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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Support might send you here for general information and ongoing discussion, but if there's an issue they really have to either fix it or confirm it's something they're looking into for a future update. If you grab a ticket number from support and post that number back here, we can ask an Admin (an actual employee) to kick it along for you...
  2. Without getting into the weeds on tag philosophy, there are (at least) two other ways to structure notes which can accommodate infinite nesting. 1: Use a Dashboard / header note / executive summary - which is a 'table of contents' note listing Main topic sub topic sub-sub topic etc... - each level being a link to a new note on that topic. Easy(ish) to do on desktop by keeping the dash board open in a separate window and drag/ dropping new note links from the main database. 2: Use an external app - I use Workflowy - which can nest links to notes*. This forinstance is a list of events I'm collating for a calendar. The title of each event will become a link to an Evernote containing any details, images or comms related to that event. Blue shaded dots mean there's a drop-down with more details. Orange dots mean the entry appears elsewhere. (These event entries are mirrored** in alpha lists under 'venue' and 'managed by') A shaded orange dot means more drop-downs. The top 'new event' entry is a template that generates the layout and headings for each entry. * it takes some fumbling to get the notes to open reliably in the app rather than a browser window... ** means wherever the entry appears I can edit the content and it will update all instances of that item.
  3. Syncs are <device1>...>...<server>...>...<device2> so best check is to sign into Evernote.com to view the server copy - see whether the server is receiving from one or the other.
  4. On the basis that you were with Evernote and (presumably) using the pre-Legacy version more or less happily before-hand, you actually had four. The missing two were: 1: Follow the savvy user's code and never be an early adopter - read the reviews before you upgrade and make your choices then - like I did. (Users have been griping about Evernote's poor QA for a long time...) 4: If you upgraded and didn't like it - just go back to Legacy (iOS excepted 😕). Sure I'm unhappy with Evernote, and if they don't dig their way out of the swamp by the time Legacy is shut down I'll be moving on. But I've done that a few dozen times before with other software that no longer worked for me. I'm still getting daily backups of my 30G+ database (Backupery still works - thanks guys!). My automations are working via Filterize and Workflowy (again, thanks..) Ranting is allowed - if there was a Razzie equivalent for dumbass product release then Evernote would be a shoo-in for the win. I think they offended almost all their users in one way or another this past few months. However continued ranting is pointless. Either suck it up and carry on with Legacy if you can, or pull up stakes and move on. Aggressing at others for not being as upset as you is just dumb. Like you just said - I could not agree more. Evernote seem to be doing their best to rescue the brand. If they do, good luck: I like some of their people a lot. If they don't - maybe I'll see you in another forum somewhere... 🙂
  5. If that's aimed at people like me, I've been using Evernote for 10+ years and have 53,000 notes and quite a comprehensive management system. Also I tend to post comments that are short and to the point.
  6. Hi. A couple of things - the last 1,000 or so posts in this forum have been about issues with the new app. Please read up to date before asking more questions. And. If you wish to ignore the update for a while and go back to the previous version... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  7. Hi. I think your caps lock is stuck! Unless you're using iOS it is still possible to use Evernote Legacy rather than version 10. On an Android 'stepping back' to 8.13 (which was the version before 10) takes a bit of effort - but you should only be able to update if your devices run Android 10. Your login issues could be something completely different. Please post more details if you need more help with that.
  8. Hi - Difficult to be specific about organizational systems since, as you say, they're often highly individualised to the person employing them. The basics (IMHO) are: Don't be afraid to try something that seems like a good idea - you can always change the process or the details later Don't be afraid to junk something that's not working or details that you don't understand Once you find a system that seems to work, stick with it unless and until it fails you badly - you'll waste endless time chasing perfection that could have been used for actual work! From your comments above I'd suggest: create a separate Stack for each client institution you deal with and use notebooks within each stack for specific projects / courses or assignments. Notes in each notebook can deal with the specifics of development and delivery. auto forward any emails from the individual institutions to an 'inbox' in that stack and review it daily to tag and respond as necessary. Filterize can help you move notes around and automatically 'file' notes into the correct notebook based on tags or keywords -or email addresses. Cronofy can link specifically tagged notes with Google calendar so that you always have an overview of commitments Filterize can also generate automatically updated tables of content so that (forinstance) all uncomplete tasks in the planning stage for all clients can be listed on one ToC in due date order. You can use these ToC 'Dashboards' to see: what tasks and commitments are due today / undone from previous days / coming up shortly. I don't now use any proprietary 'to-do' systems - the above basically is my own system which (apart from several external apps) works without having to search in more than one place. One final suggestion: look at Workflowy - it's much more than an 'outliner' and has a very quick and comprehensive search feature. That's now where I save a lot of boiler plate information like the links I'll add below, plus some reminders for myself about how to use my own classification systems which have gotten a bit complex lately... https://filterize.net/ https://www.cronofy.com/ https://workflowy.com/ Good Luck!
  9. Hi. I'm confused. You're saying that these outputs are an - that might be a function of the PDF printer, rather than Evernote. If your note is already text, it actually requires more work to convert it to an image - a 'non-searchable' note - than it does simply to generate a text copy. The image is less efficient too - the file sizes will be larger. Which PDF services did you use to output these notes?
  10. If you can upgrade on a monthly basis, it might be worthwhile doing so for a few weeks while you resolve this, though I did think ALL subscribers had access to Support. I can confirm it though, because Plus-specific information seems to have been steadily removed from most of the help pages. The main Support link has an option to proceed "as a guest" which you could try now if it otherwise won't allow you to proceed. [https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new] If you can then post a ticket number back here I can ask an Admin to chase it through the system to see whether there is anything on the roadmap (if they'll admit one way or the other...) Meantime - this thread kicked off about the *new* editor - does Legacy still support Dragon (or vice-versa) and have you looked at Cortana as a possibly dictation-friendly PA? (I mentioned Google or your "PA of choice" previously...) https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote I can see where using another app to generate the note, or setting up another voice to text system, means extra work - but expecting Evernote to fix something that might be an incompatibility with their system vs Dragon is a long game with no obvious quick returns....
  11. If you're thinking of Filterize, it's still around and (I think) still offers the same internal bookmarks option - but the website is down, so I can't check! It does offer an automated table of contents feature which generates an Evernote style ToC for a selection of notes based on tags or keywords which makes it easy to work with short notes and link them together with tags or titles to the same effect. I hate working with long notes, because all your proverbial content eggs are in one fragile basket. One fumble-fingered command could delete everything. Several short notes at least mean that a single mistake can't erase all your work...
  12. Hi. You're currently using a free account which has some limitations on the number of devices used to access your notes. If you abide by those restrictions you can continue to use the service for free. No credit card is required - and you should have free access to your account details to remove it if for some reason you have already submitted it. For information: we're mainly users here, so have no interest in whether or not you subscribe at any time. Understanding the device limit How to manage your Evernote subscription https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/135456-how-to-submit-a-ticket-for-a-billingpayment-issue/
  13. Me either. Which is why I stuck to the Legacy version for the time being and have some ideas about local storage outside of Evernote even if I continue to host my notes there.
  14. Hi. What are you trying to do? You have exported your notes outside of Evernote, at which point I think Evernote might have decided that any future organisation of the content would not be their concern. The Legacy version of Evernote has more export options, but in both versions the way to keep your notes in notebook order is to export each notebook individually into a separate folder. If you wish to sort your notes into categories it's easier to do this within Evernote and then export them...
  15. I may have slept through that day or something... don't remember anything in the past 10 years or so... Anyhoo. While I totally agree Evernote could have announced their new BETA app with a lot more of an 'at your own risk' fanfare, it's easy to switch back as has already been pointed out. I'm sticking with Legacy for the forseeable future - it hasn't changed (which is both a good and a bad thing!) but it's the devil I know... and it still works!
  16. Which is, and has been true for several years - the assumption if you're using the Web access is that you use a desktop - or can browse on a tablet and get to the web version from there... Due respect to EN - there's an added downside if you upgrade from Basic rather than Plus: if you downgrade again after the fact, you might in one case be able to argue going back to Plus. In the other, you'd lose access to Plus altogether because it's no longer available as an option. In the (I'm guessing) unlikely event that you want to try again, I'd suggest that you upgrade from your 'My Account' page on Evernote.com and pay them direct before the existing account expires back to Basic. That way you may be able to go back to Plus if you decide later to downgrade again. However, I'm just another user and they're the Elephant - and it's entirely your choice! Sorry for the experience - EN seems a bit of a mess right now. 😏
  17. Every technology company always surrounds agreements with caveats that make it exceedingly difficult to hold them to account for breaks in service. If you wish to walk away from your account, you're always free to do that on expiry of the current subscription. It would likely be very expensive and largely ineffective to try to hold the company to account for any perceived lacks of service. Besides emails can still forwarded to Evernote from Outlook manually or by 'rule'.
  18. You already worked out the 'official' solution, so any suggestions are going to be pure speculation... but have you tried the Legacy app? It will install alongside your new v10 and can be used interchangeably if you so require. That's going to be version 6.25 - which is still quite a jump up from 3.0. v10 uses a new database location, but the upgrade should have left your old v3 database in its original position. Evernote changed the position of its database storage a couple of times which may cause issues - worst case you'll download a new copy of the Legacy database from the server... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  19. That's kind of an unanswerable question. If the note is gone completely, the only possibilities are: You accidentally created a new account when logging in. If you can still see other notes you recognise, then obviously that's not the case - otherwise try logging out and - carefully - back in again. You created the note on another device and it has not yet synced back to the server and down to a new device. If the note was deleted it would be in the trash.
  20. It's a point of view, but like any process backlinking isn't a bad thing provided you use it correctly. IMHO it's wasteful to keep on describing devices or processes each time they're mentioned, so linking to a [[continuum transfunctioner]] when you mention it in context is useful to ensure that every reader of that entry is on exactly the same page as to the definition of the device. Likewise should a practice ever change to use a different device, it's easy to link to that instead. For internal use, the linked text could be acceptable - a quick lookup and return to the narrative enables readers to understand exactly what is intended here. For external use or training, it would be better to expand the links into definitions so that the content is 'complete' on one page. Linking to other content isn't always necessary and should not be routine anyway - making a [[pot]] of [[tea]] by [[boiling]] the [[kettle]] and adding [[teabags]] and providing [[milk]] and [[sugar]] is a well-enough understood process (at least in the UK!) so's not to need the definitions at all. Linking is (IME) a Good Thing in small, carefully selected doses.
  21. That wasn't what you were chasing... Evernote seem to have adopted the Musk strategy: "Move fast even if you break things."
  22. Are we talking overwriting notes, or changing files attached to notes here? And if the note is shared with editing privileges, remember that either party could be making changes which sync back to the server, while the other party is making changes to the same file. When the first changes get synced down to the second user, their latest changes are overwritten by the 'update'. I'd suggest raising this with Support, because it's not the usual experience... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  23. Hi. Saving a note as a PDF file is hit and miss at best, depending on what the notes actually contains. Evernote's editor is not an office-quality word-processor, though its possible to create neat-looking notes. The only way to guarantee the quality of the output would be to copy/ paste the content to a word-processing app and to generate the output from there. You could then attach the PDF file to the note for re-use.
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