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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. It is perhaps worth outlining exactly what the functionaility is because the 6.25 screen clipping functionaility is much more than just a screen shot. Having said that I don't think there is anything that can not be done in the new version in combination with native Windows 10 tools. It's just alot slower and less convenient. Here is a list of functions clip screenshot. This has been implemented in V10 although there are some odd behaviours. In addition the ctrl and shift modifiers which copy the content to the clip board or file do not work. (The contents of the screen shot are always copied to the clipboard but I have not found a way of preventibng the creation of a new note). This can also be done with the Windows native screen shot facility or another app like Gladwin printscreen. copy selection. This copies whatever you have selected directly to a new EN note. It's a very convenient way of capturing information. Given that many things take more key strokes in V10 than in 6.25 it should not surprise us that this is no longer available. The work around is obviously ctrl-C, open evernote, create new note, ctrl-V paste to evernote. This copies the contents of the clipboard to a new note even if EN is not maximised. Again the workaround is open a new note and paste.
  2. See post below. I don't have a German keyboard so I can't verify that it works for me. Thanks @mczin
  3. Sadly the patch released on 16 Dec (10.5.7) to fix some unspecified bugs did not include this one. 😒
  4. This has been well documented throughout the preview, beta and release stages. There is a time lag from changing a note (e.g. adding a tag) and that change becoming searchable or filterable. This is because the searching and filtering is done on the server and not locally and it takes a while for the changes to be indexed. This is supposed to take a few minutes but can sometimes take several hours. Even a few minutes is not acceptable to me. The good news is that from 10.6 we are expecting this to take a maximum of 2 seconds. I really hope they are right. See
  5. One of the other ways of tagging a note in the legacy version was to drag the tag from the sidebar to the note in the note list. This still works. Alternatively you can use the edit tags menu (alt-ctrl-T) which also gives you the tags hierarchy.
  6. The new version of En (Versions 10.x) have a completely new ststem of keyboard shortcuts. As of the latest version (10.5.6) you can obtain a list by using the shortcut cltrl+/ (or help -> keyboard shortcuts). Be warned though that, as noted elsewhere in this forum, a few of these either don't work at all or do not work how you would expect them to.
  7. There is an extensive discussion of this issue here with details of how to reinstate the option or to use an alternative:
  8. I've posted elsewhere that I like the new ctrl + / feature but that they don't all work as advertised. For example I can't get alt-ctrl-4 to work ever. Still lots of work to do here.
  9. Me too. Top of my list would be to return the ability to shift click further tags to select them in the sidebar. If I have a tag hierarchy in view in the sidebar I don't want to have to open another one (in the filter menu) to perform simple tasks like filtering by a few tags
  10. It's not just the top view list. All of the views disappear in the circumstances you mention, although I realise the top view has the added annoyance of everything jumping up to fill the vacuum. I've no idea why they thought this behaviour was a good idea. It's not even as though you can remove the list view by choice to (temporarily) give you more space.
  11. I'm not sure that using + has ever been part of the EN search syntax. If you want to search for notes that contain both words you just need to type the two words. (If you want any of the words you can use any: word1 word2). More details here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 which also has a link to the full search specification.
  12. Nice to see the note url reappear in the main view in version 10.5.5 but, yes you guessed it, two clicks for this one too! It's very simple: right click or three dots menu for less used actions (edit, copy etc) one click for the normal expected action. The tags menu works like this with no right click options. So does the notebook menu with right click options. Can we have some consistency please.
  13. I can confirm this behaviour. I also get a version where the reminder info is partially obscured: Switching to dark mode reveals that it's a blown up twitter icon! So I suspect that EN is putting the image over the reminder info but respecting the alpha mask in the png file.
  14. When I went to the web version some weeks ago the beta Home was available even though I hadn't received an invitation email. Once I'd started playing I got an invitation. Could be coincidence but from the private forum the beta had been running for a few weeks.
  15. What were the two steps back in 10.5.5 compared with 10.4 or are you talking about V10 in generel? If it was generally, I'd say you were being rather generous - one step forward and 500 steps backwards!
  16. In the new version (10.5.6) location now appears in the filter menu. If you meant that you can not sort by location then you are correct.
  17. I think it is size. In my experience above about 15MB it defaults to the attachment style and the other options don't even appear. It is still searchable (I've just tried) but the search term is obviously not highlighted in the text.
  18. The new keyboard shortcut list (ctrl-/) is really helpful, thankyou. Few comments The alt-ctrl-<number> shortcuts seems to be particularly temperamental. For example none of them work if I am currently in a list of search results. None of them work from home. I can't get alt-ctrl-4 to work at all. Desribing alt-ctrl-2 as "Open notes" is confusing. Wouldn't "All notes" be better Really good idea to put in the markdown style shortcuts as well. I initially thought that the emoji shortcut for the elephant was rather self absorbed until I realised it was for any emojii. So far all the emojis I've tried from here: https://www.webfx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/ work in the body of the note. The real power of emojiis though is in the title, tags and notebooks but here the shortcut doesn't work and you have to resort to using the the emoji keyboard or copy and paste.
  19. UPDATE If you have the sidebar minimised and then select a tag from the pop out menu that appears when you roll over the tag icon you get the single tag selected. I doubt that the two behaviours are supposed to be different (ie it's a bug) and therefore hope that selecting a single tag is the intended behaviour.
  20. The analogy of EN being a filing cabinet occurs to me. Everything is safe and secure and you can easily find stuff. But when you've found what you are looking for you can't actually get it out of the filing caninet.
  21. This seems to work better than earlier V10 versions. It seems faster and I like the improvements. However I am still loosing the note url for notes which are not either the first note or have the note url in the body of the text. So for example merging two notes containing pdf's, obtained using the webclipper, retains only the url of the first note. You have destroyed my ability to go back to the source of the 2nd or even quote it's source. This is a real missed opportunity because with the options menu it would have been so easy to add checkboxes for note url, creation date etc. I merge notes for convenience not in order to destroy all the meta data. Earlier versions allowed me to do this - now I will just have to TOC everything.
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