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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. If reloading the page doesn't help, try restarting your browser / your device?
  2. Please repost your query in a new thread - this one is about fonts, not code blocks. And please specify your device, OS, Evernote version and explain in full detail what you're trying to do and what is happening.
  3. Hi. Have you tried using Google or your PA of choice to dictate into Evernote directly? How to use Google Assistant with Evernote Or is it possible to use Dragon to create another document which could then be attached to a note or the content copy/ pasted across? I'd suggest raising this with both Evernote and Dragon support, though issues involving two separate developers can be hard for a user to resolve...
  4. Hi. There's not much about Evernote that's "simple". How to find to-do notes (checklists)
  5. Hi. You seem to be posting in the wrong area unless you're an Evernote Business user. Which device were you working on when the app went blank? If it was correctly connected to your account it should not be possible for more than one note to be affected by some sort of outage - have you signed into Evernote.com via a browser to check what notes appear there? Double check that you're using the correct user name and password since it's quite easy to accidentally create a new account - which obviously will contain no notes. If you have correctly contacted the support team you'll have a 'ticket number' which is your place in their job queue. If you can post that number here we can ask one of the admins to take a look for you as this is urgent. Without knowing a great deal more it's impossible to say whether or not this issue was an Evernote outage of some sort - a connection problem or a device reset could have equally been the reason for your lost information.
  6. I have, as they say, no opinion on this - I was quoting (I thought) Evernote - but I could've been wrong. It's still true that most people are now using a completely re-tooled version of the website, so if the issue remains, it could be by design. Just sayin'.
  7. Evernote have released more updates in the last 6 months than they have in the past 10 years. I believe they're getting around to things as fast as they can...
  8. +1 for 'lots of small notes are better than one big one...' - apart from avoiding the possibility that one fumble-fingered action could lose your whole book (!!), small notes are quick to load and sync, easy to move around within the whole, and helpful to drafting - I generally find that a 'mind map' in one notebook of different note titles, some with contents, and some just as place markers, helps me structure the content in a reasonably coherent manner. (-Use numbering in titles for chapter / section numbers!) Plus one 'table of contents' note helps me rearrange content and jump to relevant points quickly. (Long notes are difficult to navigate because - so far - there's no way to bookmark individual sections. The only way through is to scroll...) Short is good.
  9. ...Which suggests another small experiment. If you bury the youtube URL in a text link, is it still recognised and expanded, or do you just get the link? As in: EN video Edit: Hmmn. Workflowy also embeds Youtube videos (optionally) and is not fooled by a link -
  10. About the shortest link you could get would be " http://bit.ly/try44 " (I use Bitly and edited their slightly longer suggestion to get this.) It goes to a recent Evernote YT video... Edit - come to think of it, so does this - X https://bitly.com/
  11. Cheers - Thanks to @Evernote_E from prompting the thought! I'm still using Legacy (I may have mentioned this somewhere...) and until now I've always had the full PDF or an icon. In Legacy - I just tried it - this table layout gives you a nice panelled note with what amounts to a thumbnail of the PDF contents, and as you say, space above and below it to make notes or comments. (Or I guess I could leave a vacant cell next to it and add commentary). Quite pleased with myself. I'll go around for the rest of the day with a smug smile now... 😊
  12. I've not tried this, but it works for images - does it help to add a table to your note and paste the PDF file into a cell in the table? Obviously not a cure, but it may save headaches while Evernote sorts it out...
  13. No changes to search syntax AFAIK... "AND" is not supported as a term. Searches default to 'and' if there's more than one term included. If in doubt, search for one term then tag and search for notes containing the second term plus tag.
  14. This also happens to me in Windows on other apps (I'm on Evernote 6.25 still). The WIN key + arrow keys will bounce selected windows around too.
  15. Hi. Sympathies with the struggle - I've stayed with older versions of Evernote for Windows and Android until they get some of the differences straightened out. I can only suggest that you report each issue when you find it, and/ or go back to Legacy versions when and if you can to work around some problems. The company have issued more than a dozen updates in a few weeks, so clearly they are working on their issues. All we can do is be patient - or worst case, go somewhere else.
  16. You need to contact Evernote Support - which we're not. https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  17. Hi. Subject to de-authorising the old 'phone you should be good to go. Not sure how well Evernote will react to being moved by Android - if you have problems, just uninstall the app and restart the phone / reinstall. Log in with your usual ID details and wait for notes to appear... Understanding the device limit
  18. Check by signing in to Evernote.com to see what's on the server, and verify that you have logged on with the correct details - it's a little too easy to create a new account when connecting again. If you're working from a desktop, you should still have the old database of your notes - check to see whether you have any 'Evernote' folders.
  19. Hi. It should be possible to set up two stacks - containers for notebooks - to handle your business and personal notebooks. (I'm assuming that you use two premium accounts, or a premium and a basic account for your current notes). Exporting from Evernote to ENEX files is something you do notebook-by-notebook, because the exported file does not contain notebook information, but it should have included tags. Next time you do that, watch for options. To 'start over' I'd suggest you create you two stacks in your account and then start moving existing notebooks into the correct business or personal slot. If you have a lot of notebooks, you may have to come up with some naming conventions like stacks named BUS-current, and BUS-archive to split them up a little. Hope that helps - it shouldn't be rocket-science.. Create a notebook stack
  20. That dialogue refers to any devices that you may have logged in from previously - you were disconnecting anything that was logged into the account with your original password and making it a requirement that all devices would have to log in with the new password. That would not have altered which notes you could see.
  21. Hi. One thing I didn't realise when I first started using Filterize - it will only process notes when they sync to the server. In the days when Evernote had a manual sync on desktop apps it was easy to make sure the note was changed and synced to test an operation. In v10, the 'automatic' syncing means you need to ensure that Evernote realises a change has been made, and syncs the note(s) appropriately. Filterize has (it says) completed around 1,600 actions for me in the last 28 days. There are 5 currently outstanding on my account from today. (The home page at filterize.net shows an Activity Log -via the 3-bar menu at top left of the dashboard). I've not noticed any major issues in several years of use - the only conflicts I've had have been in parameterized notes where other terms in the list of keywords have triggered two separate actions. I changed the keywords and/ or the filters to avoid that. I recently found forinstance that when I moved a note to one notebook manually, Filterize would move it to a different one. Repeatedly. There's an option somewhere to flag a note so that Filterize will not test it, which I'm now using for manual changes. Contact Filterize via Social Media - https://www.facebook.com/filterize & https://twitter.com/Filterize (though neither has been active for some time). The round green button at the bottom right is a Chat option that has responded to me in the past within a few days at worst. Or there's contact@filterize.net
  22. Hi. How exactly did you merge the notes, and in what OS / Evernote version? Properly merged notes should be one long stream of content with the original note titles as dividers.
  23. Hi. If your boss copied something with that format, then the note will show double spaced. The only way to change it would be to copy the content into a plain text editor to lose all formatting, then copy and paste the bare text back into a new note.
  24. Sorry but I don't even understand "revoked all previous sessions". You have an account with a user name and password. There are no sequential 'sessions' of notes. Everything you saved into your account should still be there. Could you have created a different account somehow for your later notes? EDIT: and please don't post the same query in two places. I zapped your other post.
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