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  1. Managed to get half way - selected whole note and exported as pdf, then selected whole pdf and all images and text successfully pasted into Pages doc, but text was mirrored.
  2. Thanks - will let you know and post any success.
  3. Thank you both - I have been trying patently to get this sorted since 2019...
  4. Cannot paste images from an Evernote note - just get a blue ? It is ok with a single image, but if you select the whole note with images and text, all the images are replaced with blue question marks. Any help on a workaround would be gratefully received. Have raised directly with EN on many tickets, but cannot get EN to engage with this. Have tried exporting to html and pdf with no joy, also to Notes and email. Want to get it to Pages and using up to date Mac sorftware with latest EN.
  5. Just tried the html trick - still no images, just blue question marks. Also tried exporting as pdf and copied and pasted that into Pages - it worked for the images, but all the text was backwards....sdrawkcab. Some serious glitches. It Evernote would just talk to us and have a screen-share life could be a lot simpler for everyone.
  6. Any workaround to paste images and text from a Note in Evernote into say Pages or an email would be gratefully received (currently just get a blue ?). I still have to use legacy to do this and it does it beautifully, but they keep threatening to discontinue it. I've been a premium member for about 10 years and now find it very difficult to even raise this directly with Evernote as they always send holding emails back that they are catching up. You would think a simple copy and paste would be one of the most essential features.
  7. I too have had problems with Safari and have changed browser to 'Brave' which tends to be very reliable with Evernote Clipper. Often with Safari, if it doesn't hang, it says it has clipped and in Evernote there is just a headed note with no content - very dangerous if you don't check up on each clip!
  8. Apparently Evernote are trying to solve this, but incredibly it is approaching a year that this problem has been around. I would encourage you to email Evernote directly if you have not already, as a weight of concern might help them prioritise. They have told me they expect the problem to be fixed before end of Q2, but that seems a way away. The email is support-webform@evernote.com Good luck
  9. Thanks - yes I have and Rosetta 2 as well. EN know it is a problem but taking months to resolve.
  10. @PinkElephant If you read the thread - Legacy does not work with M1 chip. Any constructive advice welcome!
  11. Do you think it is time for us to start a little class action against Evernote - perhaps that will awaken the sleeping behemoth....
  12. Have just download the new version to Airbook with Apple M1 chip and copy and paste still not working out of Evernote either into Pages (nothing at all) or Mail (Blue square with ?). Drag and drop works for one image at a time into Pages now, but still not working with Mail. The lovely old version was so smart - used to be able to select multiple images from Evernote, copy and paste into pages and they all arrive central to the page and one under the other. Evernote have lost the plot and I am so frustrated this WILL NOT be escalated. EVERNOTE, please read these chats!
  13. Here is the latest feedback from Evernote: I understand that this is frustrating for you. The copy and paste for images out of Evernote is not being treated as a feature request. Our developers are building this functionality and it will be coming in the future. I understand that the message you saw on your old MacBook Pro running the older version of Evernote is worrying. That message is just to let any users that still have that version know that there is the new version, and that updates aren't being made to that older version. We will not be discontinuing access to the older version of Evernote any time soon while we continue to add features to the new version. I'm sorry for any confusion. Because the copy and pasting of images functionality is understood, all relevant individuals and leaders within the company have been provided the feedback, an escalation is not necessary. Thank you for you ongoing patience and understanding. If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know. Customer Support Representative Evernote
  14. This was the response from Evernote today - don't get too excited.... Jonathan Foster (Evernote Help and Learning) Mar 1, 2021, 13:09 PST Hello Hugh, This is Jonathan with Evernote support. I was working with you previously. I appreciate you taking the time to voice your frustrations about this feature. I know it's exasperating to continue to wait for the copy and paste of images to be added to Evernote. I do voice all of your feedback to the developers. I don't have any new updates for you at the moment. The team continues to work hard on editor functionality. I'm sorry that I don't have more information to provide you. We will continue to release regular updates every few weeks. Thank you for your continued patience. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you. Kindly, Jonathan F. Customer Support Representative
  15. Thanks - I do luckily have an older Mac - and it works fine on that, but longing to use the new Mac keyboard!
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