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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Just went to the EmEditor-website, quite impressive when you have to handle the one or other very large file (structured ones as well, as CSV-structured data sets). Just made a little math on printing the 17GB mentioned above. If this is plain text, it translates into 27,2 Mio pages of 80 lines of text each. On my home office laser, it would take 5,2 years to print (without any downtime) and leave a stack of paper 1,5km high. Pretty amazing if you think about it.
  2. Yes, it is possible, and works well with the combination of EN and any other app. But this did already work with prior versions of iOS. Having several „windows“ of the same app open is a new feature with iOS 13 (iPadOS 13). It works when the app is adapted to it - which are the Apple apps, plus more and more apps like GoodNotes 5 as well. You can for example open the minutes of the last meeting on the left side, and take notes of the current one on the right side. Both windows are active, and work on the apps data base, syncing in the background to iCloud. This feature is still missing in EN - it would be very useful and would for example allow to compare or merge the content of notes on the iPad. Today this is a quite frustrating experience with opening and closing the notes, or using another app like Apple Notes as a clipboard.
  3. Well, one could print it out, search for whatever needs to be edited, use a pen, scan it back in and file it again. Don‘t know how much pages 17GB will be, but maybe keep an extra toner cartridge ready.
  4. About 60% of my usage is iOS including the Apple Watch. Never lost anything up to now, maybe I am the lucky one. However it is important to leave a note that just got edited before closing the app. This forces a „save“, done locally in the background if not connected to the cloud , which will sync later. I keep most of my notebooks as „offline“ on my iPad. If I know I will be on a fragile internet connection (like in the train, where it is weak and offen with short breaks), I switch sync to the cloud off, and work locally. Maybe these precautions should not be necessary - but I think one should not expect miracles of data integration when on the move.
  5. For taking a quick dictated note, I use the app „JustPressRecord“ on my Apple Watch. It transcribes the dictated text, and saves it for future use as a snippet. It syncs automatically from the watch to the iPhone, where it is easier to move it later. I found this simpler than the EN watch app. I have not tried this in the car yet. For best results and comfort I use AirPods while dictating - this may go against rules while driving.
  6. Well, yes, this is my favorite GTD-tag: Someday/Maybe/Tomorrow/Never ... 😂
  7. This means that probably your password is compromised. First step is to go to your account using the web client. Before you proceed, change your PW to a unique password, not used for other services as well, following the rules for strong passwords. Best is to use a password manager to help you with creating and handling of passwords. Once you have changed your account login, go to the devices page and throw the unknown device out of your account. For an extra layer of security, you could as well activate 2-FA. Since you are on Basic, you have to use Google Authenticator for this. If you did it right, the unknown device should not be able to return.
  8. What you have described now look like an access problem. Make sure you allowed all necessary options in the settings. Catalina restricts access much more than the prior OSXes. Open Safari, go to settings, security/privacy (have the german OS, so can’t tell), and check the mark(s) shown with WebClipper and Evernote - any you find when scrolling down. Do the same in the Maćs settings (Apple menu, system settings), Security & Privacy. And if you use it, Firefox settings as well. Then it should work, maybe after a restart.
  9. ??? It seems (because you mention Safari) that you refer to the web Clipper on a Mac. Just to get a better feeling of what you mean: Could you be more specific than „horrible“, „useless“ and „does not work“ ? These are evaluations, not a description. To add my perspective: I used to use WebClipper with Safari on my Mac, and on Firefox with Windows 10. After the forced update to Safari 13, I switched for a while to Firefox on the Mac as well, upgraded to Catalina, and am now back to Safari + Webclipper after EN released the fix. Except the month in which Webclipper was not available for Safari, clipping on the Windows PC and on the Mac works pretty similar, produces pretty similar notes in EN, and I use it intermittently depending on the computer I am on when I want to clip something. From my experience you might rather need to get a support ticket going than opening a new „improvement“ thread in the forum.
  10. I am waiting to get split screen with 2 EN sessions open on my iPad. Would be very nice, one session for note taking, one to look up older notes for reference at the same time. Currently the inability of EN to run 2 sessions at once reduces the utilization of split screen with EN on the iPad. And then we are back to the issue, that the position is lost when you leave the note you have been working in.
  11. All of you who are on new equipment could use the Apple support to look after the issue. All of you who are not on new equipment but have bought Apple care+ can do so after the 90 days are over as well. My experience with Apple support is positive - but it makes no sense for me to call in and have my perfectly EN working installation being analyzed ... Here in the forum we can try to find any issues by watching the clouds pass by, or how the bones fall from the hands of a shaman. Will not do much good !
  12. You can always use the Web Client to reach your account and de-Register other devices. The web client is never counted as a device. To enter the Web client, go to Evernote.com and log in with your account credentials. You can quit devices in your account settings. If you want to use 2 devices, you could Always enter on your PC via web client, which does not take one of the allowed devices away from your limit.
  13. @Julie Pawtsu Hello to this thread. Since you are new here, could you please tell about your setup: Phone, operating System, EN app etc. At the moment we know nothing, and that is not a good starting point.
  14. Could somebody please remove this from being a voting item ? On what sort of improvement shall we be voting here ? P.S. Sort of a joke that someone who claims that EN is not moving forward diligently enough has switched over to OneNote. This is the app that within of the last 2 years had gotten their further development discontinued by their developer first, and then was saved from being discontinued some month later, without really saying what it stands for in the universe of apps from that developer, or where it will go in the future. And they do not even make „feel-good-videos“ about it. What a choice !
  15. A company can decide to make their employees unproductive, by locking up the computers. A company can decide to loose employees who will not continue in an atmosphere of permanent mistrust. But up to my knowledge anything an employee creates while working for that company is property of that company, because it paid for the creation. There may be exceptions, but in general the results of the work of their employees belongs to the employer. So if your company is „paranoid“ about their computer systems, from their point of view they just try to protect their intellectual property. And your problem is not that there is no „mobile“ app to use EN on such a machine. This is plain irrelevant, with all the mobile stuff that fits into ones pockets today. IMHO your real problem is that you try to use information gained during your prior job (that stuff in EN you mention) somehow to do the job with your current employer. This could cause real damage for your current employer (because there might be information found on his system that should not be there), and for yourself. It is perfectly o.k. to use your personal know-how (the one that rests between your left and right ear) on your current job. But I would think twice before using physical know-how taken from a former employer on my job with the new one. Especially if he is so paranoid as you say ... because he will expect you to do the same again when you quit there one day. Chances are he will speed up your quitting to protect himself !
  16. There are 3 relevant settings: 1) Background sync - ON 2) use mobile data - ON 3) Only Sync through WiFi - OFF 1 and 2 is in the apps settings in iOS settings, 3 is in the EN app itself, settings, first option right on top of the settings page. To enable the maximum flexibility on saving, background and mobile data must be allowed, and Only-on-WiFi must be off. Up to date I had not lost any data due to sync issues. On my iPad I keep nearly all notebooks on „offline“, and disable most syncing options when I know that internet connection will be unstable (like on the train). It will save all changes locally then, and syncs when I reenable the transfer. I use Pocket as well, but it is by far no substitute for EN.
  17. Probably the similarity results from using the same search engine. The mobile clients perform a lot of functions on the EN server, whereas the desktop clients for Windows and Mac hold a local copy of the database, with a local search index.
  18. It is still 8.24, which does not really support iOS 13. The issue I miss the most is the ability to open 2 sessions of the EN app side by side.
  19. Use a mind mapping program of your choice, and save the files as attachments in EN notes.
  20. Nice idea, but I think it is typical for extending EN into the hunting grounds of other programs. Each of these features could be done, but in the end the clean editing interface of EN would look like MS WORD. Why is WORD looking as it is ? Because it offers all type of special editing, with menus and ribbons with buttons full of options. Personally I prefer the lean layout of the EN editor. If I need advanced options, I can always move to a full text processor, and copy/past the result, or place it as an embedded attachment into EN.
  21. To take things to a professional level: With a Business account, you can organize users in „spaces“. A space is a group of users that share a group of notebooks. The notebooks and their users can be defined overlapping. The idea is that by defining the documents for a process you create a space, and then define the employees that work on this process as the spaces users. So if a new employee joins, you simply define the spaces he needs access to, and are done. When processes change, you redefine the space, and all users with access automatically get the new work docs. One employee can be member of several spaces, and each space typically has several employees working on it. Usually there is one „space“ for all, with stuff like company rules, blackboard, standard templates etc. This is similar to your notebook-idea, but it is more flexible. And it can be administered professionally, whereas a notebook has one owner, and that is by default the admin. Each user needs a business account, and with that gets a premium account for personal use included. If you need help, there are EN certified consultants who are qualified to help you: https://evernote.com/intl/en/certified-consultants
  22. Interestingly the company that makes Devon Think is much smaller than EN. But they have restricted themselves in the number of platforms they serve, and rely more on a locally hosted database instead of doing most stuff on a cloud server.
  23. This is a good procedure I often use myself, when I want just the information from a website. Under iOS it is helpful to get the page into „reader mode“ first before converting it in to a pdf. On the desktop platforms the simple clipping mode of web clipper will do the same. The only thing to think about is that you loose all active elements in the page. Links will not be links any longer, but dead text.
  24. 1) This is a user forum - no need and no use for crash reports. EN staff may and may not come along and read your post. 2) EN runs stable on the latest release of Catalina (except the „Spotlight has quit unexpectedly ...“ some users experience). 3) Using a beta is on your own risk. If it crashes, that is it. I am not aware that EN would run a beta forum or program for other purposes than their own beta program. At least you have an escape key to press 😉
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