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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. It's a free account with some limits on devices and changes - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068-Understanding-the-device-limit
  2. No problem - but do look at other ways of moving notebooks around; you might find you're creating new Stacks if you drop a notebook in the wrong place...
  3. Hi. A simple answer may be to install the Legacy version of the app which will give you back the original functionality you're missing. It will work alongside the new v10 and you will be able to switch between them if you wish. We are, however, not the Evernote Team on the Forums - this is (mainly) a user-supported site. I'd suggest you report your v10 usability issues to Evernote via Support - they may be able to help. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  4. Hi. I doubt any simple text editors would show you both versions of the link either. Evernote is a note-taking app (among other things) so it copies the visible content of a page or a link. You could add a feature request to show both parts of the equation - to include a 'show link' option somehow, but you'd need to do that in the correct part of the Forum...
  5. If you're talking about being logged into Evernote web plus this forum - they're two completely separate sites and don't share cookies or status.
  6. You should be able to de-authorise one or more devices via account settings on the website. But - it's a free app; there are some limitations on access. Understanding the device limit
  7. Those darn weekends keep on getting in the way. If you can quote your ticket number here I can ask an Admin to maybe expedite things for you...
  8. Hi. Where does it say that Stacks should automatically expand? If they did, they'd expose Notebooks (not folders), containing Notes. If you multi-select notes in your list, have you noticed that you should be able to Move them to a destination? (At least this used to work in the old version - which I'm still using.) Choose your preferred notebook destination and the notes will automagically move across.
  9. Hi. I'm into 53,000 and counting. Things are definitely slower... but I'm still trucking along (on an old creaky laptop - which might be a factor...). Also on the old Windows version: 6.25.1
  10. If you read the thread you're posting in, everyone else seems happy and got sorted out - at least you now have enough information to contact Evernote and get upgraded...
  11. Hi. You need to read and understand the on-screen notes when updating. There are no 'local notebooks' in the new version. If you converted your local notebooks, they are now fully online. If you install the 'Legacy' version, it will work alongside the new version, which still uses local notebooks - your original database is probably still installed on your system. Make sure you install from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote and that you can see your local notebooks there. Export the content to ENEX to backup your content, then check in v10 and (if you want to avoid internet access) delete those notes. Not sure what will happen to the local notebooks in your database, but you will need to make some other arrangements to store the content outside of Evernote.
  12. Several Probably in progress... (but this is a -mainly- user-supported Forum, so we have no clue...)
  13. Hi. Are you aware you can install the legacy app alongside v10 and use the older version when things go wrong? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  14. <Sigh> It may have escaped your notice, but Evernote and Apple are two separate organisations. Sometimes comms between them are not quick. If you'd upgraded on Evernote.com and had problems, I would have been sympathetic to your criticism of Evernote. As it is - maybe you should check with iTunes to make sure the payment went through?
  15. Hi. Only thing I can think of is that "enter" is a trigger-word. Looks like you choices are find another way to record that word - some initials / code / alternative to be replaced later if necessary or check out How to use Google Assistant with Evernote which might get around it...
  16. "Switch to" isn't an either/ or situation - the Legacy apps work alongside v10, so its simply a question of choosing the right tool for the job. If you can get things done efficiently without that, then good for you. Some of us use features - like Import Folders - that don't have work-arounds yet...
  17. Hi. There are two options - both using third party apps. Filterize - https://filterize.net/ This app can populate and keep up to date a Table of Contents note based on note tags and text content. If you tagged your notes on each individual with <name> and <company> you would be able to generate a ToC note (a 'dashboard') for each individual, listing every time their name has been quoted - which would presumably also contain the company details. You could also create a dashboard for the company listing every time their name has been tagged - including all individuals you have noted. If you wished, you could also have a dashboard 'index' listing all the dashboards for individuals tagged for that company, plus a dashboard for all individuals working for all listed companies. So: a call from company A: - you can jump to that dashboard and be ready to jump to the name of the person you'll be speaking to. A call from person B: -and you can jump to the company dashboard(s) that link to that person's name. Workflowy - https://workflowy.com/ I use WF a lot in conjunction with Evernote. It's one major benefit - apart from an endless series of nested outlines - is that it's possible to link between bullet points and to have one bullet appear in more than one position (officially a 'Mirror' link). It also has a killer search feature - instant and comprehensive. So entering details for one company you could add each employee as a single bullet. Either enter details here, or link to their full details in Evernote. A company entry would appear as .. Acme Industries R Runner W Coyote ..with as much or as little detail under each entry as you require. All subsequent notes regarding Mr Coyote could link to his bio with the name in square brackets [[W Coyote]] which automatically creates a backlink in his individual record listing all the instances of such a link being created. Mirror links do not include backlinks, but allow the convenience of wherever you see the ((Acme Industries)) link in context, you can instantly change the details of that record - so could add conversation dates or new contact information without needing to search or leave your current location. I should also mention that every individual bullet/ record in WF has it's own shareable URL so you can embed links in Evernote to jump back and forth, or easily share contact details with a colleague. - - - - - - I don't know exactly how you'd want to configure your system, but there's lots of scope! Good luck...
  18. Only time will tell - meantime I'm also still operating on the old apps: EN Windows 6.25 & Android 8.13. I don't feel any inclination to add more drama to my life than it already has in trying to work out how the new app works - vs - the existing service unless and until the speed has improved considerably, and v10 includes Import Folders like 6.25. Evernote do seem to have dropped a number of other minor(?) things at least for the present, presumably on the basis that delivering a working version is the main priority -details can wait until later. In the absence of an official list of deprecated features we're left with a high-stakes game of 'hunt the thimble' to find out what features actually do work reliably. Evernote have pulled out a lot of stops - the updates are making genuine improvements; but I'll change from 'Legacy' if and when I have to - and it may not be to update with Evernote.
  19. Although I use Evernote pretty intensively, I also use Workflowy which handles the same issue slightly differently. Completed items in a list can be shown... or not. As example: Shown -Hidden Any list I have in Workflowy link back to more detailed information in Evernote as here.
  20. If you're referring to a situation where you'd have 10 checkboxes with most of them ticked, and you only want to see the few that remain unticked, then that's not possible. Evernote can't extract parts of a note and display them elsewhere. If each checkbox is in a separate note, then It's possible to list only those unchecked notes. Otherwise what you see is all their is.
  21. Hi. Evernote imposes limits on free products since each account uses significant amounts of their bandwidth and free online storage. Why were you getting this reminder so often? Were you using the same device each time? Understanding the device limit
  22. Hi. Don't believe so. Something like Phrase Express can be used to automate actions though. Keyboard shortcuts in Evernote for Windows
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