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Evernote missing from share menu?



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This is a huge disappointment. Share was the easiest way to get PDF, photos and other documents into Evernote efficiently.  Particularly since using the clipper to capture PDFs from web pages is still broken in the new version.  

My workflow for capturing information has now become extremely inefficient: Save file, go to EverNote, New Note, click in the note, click Insert and drag to attachment, navigate to file, click Open, back to Finder, locate temp file, delete, back to browser.

Compare to: click share, click Evernote.

Anybody have a better approach? (Other that switching to OneNote, which several of my colleagues have been advocating for a while)

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Count me as another incredibly frustrated 10-year subscriber. I relied on the share extension in iOS to save content out of Feedly into Evernote, which is a primary part of my workflow and something I do 3-10 times a day. Not to mention offline notebooks not downloading and issues with encrypted content editing, all things I rely on. You’ve broken the app for a loyal advocate, someone that has evangelised Evernote to dozens of people over the last decade. If you weren’t ready to launch, why did you?

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Integrations and the ease of clipping was one of the main reasons I moved from MS OneNote to Evernote.  Removing this capability is reason enough to make me move back.  Really sucks.  Additionally the tagging function was removed from the share function in iOS.  WTF Evernote - do you really want to ruin your value proposition?

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I agree completely. One of the main reasons I used Evernote for so many years was the clipping functionality and specifically its support on IOS. When that disappeared with no explanation I thought it was just a temporary issue but it has now become clear the functionality is gone. I was already getting frustrated with the lack of responsiveness from Evernote and all the bugs but this one drove me to look for real solutions. OneNote is not a good replacement unfortunately and most of the 'alternatives' are not real alternatives in terms of being a true replacement. 

I am curious if anybody has found something better but right now I am testing Notion (https://www.notion.so/) and it's turning out to be a very good replacement. Migrating was incredibly simple and absolutely EVERYTHING moved over fast and with nothing lost. That has let me run Evernote and Notion in parallel for a few weeks now and after some extensive tests with the Notion web clipper in IOS as well as my laptop I feel I am ready to call that a real solution. There are a few things I want to see improved on the web clipper features in Notion but I found them very responsive to feedback and when I had an issue they were able to help really fast. 

All this to say... so far I think the only real 'Solution' is voting with my money and going elsewhere. 

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11 hours ago, robfol said:

I relied on them every single day to file invoices and more from incoming emails. My whole financial and tax archive is built on easily sending PDFs to Evernote. Now this is impossible without clunky workarounds.

Quoting from the release notes - If your workflow depends on these features, you can continue to use our legacy apps.
Install the Legacy product from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote

>>Does anyone have the email addresses of the Evernote CEO and CTO?

Evernote's Version 10 has many issues and development is ongoing     
This specific request has 4 user votes (vote button at the upper left corner of the discussion)
Why do you think these particular issues require higher priority  from the CEO and CTO?

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 For me this was the final setback with Evernote. The support has become so bad and the problems so many that I had to find another option. After many loyal years to Evernote it was with great reluctance that I had to move away and I tried hard NOT to have to switch. But finally I had enough and I have now switched to Notion (https://www.notion.so/). The web clipper is not quite perfect but their tech support has been incredibly responsive and it is the only alternative I found that let me do a one click import of ALL my Evernote archive with no issues.

I had always loved Evernote but somewhere along the way they forgot to focus on the users and I finally had enough.

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On 10/19/2020 at 8:48 AM, bishopblaize said:

You can’t do that in the new version. For now, the old/legacy version will continue to let you do that, but i believe it’s unsupported software from now on. 

Also, why is this marked as a "Solution"?  It most certainly isn't a solution.

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I have been a paying Evernote Supporter since 2009 — and now one of the most important features ever was just taken away?
bring it back or I'll be looking for a replacement.  I heard Devonthink is pretty decent, should I give that a closer look? Or is this a temporary bug?

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The proposed 'solution' really isn't a solution. 
Like other users in this thread, for me it was also the main way to add new files into evernote.

Can somebody from Evernote please clear op whether or not this feature will be re-added? 

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You can install the Legacy version of Evernote for now to get the share feature back.  Install an older version of Evernote

I currently run both versions on my Mac.  I try to use the new version as my primary, but in scenarios like this, I have to revert to the Legacy version.  It works just fine, and once the item is added in the Legacy, it will show up in the new version as well.

The print PDF to Evernote is also part of the Legacy version, so installing it will give you that back as well.  

I think as other's have noted elsewhere, for heavy EN users the Legacy version is going to be your best bet for now until the new version gets a bit more built out.  But it nice you can run both of them still.  And the comments about it not being supported shouldn't concern anyone.  All that means is that they aren't fixing any bugs or adding any new features.  But the Legacy version is pretty stable so there's nothing to worry about.  



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"You can’t do that in the new version. For now, the old/legacy version will continue to let you do that, but i believe it’s unsupported software from now on."


Why do you think that's true?  Is it documented somewhere?

If this really is intentional, that's it for me. I'll switch away.  It's just really annoying it happened a few days after my subscription renewed.

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As @MrIllustratorsaid: "This is the basic stuff that should be brought back before they mess around with these other pointless stupid “killer new features” for goodness sake. Evernote you haven’t even got the note list refresh working! + a hundred other essential features in Classic. "

This is supposed to be release version NOT a beta! The CEO and CTO need to guide their dev team to fix user issues for paying customers and not play around with marketing ***** like 'Home' Execs should be keen to know about unhappy customers.

The VOTE feature is obscure and invisible unless you know what you are looking for so not relevant.

Have you actually ready any of the many comments here from frustrated users missing these features?



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It's mid-April 2021, and I m still experiencing a problem sharing to Evernote in MacOS that premium customers have been complaining about for at least six months. If a user can't "Share to Evernote" from the Mac Share menu, that's a huge negative—especially when there is a plain-as-day option to Share to Microsoft OneNote. Which rises the question: If I can do everything I do with Evernote in OneNote, plus use features that Evernote has taken away, why am I paying for Evernote?

Evernote, are you going to fix this (in a way that doesn't require me running both old and new versions of the same software)? Or do I have to switch to OneNote or another alternative?

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On 10/31/2020 at 9:57 AM, rgjacobsen said:

Share was the easiest way to get PDF, photos and other documents into Evernote efficiently.  Particularly since using the clipper to capture PDFs from web pages is still broken in the new version.  

My workflow for capturing information has now become extremely inefficient: Save file, go to EverNote, New Note, click in the note, click Insert and drag to attachment, navigate to file, click Open, back to Finder, locate temp file, delete, back to browser.

Compare to: click share, click Evernote.

Anybody have a better approach? (Other that switching to OneNote, which several of my colleagues have been advocating for a while)

Presumably you are using Safari browser?

The web clipper extension is still working using a Chrome browser extension on a mac (EN V. 10.1.7), or by clicking on the contextual menu (right-click on page).

Let's hope that integration with mac/safari will be fixed at some point.

Edited by Peter Olins
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6 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

So if you need the share function (and others), you can install both the legacy and the v10-client side by side, and have the shares be synced via the legacy client. Both have their own database, so it will sync from legacy to the EN server back to the v10-client.

When the needed functions will have been released for v10, you can simply uninstall legacy and continue with the existing v10-installation.

My only caveat is that creating a local database for a new installation can take a long time. My DB of 30,000 notes occupies 16GB of data and took almost a week to download. Patience is required, and I recommend leaving the app open non-stop. Download can be monitored using Activity Monitor-Downloads, or using App Cleaner to to view the number of evernote files in the /Containers or /Group Containers folders (my preference).

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Calm down, control your blood pressure. 


First try this: Open share, swipe the app symbols row to the left. At the end there is a „More“ icon. Type it, and you see additional apps that can be made visible. If EN shows there, switch it to active, and move it to the right place. I use it often, so it is Top 3.

If it does not show, you probably need to get your app install fixed. Uninstall the app, dump all data, switch the device completely off, wait, switch on again (Apple logo must show), install the app again, log in, let it sync. Try again if it now shows. 

P.S. This is the Mac forum, you have an iOS issue.


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On 11/5/2020 at 9:57 AM, DTLow said:

fwiw   The offline database is optional, and only required for offline use

My experience has been different. Version 10+ is almost completely inoperative offline, despite having slowly created a 30+ GB database after installation of the app. Perhaps I'm a rare case, but having the ability to work offline was an important feature for me. 

(I am still unclear how many of the limitations of EN 10+ are baked-in aspects of the new design, versus bugs that weren't caught or fixed prior to release.)

(mac OS 10.13.6; 10.15.7; OS 11.0.1; EN 10.4.4; EN Legacy)

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I have found a solution that works, but only for an application called SnagIt, the process might help elsewhere.

SnagIt allows the addition of an Application to its Share menu and will only allow applications that are "supported" to be added.

However I do agree that the omission of native sharing to Evernote from within MacOS is serious - what is the point of a note taking application if one can not add any form of document/image/file seamlessly! 

Evernote is definitely falling behind the curve and this raises serious questions regarding their commitment to existing paid customers with long term investment to the application in terms of both data stored and workflows adopted



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On 12/3/2020 at 9:40 AM, PinkElephant said:

Calm down, control your blood pressure. 


First try this: Open share, swipe the app symbols row to the left. At the end there is a „More“ icon. Type it, and you see additional apps that can be made visible. If EN shows there, switch it to active, and move it to the right place. I use it often, so it is Top 3.

If it does not show, you probably need to get your app install fixed. Uninstall the app, dump all data, switch the device completely off, wait, switch on again (Apple logo must show), install the app again, log in, let it sync. Try again if it now shows. 

P.S. This is the Mac forum, you have an iOS issue.


FWIW, I fixed this just by quitting Safari iOS and restarting my phone. Didn’t need to dump data or reinstall the app.

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7 hours ago, Peter Olins said:

Have you tried forwarding emails (using mac mail) to your unique EN address, automatically creating a new note? The note takes on the title of your email message.

Thanks Peter, not tried that. Just have, but what a clumsy solution, endless extra outgoing emails generated and I end up with HTML content and not a PDF.

Beyond my comprehension a. that EN removed this vital function and b. the they don't restore it, can't be more that 30 minute programming!

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3 minutes ago, Peter Olins said:

I'm curious why one would want to store emails as PDF files.  

I use Evernote as an email, storing in both .eml and .pdf formats   
The reason for attachments is to isolate the email from editable text in the note contents     

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On 1/24/2021 at 8:26 PM, Islandgirl671 said:

You can edit the print settings to add Evernote and this will automatically send the file (in pdf format) straight to Evernote.



how do you add Evernote to the print menu?


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5 hours ago, EvafromSussex said:

This is exactly why Apple kicked Evernote out from it's share menu, to create the reaction just like yours and nudge you in a "right" direction. Oh, and Apple also restricted Evernote  functionality further in multiple ways. You are rewarding monopoly power for unfair anti-competition practices. 

Just ask yourself: once in Apple ecosystem, (with default now being .heic media files)  will you be able to migrate out? or are you stuck in a one way funnel?

Actually, I rather hope that European Union will keep  beady eye at such sharp practices, because it seems nobody else is willing to.

What absolute nonsense! This is 100% an Evernote problem. What is unbelievable is that they are not fixing it or even communicating a timeline.

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When I send a PDF to Evernote using "Open With", Evernote create a note and open the PDF in Preview.  I need to close the Preview app for each PDF I "Open With" Evernote.  I don't want to Preview the PDF.  I just want to send it to Evernote to file it.

Do you guys have this problem?

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While I am glad to see Evernote's clients evolving and like the direction, the ability to share to Evernote is so substantial that I don't understand why it's being neglected for so long. All the other applications manage to implement this feature; it shouldn't be so hard for Evernote.

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On 3/16/2021 at 2:58 PM, EvafromSussex said:

This is exactly why Apple kicked Evernote out from it's share menu, to create the reaction just like yours and nudge you in a "right" direction. Oh, and Apple also restricted Evernote  functionality further in multiple ways. You are rewarding monopoly power for unfair anti-competition practices. 

Just ask yourself: once in Apple ecosystem, (with default now being .heic media files)  will you be able to migrate out? or are you stuck in a one way funnel?

Actually, I rather hope that European Union will keep  beady eye at such sharp practices, because it seems nobody else is willing to.

How silly.....share works in legacy version.......so if apple want to nudge people as you put it ( how is the tin foil hat by the way?) then why haven't they broken it in that version? Evernote needs to fix this stupidity.

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The „legacy“ client is marked as „unsupported“, but for what do you need „support“ ? If you used it, you know how it works, and - it works. No bugfixes, but what for ?

So if you need the share function (and others), you can install both the legacy and the v10-client side by side, and have the shares be synced via the legacy client. Both have their own database, so it will sync from legacy to the EN server back to the v10-client.

When the needed functions will have been released for v10, you can simply uninstall legacy and continue with the existing v10-installation.

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1 hour ago, Peter Olins said:

My only caveat is that creating a local database for a new installation can take a long time.

fwiw   The offline database is optional, and only required for offline use

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On 11/18/2020 at 8:44 AM, Merely the Vehicle said:

Is not the best way around this to Save As or Export as PDF under File, save to Download, and then in Downloads > Action > Open With > Evernote. It works fine for me, possibly better than using Web Clip!

An interesting concept, but for me EN 10.4.3 "processed" for about 2-3 minutes each time, before eventually creating the new note.

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Sharing to Evernote is no longer available from the iOS menu? You have to be kidding me. Evernote, a note taking app, no longer appears on the iOS sharing menu?? Who at Evernote decided this?  You guys are clueless about your customers and how they use your product. 

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8 hours ago, robfol said:

can no longer Print PDF to Evernote from Apple Mail.

Is the PDF format essential?

If you simply select all the contents (cmd-A), open a new note in EN, then paste the contents (cmd-V) you'll create a new note with all the contents. This has the benefit of retaining live web links, unlike the PDF format.

The old EN had a great system-wide shortcut to directly paste material selected within a wide range of apps directly into a new note:  


(This shortcut could also be modified in the Preferences section.)

This was one of my most useful tools, and I hope that it returns in a future update of EN 10.

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On 10/31/2020 at 9:57 AM, rgjacobsen said:

Particularly since using the clipper to capture PDFs from web pages is still broken in the new version.

The latest versions of the Web Clipper extension (7.13.6) for mac Safari is now working well for clipping PDF pages (for me, at least). The version for Chrome also works.

mac OS 10.13.6; 10.15.7; 11.0.1
EN Legacy (7.14.1) and 10.4.4

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On 10/19/2020 at 11:48 AM, bishopblaize said:

You can’t do that in the new version. For now, the old/legacy version will continue to let you do that, but i believe it’s unsupported software from now on. 

This is what I love-- Updating to the shinny new version and THEN finding out all the things you liked about what you had Are GONE!  Nice job!

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On 12/7/2020 at 2:04 AM, Rob Ashton said:

FWIW, I fixed this just by quitting Safari iOS and restarting my phone. Didn’t need to dump data or reinstall the app.

This is on Mac, not iPhone. Thanks anyway

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Thank you.  I just tried installing the legacy version as you described above.  It seemed to think I was a new user and only gave me the free version, not the premium version.  How do I install the older version of EN with my premium version please

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I am surprised that since EN support there has not been a better response to this issue.
It all started, at least in my case, because I could not send files from the finder or file browser on my mac to EN as I had been doing normally with previous versions. Something that for my work process is basic and would be enough reason to change app.

The solution has been there all the time, instead of sending files through the share menu just do it by "open with" and automatically creates a new note in EN.

You don't need to have EN Legacy installed.


Captura de pantalla 2020-12-15 a las 17.09.13.png

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13 hours ago, Angel_ said:

I am surprised that since EN support there has not been a better response to this issue.
It all started, at least in my case, because I could not send files from the finder or file browser on my mac to EN as I had been doing normally with previous versions. Something that for my work process is basic and would be enough reason to change app.

The solution has been there all the time, instead of sending files through the share menu just do it by "open with" and automatically creates a new note in EN.

You don't need to have EN Legacy installed.


Captura de pantalla 2020-12-15 a las 17.09.13.png

Sadly no use for filing emails direct to Evernote as I have been doing for years!

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I installed the legacy version but trying to add to EN from the share menu gives me a corrupt file in EN. Although, EN legacy does add the file correctly if dragged from the finder. Most of what I add into EN is through the share menu so this remains an added step that I’d rather not have. 

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16 hours ago, robfol said:

Sadly no use for filing emails direct to Evernote as I have been doing for years!

Have you tried forwarding emails (using mac mail) to your unique EN address, automatically creating a new note? The note takes on the title of your email message.

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2 hours ago, robfol said:

Just have, but what a clumsy solution, endless extra outgoing emails generated and I end up with HTML content and not a PDF.

I'm curious why one would want to store emails as PDF files.  (Not a criticism, just curious).  In my own case, my email client offers plenty of options for saving, filing and searching emails. It has never occurred to me to send email to EN.

EN is very versatile, so we all use it to address different needs, and I think Premium subscribers get tremendous value for money (especially once the performance and stability kinks are ironed out from V 10+)

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3 hours ago, Peter Olins said:

I'm curious why one would want to store emails as PDF files.  (Not a criticism, just curious).  In my own case, my email client offers plenty of options for saving, filing and searching emails. It has never occurred to me to send email to EN.

EN is very versatile, so we all use it to address different needs, and I think Premium subscribers get tremendous value for money (especially once the performance and stability kinks are ironed out from V 10+)

All my receipts, invoices, payments slips and statements are filed in Evernote. They arrive in many formats. PDF is the unifying factor that allows me to find, forward, print and archive etc. If I need a single tax doc five years later to send to the tax office, PDFs filed in Evernote make it easy.

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I have been trying to use the "open with EN" and the "save PDF to EN" and it is telling me I can't do it because the new EN is a read only?  I also tried to install the legacy EN but it did not seem to work - It would spin and spin and I had to shut down the computer to get it to stop.  Any ideas?


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GO TO LINKED-IN - search for Andrew Brown - Evernote Chief Product Officer - MESSAGE HIM

Dear Andrew, 

REF  *URGENT* Bring Back 'Print PDF to Evernote" and 'Share to Evernote'

Why have you removed these critical workflow features? I relied on them every single day to file invoices and more from incoming emails. My whole financial and tax archive is built on easily sending PDFs to Evernote. Now this is impossible without clunky workarounds.

Why can I get no sensible answer from anyone at Evernote? 

I am a very unhappy long term customer!

Be really nice to get an answer on this

Best Regards, 


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On 12/4/2020 at 3:03 AM, Peter Olins said:

It's nice to hear that "Share" is still working on iOS, but it has been a loss for those of us who mainly use mac OS.

Since it is now the same codebase, no reason it can't be easily done when Evernote finally goes ARM / Mac Silicon

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The loss of the Evernote share extension causes a lot of extra steps!!    How do we tell the developers that this is really important to prioritize adding back?

The only way I have found to get something like the old share extension function is to "PRINT" as PDF, then Evernote is an option.  

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This topic has NOT been solved. Please remove the designation.

I've also been premium since 2009 or even before, Continue to be disappointed by the lack of clear communication and removal of core features. While I appreciate the opportunities offered the company by unification of their code base, I feel ignored and unimportant. Perhaps I am, and if I want to feel valued I should look elsewhere. Regardless, I was unprepared for this change, which would have been a priority for a customer-focused company. If I had been warned, I would NOT have upgraded to the newer version. I am looking at alternatives from Notion to Devonthink to Nimbus to Joplin and others and even eyeing Obsydian, although it's too new.

I will say that Evernote does show up as an option for printing, but isn't consistent with other apps which describe the action. The only word listed is "Evernote." This does create a new pdf note in Evernote. I was able to update to "Save PDF to Evernote" using the "Edit Menu" at the bottom of the list, which when opened was designated as 'Printing Workflows" - but not positive this is a native OSX feature or whether it's an added utility. See below for screen shot:



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I can confirm the share via PRINT-Menue. Works fine right from the start of this new version EN. The "open with EN"-option was a new idea to me and it works great as well.

I keep getting new versions of EN, but the missing share-option is still missing.

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Is that mean the share extension have gone forever? I just updated to Evernote 10.5 today, and I find out the extension disappear. This means I cannot share from other app. That is very inconvenient!

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Currently is does not work.

What is working is sharing to legacy. Since all notes will sync, it does appear in v10-clients within a short moment as well.


Or use other options to move content, like "printing" to a pdf, and sending this into EN.

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On 12/16/2020 at 11:42 AM, Brendan Murphy said:

You can install the Legacy version of Evernote for now to get the share feature back.  Install an older version of Evernote

I currently run both versions on my Mac.  I try to use the new version as my primary, but in scenarios like this, I have to revert to the Legacy version.  It works just fine, and once the item is added in the Legacy, it will show up in the new version as well.

The print PDF to Evernote is also part of the Legacy version, so installing it will give you that back as well.  

I think as other's have noted elsewhere, for heavy EN users the Legacy version is going to be your best bet for now until the new version gets a bit more built out.  But it nice you can run both of them still.  And the comments about it not being supported shouldn't concern anyone.  All that means is that they aren't fixing any bugs or adding any new features.  But the Legacy version is pretty stable so there's nothing to worry about.  



I'm going to use this solution but what a pain in the butt!!! One more thing I have to remember/think about. Evernote is supposed to be my brain and my memory! Please bring this feature back! Like so many I use all the time!!!

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It's possible to create a new button in the mac Share Menu for sending a file to EN 10+. It works for all the file types I have tried, including password-protected files.

1.  Create an new address in your Contact list, with the address corresponding to your unique EN email (shown in your Account Info) - e.g. call it "Mail to Evernote"

2.Right-click the item you want to Share, and select Share

3. Click the "Send In Mail" option in your Share Menu

4. Address to "Mail to Evernote"

5. Send


Your Share Menu will now contain a new Recent Item called “Mail to Evernote"

To streamline the process (as noted elsewhere by one of our EN gurus—I don't recall who), you can even save the material with a note title, notebook name and tags by editing the Subject line of the email using the following format:





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On 12/6/2020 at 5:04 PM, Rob Ashton said:

FWIW, I fixed this just by quitting Safari iOS and restarting my phone. Didn’t need to dump data or reinstall the app.

Thank you for that tip Rob! I had this issue on my iPad Pro and your suggestion solved it. For me though, it wasn’t just in Safari, it was missing from all the apps. After closing everything, and rebooting the iPad, the “share” functionality returned.

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Premium subscriber since 2010. I’ve had it with this BS from this company. The few times I’ve reached out for support they were in a useless mood of trying to understand “my” problem when the issue is on their end. This loss of basically the main thing I use Evernote for (clipping relevant info from the browser) is a show stopper. What a self inflated company. Dumping this for good. 

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I'll add my vote to restore this feature back to EN.  It is an essential time saver for me. Note that it appears to work if you use the Print option from Preview and hit PDF.  Evernote appears as an option and allows saving to  EN. A few more keys strokes but a workaround. Thanks for the consideration.

EN Screen Shot 2021-01-23 at 10.06.19 AM.png

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On 10/19/2020 at 5:48 PM, bishopblaize said:

You can’t do that in the new version. For now, the old/legacy version will continue to let you do that, but i believe it’s unsupported software from now on. 

This is not a solution at all. Having been a premium user since many years, it seems my journey with Evernote will now come to an end.

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On 10/19/2020 at 8:48 AM, bishopblaize said:

You can’t do that in the new version. For now, the old/legacy version will continue to let you do that, but i believe it’s unsupported software from now on. 

“The solution” is that the functionality doesn’t exist. “The improvement” is going to be deleting the program. 

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To save a PDF in Evernote from Finder, instead of Evernote appearing in the immediate right-click Finder menu like it used to, just click on "Open With" near the top and then choose "Evernote."  Works like a charm.   

Evernote from Finder.png

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