note with the same content...
  16. Hi. There's nothing more in the paid version - but you already quoted the answer; create your note in GDocs or Word and save to searchable PDF. Attach both files to a note. You'll be able to see the body of the note on some devices, and if you become a subscriber the content will be fully searchable.
  17. Hi. Can you see the image in your post? All I get is a green 'loading..' circle which explains nothing. You could try uninstalling and reinstalling the app to try to improve performance, or make sure you have a good network connection to send and receive data.
  18. Hi. Finding ways 'around' work restrictions can be dangerous to your career, so be careful of what you do here... but if you become a subscriber you could forward emails to your account email address - Save emails into Evernote Otherwise there's copy and paste, or 'printing' emails to PDF to attach to notes...
  19. Hi. No clue. But if they created an account, can they open their account to check what it contains? Once they registered and for a first share, they may receive an email confirmation, so check spam folders; plus if they sign in at Evernote.com via a browser they can check the server version of their account to see what's there... I'm not an iPhone user, and I'm a long way past receiving my first share, so these are all guesses. A 'real' iPhone user may be along later...
  20. Hi. I don't think Evernote designed the HTML export option as a way to share notes - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557 It's not mentioned in the 'share' help either - Share notes If your colleague uses Evernote an ENEX export would allow them to import the note to their own account, or copying and pasting the content into a word processing file would allow you to share that file. You could also paste shared links into your note to that it's possible to open files stored in a cloud account via the note.
  21. Hi. Please open a support ticket. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  22. Hi. You've clearly put a lot of thought and effort into this. I don't know whether this forum is the right place to show it off though - most users here are actively doing other things - teaching, law, finance, science - using Evernote (as you found) as a handy note-taking device and a natural memory extension. There are musicians, and I'm sure there must be film makers, but I've never seen a previous post about graphics videos. If you have a look on YouTube there's a lot of Evernote content there, including the company's own marketing. You might find it more useful to post your thoughts and experiences on a web magazine like Medium where you'll certainly get more feedback!
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