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The ability to copy and paste out of Evernote into other apps should be basic.



The subject field sums up the issue. Numerous other posts about this and I see no response from EN ??  At least you could make sympathetic noises or something no? At least _say_ you're working on it? (And, no, the fix that a few other people have found _on their own without help from you guys_ - of using the EN web version instead - did not work for me.)

I just checked to make sure I was remembering correctly that my billing cycle rolls over 11/30 - so I have about two weeks (for you) to figure this out before I cancel my Premium account, which I have had for 4-5 years, after having a basic account for about 10 years before that. Obviously I have been happy with EN, but also loyal to you guys during prior phases of change (which always worked out but were never quite as exasperating as the current one).

Of course many other things have changed with the new EN version - I have either learned to deal with or figured out workarounds for the problematic ones, e.g. having notes appear to be completely empty about every 3 days, so I have to close and reopen to wake everything up again - a sizeable pain yet I forbear.

But this is a deal breaker. I teach French online and being able to put images in EN to use as conversation prompts has been invaluable, especially being able to scan my notes quickly to find the perfect image for today's class etc. Alas, no more.

Please figure this out or at least respond so we know someone is thinking about it (or at least is sympathetic). I'm going to teach my classes and then spend the weekend making sure everything is backed up and googling "alternatives to Evernote" so that I can get ready to close my account. Even a simple message from you with a virtual "Awwww" and pat on my back (to say nothing of a solution) would keep me in the fold, FWIW.

Thank you.

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Same issue for me too. Let me give an example.

Step 1: Take a screenshot in Mac

Step 2: Paste it in Notes (Apple's default note app)

Step 3: Copy that image from Apple notes

Step 4: Paste it into Evernote

Nothing happens. We cannot copy paste images from Apple Notes to Evernote

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Same issue here - cannot copy-paste images from Evernote to Google Docs (for example). When I copy paste meeting minutes (with screenshots), only the text gets pasted. This makes the product useless for me.


Someone home in Evernote?!

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Same issue here,

Windows 10 trying to copy/cut paste from evernote to anything else.
This apparently happening to many people, I first noticed it about 30 days ago.

I would love a response or direction to an already published answer.


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omg, i thought it was just me.. i use evernote for tracking a lot of stuff and have many attachments in notes.. now i can't just save all attachments to send to customers or managers.. literally crippled me.

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I ran into the same. It's been months. If I copy a photo, and paste on other program such as word, power point. I have to save the photo to a directory, such as desktop. And load the photo to other program. 

Such a waste of time. Please bring back old evernote version. The new version is doing nothing but causing disaster. 

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1 minute ago, iNik said:

Same. Any workarounds?

What I'm resorting to at this point is to screenshot a selection around the image(s) I need and then pasting them into my email. I will probably have to resort to creating Word documents and doing the same thing to make workable templates. 

I've also confirmed that this copy/paste issue applies to my Windows version as well. I'm so wishing I never upgraded the Mac version. Both versions have lost any kind of preferences and it's really hard to deal with trying to get back to the older versions. I may have a back up of an older version of Evernote. I may try to see if that would work in getting back what's been lost. Stay tuned.

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Ok I found a workaround of sorts.... 

Go to NOTE in the menu bar, then go down to "Print Note"



Print to PDF.. this should work on either Mac or PC these days.

Select everything in the PDF, copy, then paste to wherever you need to paste it. There might be some weird blocks that come along with the images, but at least on Mac I found I could delete them without ruining the other objects. 

This is a super kludgy way to do it but if you have MS Word or other document software you can start to copy/paste out your stuff to alternative documents and use them as templates until Evernote fixes this issue...  

Funny.. one of the most used features of a computer since the dawn of the computing era, copy/paste... no longer works in this app. It makes me wonder if this has become more a "feature" than a "bug" at this point... for who knows what reason... 


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I am having the same issue. It used to be simple to drag an image into an image editor. New version of EN is virtually useless. I waited for months to update EN and now I am so sorry I did. The interface is less intuitive than the older version I used.

Why would anyone consider removing functionality from an application? And WHY no feedback to this topic's question from EN?

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On 12/31/2020 at 7:17 PM, tmurphymimco said:

I am having the same issue. It used to be simple to drag an image into an image editor. New version of EN is virtually useless. I waited for months to update EN and now I am so sorry I did. The interface is less intuitive than the older version I used.

Why would anyone consider removing functionality from an application? And WHY no feedback to this topic's question from EN?

Not only that, but there is now (or has for some time) been another issue of images copy/pasted into Evernote becoming "attachments" and looking super blurred. Extremely annoying at this point. Thankfully I have an older version on my MacBook Pro 17" (2009) with El Capitan. So I can still copy/paste from Evernote to email, but the screenshot paste into Evernote issue mentioned above is still there.  Thankfully El Capitan App Store won't  let me upgrade to the newest version... so I still have some control. I will be looking for alternatives if this doesn't get fixed soon. 

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Having the same issue on Windows 10 and this regression bug has persist for since the "upgrade"

This was the best feature prior to this "upgrade", where we could screenshot anything, then copy the image in the note and paste it in Powerpoint, Word, Teams and even Email (shows up as a snapshot.png). 

When will it get fixed? 

My workaround is annoying, I have to right click every single image, Save As, then drag and drop the image to Email/Word/Teams/Powerpoint. 

It used to be 1 simple action, either drag image from Evernote into Email/Word/Teams/Powerpoint OR copy and paste. 

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I cancelled my paid account because of this issue (last straw) but neglected to turn off forum alerts. It’s amazing to me that this is still happening and still no response from EN.

All I can think is it’s some kind of protection against copyright violation? But that should be on the user anyway not the app they’re using, right? Plus I don’t appreciate apps/companies policing me. Oh well.

I’m using two other apps :( for what I used to be able to do on EN so I miss it daily but at least not pulling my hair out about images and not paying for the privilege of being driven crazy. 

Guess I’ll keep a look out in here in case they ever respond. The longer it takes them, the more time for someone else to create a better app/service; fingers crossed one way or the other. 

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Really a pain.  Does anyone know if there is a way to downgrade to the previous version on windows and IOS?

I also lost the share function, where I could send a copy of the note to a co-worker that I don't want to be able to view or edit the original note.

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Unless you have a whole other previous version of Evernote on a different machine that hasn't been upgraded, I don't believe you can downgrade. For example, on my MacBook Air I tried removed the current app and replaced it with a backup from a year ago. When I fired it up, I got a message saying that the "local database" is not compatible with the older app. On my MacBook Pro from 2009, I am not able to upgrade Evernote anymore.. which is a blessing because on that machine, the Evernote app is able to copy/paste things... so yeah... 

I've already started to redo my most important day to day templates in MS Word... copying out the text is at least possible and I just recreate the screenshots. There is a note above in this thread where I show how you can export a note to PDF and then copy/paste from there... 

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11 minutes ago, stanhastheplan said:

Really a pain.  Does anyone know if there is a way to downgrade to the previous version on windows and IOS?

I also lost the share function, where I could send a copy of the note to a co-worker that I don't want to be able to view or edit the original note.


5 minutes ago, StephenHutchinson said:

Unless you have a whole other previous version of Evernote on a different machine that hasn't been upgraded, I don't believe you can downgrade. For example, on my MacBook Air I tried removed the current app and replaced it with a backup from a year ago. When I fired it up, I got a message saying that the "local database" is not compatible with the older app. On my MacBook Pro from 2009, I am not able to upgrade Evernote anymore.. which is a blessing because on that machine, the Evernote app is able to copy/paste things... so yeah... 

I've already started to redo my most important day to day templates in MS Word... copying out the text is at least possible and I just recreate the screenshots. There is a note above in this thread where I show how you can export a note to PDF and then copy/paste from there... 

On desktop (Windows and Mac) you absolutely can install the legacy version - see instructions below:



Unfortunately not as easy nor supported to downgrade on mobile.

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9 minutes ago, Paul A. said:


On desktop (Windows and Mac) you absolutely can install the legacy version - see instructions below:



Unfortunately not as easy nor supported to downgrade on mobile.

I just installed it, and it built a copy of my database.. and BOOM!!! I got copy paste out of Evernote back! Thank you so much Paul. You're a lifesaver!

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I installed the legacy version and got the copy paste back for images in older notes - that were created before the update - but the images are missing from notes that I created using "duplicate note" after installing the update. 

At least with the legacy version there are more options to export notes to other apps.

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Unless I missed it I haven't seen any response from Evernote about this. Has anyone else? The problem I had with workaround - print to PDF - is it puts page breaks between images so very frustrated I can't select all (Ctrl+A) and simply paste it somewhere else - basic function that should work in any program.


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I really hate when 'upgrades' eliminate a favorite or often used feature!!! And it's even more infuriating that so many people are commenting on this and NO reply from Evernote. I was a beta tester when they were working on EN10 and copy-pasting images works on that beta version. Luckily, I kept it on my MBP. Completely unacceptable that EN has been so unresponsive to customer needs. I've been a paying EN user for a long time but am definitely checking out other options. This is crucial for some of the work I do and EN just eliminated it.


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Hello, i have the same problem so I have been in touch with Evernote premium support. They are aware of the issue ans told me that it will be fixed. See message below 


“This issue is now resolved with Evernote Web 10.6.9, as you can see here.

We're doing a slow roll out of this update, so it's possible that you don't see it available to you yet. Please know that all users with under 10k notes will be seeing this update in the next few days.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Technical Support Specialist”



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Having same issue re. copy/paste - originally thought to do with Apple M1 chip and Rosetta 2, but new version of EN now won't work on my 2018 Intel macbook (luckily have an older version that works well). Thinking of moving to Onenote after 7 years or so with Evernote - will raise again directly with Evernote on Monday

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On 1/16/2021 at 10:19 PM, vipen said:

Hello, i have the same problem so I have been in touch with Evernote premium support. They are aware of the issue ans told me that it will be fixed. See message below 


“This issue is now resolved with Evernote Web 10.6.9, as you can see here.

We're doing a slow roll out of this update, so it's possible that you don't see it available to you yet. Please know that all users with under 10k notes will be seeing this update in the next few days.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Technical Support Specialist”



I have upgraded to 10.6.9 but I still can't copy images from Evernote and paste them elsewhere. I need to download them to desktop first and then copy them from there. It is ridiculous. 

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21 hours ago, kkarasu said:

I have upgraded to 10.6.9 but I still can't copy images from Evernote and paste them elsewhere. I need to download them to desktop first and then copy them from there. It is ridiculous. 

True - the problem is NOT fixed with 10.6.9 - you cannot copy an image or file even into macmail - all you get is a blue question-mark.

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Dear All, Here is the latest response from Evernote which is a step in the right direction. The workaround seems to work for single images etc.

Thank you for your patience. Between your reply yesterday afternoon and today, I was able to locate the Evernote forum post that I think you were referring to in order to understand more about the issue. I was also able to talk with one of our developers about this issue.

They let me know that the developers are aware that doing a copy and paste of a file or image from Evernote to a 3rd party application isn't work correctly. They are working on a fix for a future update of the desktop app. The current workaround is to download the attachment and then add it to the other application.

I know this is not ideal, and probably a little frustrating. I am tagging this ticket so that the developers are aware of the scope and impact this is having. I'm sorry that there isn't more I can do at this time. I wish this was something I could resolve for you. I do appreciate your patience and understanding while we continue to work on this.

If you would prefer, you can install an older version of Evernote on your device to see if that will work better with your new device.

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I plan to move to EN from Notes App... 
Yet, I encounter this problem when copying the note from Notes App to EN... 

Only text is copied and picture missing... 

It may be hesitate to subscribe premium.... 

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Downloading from evernote into something else is not the main issue, though.  It's from something else into evernote.  If I'm watching a presentation and I want to take a screen clip of a slide and add it to my notes, I just get a blue loading circle in its place.  I'm on windows and have tried it on the desktop version and the chrome web version and I get the same thing.

This is absolutely critical to me.  I was trying to migrate from OneNote to EverNote because the overall structure of the software is more suited to note taking and the nested tags make my project management much better.  I have not yet purchased the software and cannot if this is not resolved.  I may not even be able to continue migrating over without my images.

Evernote team, please fix this. 

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I've just upgraded to 10.8.4 on Mac Catalina. Cannot paste images into EN.  WHAT??  This ruins the app!  I tried downloading/using the Legacy v. - nope, no pasting of images allowed.  Tried online v. only - nope, cannot paste.  All get errors to "contact support."  Well, I believe I and everyone on this thread are contacting support. This MUST be fixed!  The only way I can take rapid notes from a webinar or slide deck are to copy/paste.  How can you have eliminated or broken this simple, basic functionality?? 

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Ah, it looks like I can paste in from MS Snip & Sketch and images copied from Chrome.  This was my main concern and it seems to be resolved.  The one place where it still doesn't work for me is images from OneNote, but honestly, not a huge deal.  Just a one time thing as I convert over to EN.  For those, I can either screen grab or I can save the images and insert them directly.  Thanks!

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Make sure you are in edit mode, then click on the picture, then save it to your desktop or a folder. Grab it from there, and insert it into the Word document.

This is how it works currently, for all content except text. Selected text can be moved drag & drop, or c&p.

No, this is not how it should work ...

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Guess I'll add that I suffer from one of the issues mentioned: can't copy images from Evernote and paste them into PPT (or to a picture editor like Irfanview or anything, I think, except another Evernote note). The best work-around I have is to 'save all attachments' -- which feels like it's harder to find now. If you right-click on an image the option isn't there, but if you right-click somewhere between images I can find it -- a little tricky to find if you have a bunch of images.

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On 3/2/2021 at 8:30 AM, sloth is evil said:

Guess I'll add that I suffer from one of the issues mentioned: can't copy images from Evernote and paste them into PPT (or to a picture editor like Irfanview or anything, I think, except another Evernote note). The best work-around I have is to 'save all attachments' -- which feels like it's harder to find now. If you right-click on an image the option isn't there, but if you right-click somewhere between images I can find it -- a little tricky to find if you have a bunch of images.

I have posted a feature request for this as for some reason it is not considered to be a technical problem.

Ability to Copy/Paste images from Evernote to another application - Evernote for Windows Requests (Versions 10.0 and above) - Evernote User Forum

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But it is not a new feature, this is a severe regression bug.

It was working fine, and after the upgrade, it was no longer working at all. 

So this should be a regression bug that requires fixing. 

The workarounds suggested simply makes life so much more difficult. what used to be a 1 action (ctrl-c, ctrl-v) that worked on any other platform (ppt, word, web, email) now requires 5 actions:

  1. click on save as 
  2. name the image uniquely
  3. on other apps, click upload button
  4. scroll or search for the image name 
  5.  click OK

Does anyone know if OneNote has this feature? 

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Here is the latest feedback from Evernote:

I understand that this is frustrating for you. The copy and paste for images out of Evernote is not being treated as a feature request. Our developers are building this functionality and it will be coming in the future. 

I understand that the message you saw on your old MacBook Pro running the older version of Evernote is worrying. That message is just to let any users that still have that version know that there is the new version, and that updates aren't being made to that older version. We will not be discontinuing access to the older version of Evernote any time soon while we continue to add features to the new version. I'm sorry for any confusion.

Because the copy and pasting of images functionality is understood, all relevant individuals and leaders within the company have been provided the feedback, an escalation is not necessary. 

Thank you for you ongoing patience and understanding. If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know.

Customer Support Representative


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Is the issue still present? I have tried last week with 10.8.4 ... still cannot copy image to third party app 

I tried with Whatsapp Windows App 

Reverted back to Legacy version and hoping for the best to happen. 

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With 10.9.1 on my Mac, this works now:

  • Drag & Drop from a Finder window
  • Drag & Drop from the Desktop
  • Select an image, cmd-c anywhere, over to EN, cmd-v into a note
  • Drag & Drop outward, to Desktop
  • Drag & Drop outward, to a Pages document

What did not work was direct Drag & Drop to WhatsApp and Signal. Maybe the messengers are special.

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Have just download the new version to Airbook with Apple M1 chip and copy and paste still not working out of Evernote either into Pages (nothing at all) or Mail (Blue square with ?). Drag and drop works for one image at a time into Pages now, but still not working with Mail. The lovely old version was so smart - used to be able to select multiple images from Evernote, copy and paste into pages and they all arrive central to the page and one under the other. Evernote have lost the plot and I am so frustrated this WILL NOT be escalated. EVERNOTE, please read these chats!

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6 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

What did not work was direct Drag & Drop to WhatsApp and Signal. Maybe the messengers are special.

They are both Electron apps, I believe. Not sure if that's a coincidence.

It's nice to know drag-and-drop might be working for native applications (i.e. Pages), but it's fairly ridiculous that copy and paste still doesn't work out of Evernote.

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Just got the latest version 10.9.10 (windows 10).  I still cannot copy images from EN.  Some of my documents have hundreds of images, so saving each one separately is not an option.  I need to share some of my notes in MS Word.  Is this possible?  Any work arounds found besides downgrade or saving each image separately.


I don't see the option to print to PDF either!  Was this removed?!


~another furious customer.

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@gbourn601 Correction: You are a user, not a customer. Customers pay for what they use.

You are living of a free service. So be happy with what you get for nothing, because it is more than what you give.

Reading your post I wonder how you manage to put „hundreds of pictures“ into notes that are limited to 25 MB. Must be some heck of compression algorithm - or maybe a little exaggeration on your behalf, or not really pictures, more 8x8 blobs of colored pixels.

See - NOW you may allow yourself to be furious !

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@kilham „Oh yes, Your honor, I could have installed the legacy client at any time, but I instead decided to go for my cut.

Case dismissed ! “

Will be interesting how you prove your damage - oh yes, I know, emotional distress, what a burner ! Probably more of a bummer on second thought ...

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I've been a paying member of Evernote since at least 2007.  Being able to create procedures and copying them to Outlook is my most used feature.  The fact that it doesn't work without a bunch of rigamarole is infuriating.  I know there are some on this thread who want to defend removing all these features we have come to rely on, but I think that is ignorant.  Either Evernote is a reliable tool or it is not.  There's no middle ground.  So I will ask Pink Elephant and other Evernote reps to answer.   Is the new Evernote a reliable tool?  Does it have (at least) the same functionality as last year at this time?  If the answer is no, I'd argue this is a complete fail. 

If this version is good, why is the answer to all our complaints to "load the legacy version"?  That shows how bad this version is.

I've read arguments that Evernote needed to upgrade the infrastructure and topology for flexibility.  Ok.  understand, that's not my problem, that's YOURS.  Upgrade your sh*t on your own time.  Don't ***** up my workflow because you feel you need to change course mid-stream. 

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@Brad_I If you would observe the forum better, you would have noticed that EN employees carry a „Staff“ badge on their avatar. See any of this placed on my lovely body ? No ? Sometimes it is what you don’t see what tells the story.

We users have to handle the situation we encounter. My approach is to find ways to use the app, try to get things fixed through support and in the meantime through workarounds, and simply get my job done. For me legacy is one big workaround, solving a lot of issues for a limited time. V10 is getting better, but for me it still does not cover all of my use cases. The forum is a great place to exchange these findings.

Of course I could join the pack that wants to turn back the clock. I think that this is no viable option, and that all the bitching about how bad things have become is more unconscious self reflection than substantial criticism. If you do not like where things are, or where they are going, nobody is forcing you to stay with EN. Grab your data, terminate your subscription and your account, and off you go.

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Well, they focus completely on developing the v10 clients.

Personally I doubt they will touch legacy just to make it work on M1s. They made it pretty clear they will not develop this trusted but aged software any further. 

So, if you are on M1 already, you belong to the first group that can't use legacy any more. Which answers one of the most discussed questions in the forum, at least a little bit: When will legacy stop to work ? Good to know, when fellow users ask here.

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Wanted to share a workaround that I've found.  While it's not elegant, if you want to be able to copy and paste text and images from a note, I took these steps:

Click Share

Click E-mail A Copy

Send yourself an e-mail (I used Outlook)

When the e-mail arrives, the text and images are in order and you can copy and paste them from your e-mail.


Still, not a fix and no real response from EN, but it did help me a bit.

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I have the latest update and still cannot copy & paste images INTO my Evernotes. I Cenegage for UNI which has an EN extension but the feature doesn't work for any image. This is extremely frustrating!

Has there been any updates from EN support?

When I try to open the file, it says we do not support this format. But it did 2 weeks ago.


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49 minutes ago, Sophie11 said:

I have the latest update and still cannot copy & paste images INTO my Evernotes. I Cenegage for UNI which has an EN extension but the feature doesn't work for any image. This is extremely frustrating!

Has there been any updates from EN support?

When I try to open the file, it says we do not support this format. But it did 2 weeks ago.


Is that the image used to be in .jpg format? Sometimes I notice some of the jpg can be turned to png and even with a much larger size, e.g. 3MB > 30MB.

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Is this on the docket to be corrected? I agree with @claysus. I'm a virtual teacher as well - History - and I NEED to be able to copy/paste maps, charts, etc. to my students. As of now, I've been using windows snipping tool to copy/paste a screen grab of the image, but it's very cumbersome. Not practical! I switched from OneNote because I hated OneNote, but now I feel like I might need to go back! EN please fix this issue!! 

On 11/13/2020 at 7:17 AM, claysus said:

The subject field sums up the issue. Numerous other posts about this and I see no response from EN ??  At least you could make sympathetic noises or something no? At least _say_ you're working on it? (And, no, the fix that a few other people have found _on their own without help from you guys_ - of using the EN web version instead - did not work for me.)

But this is a deal breaker. I teach French online and being able to put images in EN to use as conversation prompts has been invaluable, especially being able to scan my notes quickly to find the perfect image for today's class etc. Alas, no more.



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I just updated to the latest evernote on my PC.  Now I can't drag and drop images out of Evernote into a Quickbooks for web attachment.  I use this feature regularly.  What changed?  Why doesn't this work any more?  Tried to drag and drop the photo to an email, and nothing there either.  

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We need a solution to this... I first pasted an image in a note. Later, I wanted to copy it and paste it outside Evernote, which is impossible!

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Apparently Evernote are trying to solve this, but incredibly it is approaching a year that this problem has been around. I would encourage you to email Evernote directly if you have not already, as a weight of concern might help them prioritise. They have told me they expect the problem to be fixed before end of Q2, but that seems a way away. The email is support-webform@evernote.com

Good luck

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THis is totally ridicullous and is affecting my productivity!! I saved several infromation on evernote, and I NEED a fast way to get this pictures and paste to whastapp web. And I simply can`t.


I am not premium and this is one of the reasons that I refuse to be. It´s so amature.

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The updates and new versions should improve the software, not break simple functions like copy and pasting an image from Evernote to another app.

Ridiculous. This is inconveniencing me EVERY DAY because I transfer images from phone to Evernote which I then need to be able to get into other apps on PC.


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If you want anything to say to EN, issue a support ticket, or use the feedback option in the clients.

Current workaround: Drop whatever you want to move to the desktop, pick it up from there, and drop it into the target application. Or the other way: From the application to the desktop, from there into EN. Not really good, but better than the alternatives.

Try from time to time whether your favorite combination is working now. The list of apps that allow direct drag&drop is growing - slowly, maybe too slow, but it is growing.

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Works for me on the Mac on EN Mac 10.24, with most apps.

There are some where it still does not work. Then usually it does the job to drag to the desktop, drop it there, pick it up again and move it to the final destination. This works in and out of EN.

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Jan 2022 and still I cannot copy images from an Evernote note into another software. 

As many have said above, this is a terrible bug. I take meeting notes with screenshots and then I need to be able to send segments of them around in Teams, email or Word, but only the text gets copied. This is so frustrating that now I have given up on Evernote for my work and I'm using OneNote, which does the job perfectly. 

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I can only repeat my post above: On my Mac, using the latest MacOS and EN software, it works. It works since months.

One reason why sharing pictures in and out of EN can give problems may be your way of installing it: Use the DIRECT install from the EN website. The installations from the Mac AppStore ARE restricted in sharing, we have found this out among us forum users when solving persistent problems.

It may well be that the same is true for the Windows Store.

If you have installed from a Store, uninstall it, and reinstall the EN client from the EN website. Try again.

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The Windows download version (10.29.7) continues to have this copy/paste issue which returned back in November. It has been reported and acknowledged. At the moment the only Windows workaround is to use the desktop or a folder as an intermediate staging post. Drag the image to the desktop and then from the desktop to the inteded program.

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a) Better start to believe … or give it a try, for non believers.

b) absurdcritical … hope your life spares you absurd & critical issues. There is a pretty simple workaround: Drop anything on the desktop first, then pick it up and move it to destination. IMHO a mere nuissance.

c) Only relevant on Windows, d&d works since some months on the Mac.

You can use the feedback function or issue a support ticket to communicate with EN.

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I had the paste issue since the new version and is really annoying. Many of my notes are copied from email/word document/web page and I have many issues.

Tested in windows.

1.  as many  people pointed out the images not  copied. I have to fix pictures one by one. If a note has many pictures. it is not just "mere nuissance"

2. some lines/paragraph are changed to "code block". for example, if I have 3 paragraphs and two blank new lines in between. After paste, it changes to 5 code blocks. I tested the paste in different editor: word/outlook/online html editors, all works fine. I also tried to convert to html or RTF, the paste still not working. 

3. also the code block does not support any format like color any more. I could add color before. It would be nice my code have nice syntax highlight.

to me, the most important feature for note taking program is the right format with right picture. any fundamental change for the internal storage format of a note?  If so, Any issue of the old format and benefits for the new format. I guess there must be a reason and I am ok to embrace the new change. Any one can shed some  light while I am patiently waiting the fix?



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  • Evernote Expert
2 hours ago, GlacierStone said:

Has this been acknowledged by the Devs as something that needs to be fixed yet? This is a huge pain and is seriously interrupting my work flow.

Yes. I believe (but no experience) that the issue is resolved for Mac desktop but WIndows had been fixed but then broke again. Devs have acknowledged  in a current beta that it is an area that has attention.

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I had an issue where I couldn't even cut & paste text within same Evernote note.  I was able to resolve the issue by clearing the Windows Clipboard cache.

  1. Open cmd.exe as administrator (do search for cmd.exe with Cortana and then pick Run as administrator in Cortana results pane on right).
  2. Type the following and hit Enter; echo off | clip where | is the 'pipe' character that shares the \ key on a US QWERTY keyboard.

This allowed my cut & paste to work with text as least.  Still having issues with images even within same note in Evernote.

Got the above cut and paste solution from:


Hope it helps.

Not sure if it matters - may help Dev's find a solution - but I inserted images from IOS app (phone) and am trying to add text and move images around in Windows app.  Not working. 

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Im having difficulty trying to copy and paste images from Microsoft Words into Evernote, as they show up as untitled attachment?

Is there a workaround?


I tried to save the Word file into HTML, but i cannot 'clip' the new HTML file into Evernote. Is there an alternative way? 

Thank you!

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i did. but too many images. not the best way to drag and drop pictures one by one. not to mention the formatting is a bit off.

i thought clipping from browser would be the best method, but doesnt seem to work.

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