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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Your local folder is not a backup. It is the working databases for the app to use when dealing with local queries. You need it for offline access, but if you restore Evernote from backup, the new installation will download a new working database from the server, which is the ultimate parent copy. To keep a local backup you need to download your notes as ENEX files, notebook by notebook, from that server parent. To restore you would need to re-import some or all of those backups as new notebooks. There is no current Evernote 'easy' solution for this - like you, I run an older version and use Backupery to automate the notebook-by-notebook export of my 300 or so notebooks.
  2. Actually, many users wanted this feature and complained that it was not previously available...
  3. You may be an atypical web user - I tend to have one note or two notes open in their own window from a Windows desktop client, plus the client itself. Multiple notes open in multiple, probably sandboxed, web windows may be like having several users working on the same account at the same time, hence duplications. Evernote may not even be aware that this is an issue if no-one has raised a support ticket. I'd suggest reporting it yourself to see if there's anything they can help with... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  4. Hi. This is a public (mainly) user-supported forum. You'll get a direct response if you report your issue to Support. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  5. Hi. I'm sorry, I don't believe this is possible unless you have a backup of your device system that might still contain a copy of the original database. Once the trash is cleared, Evernote's systems will delete all records and backups.
  6. HI. Sympathies for your situation. As a business user, your rogue gets priority access to the support team. As a Basic user I'm afraid you don't. We're a -mainly- user supported Forum, with no special access either, so I'm not sure how you could take this further. You could DM our senior admin with the user's details, which he'd need anyway to look into the issue for that account - and my giving you his name might attract his attention here anyway... @Shane D.
  7. Possibly because Evernote introduced a new version recently to their 250M or so users and have been inundated with queries and issues since? There are no 'by return' guarantees in the T&Cs for email support. And any complaints would be through the support ticket system you already used - we're a user-supported forum.
  8. If you can print your emails to file, your Legacy Evernote will still support Import Folders, so a large number of emails-as-files should be easy to import... Create import folders in Evernote for Windows
  9. Hi. Sorry that's a support issue. See https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  10. Hi. I send emails to Evernote individually by creating a 'rule' in my email client that incoming mails from my own email address (ie ones that I BCC'd to myself) are forwarded to my Evernote account email address. Some also incoming email addresses are also set up that way - newsletters and such. It works pretty well for me... Save emails into Evernote
  11. The current v10 has something like the third different editor since 2017, so if it were easy to fix all print issues for all users, I'm sure Evernote would have done it by now. However many users seem to operate a paper-free system, so print quality may not be a universally high priority. Either try another free personal information manager or consider storing your data in a different way. Maybe use a word-processor that supports tables and save the source file as an attachment? Print the WP file when you need it.
  12. Hi. The devs often lurk around here, but they know better than to get into any arguments that would stop them doing actual coding. The short answer to your query is that for at least 9 of those 10 years Evernote's edit software wasn't capable of any formatting. Since the new editor with more features was implemented last year, the devs have (mostly) been busy re-implementing existing app features rather than adding new ones. Maybe a painter will come, maybe not. We managed up till now...
  13. That comment was 10 months ago... but you're more than welcome!!
  14. Use Legacy? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  15. https://www.digitalcameraworld.com/uk/tutorials/learn-how-to-add-what3words-location-information-to-your-photos Google, and probably other mapping sites have similar options. Legacy Evernote will track locations if you turn that on in settings - unsure when or if that will make it back to v10. It may help to enquire from Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  16. The Forums are hosted by a third-party service... What's the worst that could happen? 😏
  17. Hmmn. Weird. I use forwarding a lot, plus clipping from Outlook (RIP clipping in v10...) and don't have any similar experiences. What Windows version are you using? Just as an experiment (and if no-one else has anything more sensible) how about duplicating a note, changing the content of a message slightly (add a heading, a space.. whatever..) on the Android client and syncing that back to your PC. Does that then show the content? (I'm thinking that there may be an issue with the mime-type used in your work messages that Android is happy with, but Windows not.) - Full disclosure I have no idea what I'm actually talking about here....
  18. Hi again - worst case, simply uninstall the app, restart your system, and reinstall from Evernote.com. Your main database is on the server and will be restored from there. Any temporary copy stored on your hard drive can't be "restored" as a backup - it's a snapshot of the system status at the time it was last saved. There's a risk that notes created recently didn't make it to the server, but you can check via the website to see whether or not you're up to date. If these notes are essential to you, it's worth pointing out that subscribers (even if only joining for a month or two) have access to Evernote Support...
  19. Hi. I'm a happy 'legacy' Android user and I know you'll be underwhelmed to know that I've never had the camera button disappear on me. Best advice would be to sync your app, uninstall, restart and reinstall, and if the issue persists, report this to Support. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  20. Evernote appear to have made the ultimate mistake - they listened to their users. Everyone was so keen on 'Dashboards' a while ago (which is all that "Home" actually is) and wanted a way to use them in Evernote. Evernote delivered. Evernote got shouted at. So don't use it. It's one click to hide the page. And we (mostly) don't care - this is a user page, not Evernote central.
  21. Import Folders are still "coming soon". But I'm sure your withholding your subscription will force the developers to realise that they have to get their act together and deliver the feature....
  22. Hi. If you make a mistake when logging in, Evernote may generate a new account rather than show you an existing one. You'll need to log out of everything and - carefully - back into your correct account. If that doesn't happen, contact Support - who are the only people who can resolve this for you. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  23. Hi. Do you have anything of your old account left? It's apparently pretty easy to create a new account by accident, and if you're looking at a completely blank account, that's probably what happened. Try logging out and (carefully) back in...
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