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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I think you pretty much covered it. If Evernote says your note is too big to share, then you need to split it into two notes. There's no sharing 'part' of a note. Haven't hit this limit myself in the Legacy version (which is what I'm using) so that might also be an option... but I don't know whether it will work.
  2. Hi. If you can sign up to your company account with a different email address, you'll keep your personal trial data with its existing sign-in details, and have a separate account with different sign-in information with the company. You'll be able to move notes from one to the other if you need to do so. If you try to use the same email address for both accounts you'll have problems.
  3. It's never a good idea to find ways around company rules. Unless you have Evernote on your phone or tablet - and can operate on the phone network, not your company's wi-fi - you may have to find an alternative...
  4. Hi. Sorry to hear of your issue, but if no-one else raised this in the past 4 years, it's not exactly a common issue. Or a 'bug'. And if you did pay for premium, you're still showing as a free user here. As a subscriber you'll be able to report the issue to Support to get some assistance. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  5. Sorry - we got nothing here to help; try https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  6. If you're talking about Note History, that's been a subscription only service for as long as I can remember. And as for unlimited device changes, that simply gets around the device limit - you're just limited to using two at a time. Once a device has signed into Evernote it seems to be counted as 'registered' so to use a new phone (forinstance) you really need to disconnect the old one properly first. Understanding the device limit
  7. No - it's not a request show either. Some upgrades were simply not technically possible with the existing code base. Hence... https://evernote.com/blog/new-evernote-getting-better-every-day/
  8. Hi. No merging (yet) on the web - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004857
  9. Evernote apparently don't know that you paid Apple, otherwise your subscription level would have been changed. Apple will be able to give them the account / reference number of their transfer to confirm things. But you clearly know best - good luck with that.
  10. I've seen comments that it runs slowly, but nothing about it being totally inoperable... As far as I know, it's said that for the last several years... Impossible to keep up to date - Forum searches (or better yet, general web searches) will usually find the latest post on a given topic. ...And the best fix for any issues with v10 currently is - "use the legacy version" which works for everything except iOS. Android's can be stepped back, but you're using a third-party resource for older APK files which is a slight security issue.
  11. Don't know about the company, but my app is still producing daily local backups here...
  12. Android options here - but (obviously) these are third party sites. Proceed at your own risk... https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/evernote-corporation/evernote/evernote-8-13-3-release/ https://apkpure.com/evernote-notes-organizer-daily-planner/com.evernote/versions https://evernote.en.uptodown.com/android/download/2259282
  13. I'm confused. The only 'paywall' is a stricter limit on the number of devices that can be connected to a Basic account. The actual Basic features are the same as they've always been - about 90% of what you get as a subscriber, just subject to lower limits including the number of devices. If you're talking about the difference between v10 Basic and Legacy Basic - that's a development issue; time will see ...most... of the previous features being returned, as soon as the Evernote team finish reading the Elektron 'quick start' guide.
  14. LOL I love a good rant sometimes too...
  15. Just so we're clear - this is a (mainly) user-supported Forum and I'm just another user with opinions. I pretty much agree with you about all of the above - but sadly Evernote wants to please its customers. Of course there's a well known phrase or saying about the general impossibility of pleasing all of the customers all of the time. Guess we'll just have to hope that when they crunch the final numbers, the Legacy apps will remain as an 'opt out' for bells and whistle haters!
  16. Hi. Poor old Evernote can't seem to get a break these days... Users complained that their notes in iOS looked 'different' than the same notes on the Web, so Evernote introduced en editor that - necessarily - was limited to the best features (and fonts) that worked on all operating systems. Notes started to look the same! And users complained that they wanted their fonts and features back... Users went mad for 'dashboards' - one place to show notes and links and 'to-do' items and somewhere from which to generally run their lives. So Evernote created Home Pages to save users the effort of setting up a dashboard system. And users complained that Evernote was just wasting resource on unnecessary bells and whistles. Users wanted to have the same 'look & feel' in the app on all operating systems - the same menus and the same features on all devices. So Evernote adopted "Electron" a packaging system that enables exactly that - and everyone complained that things now run too slowly and they want their old speed back! And - get ready - "To Do's" are in beta ready to be released on an unsuspecting world. Wonder what the Evergensia will make of that! Evernote is, I'm sure, doing its level best to satisfy the demands of more users than most countries have people. (Only Apple, Facebook and similar mega-corps have more!) That old saying about camels being horses designed by committee is very true. I think in Henry Ford's day, they just wanted bigger horses... Not knocking your request - I am not using, and will not use the 'new' Evernote until it shows signs of being as good as the old one, Meantime I'm sticking with EN Windows 6.25 and Android 8.13 which work... as well as they always did... but at least I know what I'm getting. You might want to try the Legacy version again, just to see if that helps with the frustration level - if and when Evernote decide to shut those servers down, you'll be able to judge whether to update, or to migrate. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  17. I am definitely confused - where are these emails coming from if not forwarded to the account email address? And how do you know that millions are being blocked?
  18. Hi. There is no direct sync between iOS and MacOS. Both types of device sync changes back to, and receive updates from, Evernote's servers. Sign in at Evernote.com to confirm which OS is not syncing correctly... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313378
  19. I forward emails from my Gmail accounts to Evernote. I have to set up 'rules' for each incoming email - so I know exactly what emails I expect to see in my account. I could easily check Gmail to see what has been forwarded If I had any doubts about mail being received. Evernote is providing you with the same protection that most mail servers offer - there are automatic checks on the internet to see who is sending out spam, and lists which mail servers can use to block transfers from some sources. I do know (because I've been doing this sort of thing for around 40 years now) that I would receive hundreds of unwanted emails per day were it not for this sort of protection. My Gmail spam folder still traps about 80 emails per day with promises to make me richer / slimmer / hairier and less deaf (amongst many other things...). If you don't require their protection, then why not stop automatically forwarding emails to your Evernote account, and maybe do so manually so you know what you expect to receive?
  20. Hi. You know this how? Given the amount of effort they're putting into updating their product on an almost weekly basis, they still seem determined to provide some level of service to their users. Doesn't matter what format you store notes in as long as they can be extracted into a usable format. EN's native format is not just plain old HTML, but all notes, attachments and images can be extracted to standard formats individually or in bulk at any time. If that suits your level of access and use case, that's fine - I have everything except most images and books in Evernote. It's all manageable and searchable from one point - including the OCR'd content of all notes and images. That still satisfies my needs as noted above.
  21. ? You prefer receiving spam ? - Please see posts above. By working with Evernote it should be possible to reinstate your mail forwarding.
  22. Didn't say they weren't watching - just that they don't engage in debates. And given the stats on the front page of this forum - I'd say they have a hard enough time keeping up with all but the most active threads, without trying to contribute their views.
  23. While I understand your frustrations, I'd imagine Evernote could happily employ 20-30 staff full-time in responding to all the gripes in the forums. If they have that many staff to spare, I for one would prefer to see them working on improving the app rather than talking to me. Subscribers can use the Support link to raise issues and give feedback - though Evernote won't (usually) respond to or comment on feedback. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (Oh - and by the way we're a -mainly- user supported Forum so my feet are pretty safe from random gunfire.)
  24. IMHO this is all going to be pointless speculation. Evernote do not discuss their finances or their future plans in public, and no-one has any 'special' knowledge of their deliberations. We do know that a very large number of people have downloaded and installed the software - and by 'large' I mean somewhere around the total number of Windows 10 users - which is a user-base that all software companies (except Facebook and Apple) would cheerfully kill for. Evernote is pretty much guaranteed enough of an an active user base to fund its day to day operations for the forseeable future. Whether those operations are suitable for your particular purposes is a purely personal decision. If doesn't suit your needs, then of course you should look around. But bear in mind that no software is perfect, and there will always be claims that a new app is "better than the rest". It will be a judgement call whether it's worth it to endure the extra actions and learning curve required for a migration and 'serious' use. I'm also currently using the 'old' Windows 6.25 and Android 8.33 versions because I'm very aware of their shortcomings, and I can work around them. I most emphatically do NOT need the extra stress of learning a new set of menus, features and new drawbacks on top of doing my existing day job. I'll continue doing that until either 1) I'm very sure that version 10 is the equal of the older versions or 2) Evernote withdraws access to their servers for the old version. This last does not seem likely (and may not be possible) for some considerable time. I do have an exit strategy (and daily backups) in case v10 does not fit my requirements, and while I very much hope Evernote will get its act together soon, I'm not bound to the Evernote eco-system. This would not be the first time that I've changed app providers because there was a better option available...
  25. Don't believe so - I did ask for a definitive list of what's in and what's out of EN10 some while ago. No-one has posted anything that I'm aware of...
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