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About sceptre4444

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  1. Thanks! I've been ignoring that Plus Sign Blue, since I just thought it included unneeded stuff, or stuff held elsewhere. (like the 'more' on the right side of the toolbar). This was really a valuable response. I wonder why thy don't have a regular Insert menu item in addition to the round blue. Strange having a checklist button, but not a checkbox button on the menubar. I mean really why not use the toolbar space for things like checkbox, google drive, rather than redo, or indent, alignment. Never paid much attention to the formatting aspects of EN. Reordering the toolbar parts would be nice. Oh well, as I've read, new releases is not something EN has done well, nor customizing. I can handle placing a space first, and then using the insert checkbox. Much better than square brackets for basic users.
  2. I recall a video promoting EN, that handwritten notes/picture, takes longer for Basic Users to get search results, from OCR. But that premium users, don't have the same length of delay. Perhaps the same philosophy is occurring here with Text only searches, for basic users (replies are from premium users). That I, as a Basic User, get my sync'd searches returned much later than you, premium subscriptions. If that is the case, basic vs premium, we're comparing Apples and Oranges with regards to time to sync Text notes, into searches and turn around sync times. Perhaps I need to adjust my expectations as a non-subscription user (if my hypothesis is correct). My needs are rather basic, with only 30 notes or so. But it makes it difficult to explain to a fellow non-sub beginner user (my 70 year old mother), if I have to tell them, "trust me, your text search will work tomorrow". Her possible Response: "but Google Docs works/searches immediately, and I can access it from both the phone, and my PC, and I just put them in Google Drive folders... , and I can search ". Seems pretty reasonable. Yes, a forced Sync seems entirely logical, every other app free or premium out there has that feature. Perhaps for a Basic user, limit a forced Search Sync to 2 times a day. Possibly, the feature doesn't exist to push basic users to buy premium. Really, I don't need immediate text syncing, its just that was trying to learn/test the syntax type search, by completing/uncompleting checklists/checkboxes, and saving the effective search into my Saved Searches. BTW, they really should do a better job of handling single Checkboxes, and have a menu item, for each, currently the windows button is for checklists only. Want to have a beginner roll their eyes and discount EN? Then instruct them to do a single checkbox (not checklist), that they need to add a space, then insert a '[' and a ']', (keys they've never used before), to manually get a single checkbox, green outline, and tell them to ignore that glaring button on the toolbar (windows), that shows a checklist, since that won't work for a single checkbox. Then tell them that some of their text search results will work later that day, or maybe tomorrow. Forced Sync & single checkbox button (that doesn't convert into a checklist). Probably been said many times before.
  3. I'll say they have work to do. On my one note titled Samsung A71 Purchase Phone, I created it yesterday, title unchanged, and updated the body today. EN can't find a Note created the day before! And EN wants me to pay $10 a month for this?
  4. Windows 10, basic Subscription, version: 10.6.9-win-ddl-public (2254) I've been suspicious of evernote not returning results, using checkboxes : todo:false It leaves many notes with empty checkboxes not returned. Basic Stuff in my opinion. But I chalked that up to me learning. But the screenshot I've attached demonstrates that just the words Samsung & Phone. Clearly it returns some results. But in the Recent Notes section, are 2 notes with the exact Words in their titles, but they aren't shown in the results. Why? There are no filters on. What am I missing here? I mean is it inconceivable someone might want to use the searchbox to search for the note they just created? Is there a waiting period before the desktop has to sync and the proper results are returned? Afterwards, I searched just Samsung, and omitted Phone, but still it can can't find notes that clearly exist. what is going on? Neither of the 2 recent notes are in the trash. There are no filters on. Also, when I attempt this same search on my Android it also doesn't return the recent notes. The notes were composed on windows desktop, and properly synced to android. But the notes are present in the All Notes section, sorted by Updated, and by other searches, ie notebook, but not through the search box function.
  5. This is really unacceptable. No side by side? Not even table inside table like html. One small 2X2 (actually 3X3 with titles) table and the entire right side of the screen is unused. with OneNote included in Windows10, I can move I can small 3X3 tables side by side no issues. Monitors got wider not taller in case EN missed the memo.
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