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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. It is a while ago since I have used Outlook, but I think there was an option somewhere in the settings that avoided conversion into the Winmail.dat-files. Maybe you try the Help function, or google for a solution.
  2. And while trying take care you do not create another account by accident. This can happen easily, just search for threads that cover it here in the forum ! You would end up having 2 accounts, with most notes in the older one, and a few (maybe) in the new one.
  3. Usually the routers for home use do not restrict services like EN, if on the normal settings. If the router is provided by the internet service provider, you may try if their support can help. Usually they do not search a lot, they normally simply exchange the router.
  4. Maybe try this software: https://www.winmail-dat.com/winmail-reader-setup.exe It is free, and converts win mail.dat-files into the several files typically packed in there. This is for Windows, the program is available for other operating systems as well. Have not tried it myself.
  5. Try Wifi first. If it does not work (which may happen due to security stuff on the network), switch WiFi off and sync via mobile data link. As long as WiFi is on, it will not fall back to mobile. To sync on mobile, EN must be allowed to do so in the settings, mobile network. To find out whether the WiFi is restricted, move over to another WiFi (maybe one in a Coffee shop, mall or hotel, the open type) and try again. If it works, somebody locked up the network you usually use.
  6. When you are using templates a lot (I don't), this is maybe a good idea. But the little mobile screen will get pretty crowded soon, if all wishes come true (maybe this is why they are all hot developing these folding screens 😉)
  7. We have posted this new limit of de-syncing with EN support staff, because it is not explained on the web site or the legal stuff to work like this. Either they just try some new stuff without having it declared yet, or they need to update their web site. In general, EN uses the same routines for Basic or paying users, so it is sort of weird that one device should be registered twice. It did not happen to me yet, and I had plenty of on- and de-syncing recently, because I changed my iPhone, got myself a watch and authorized a second iPhone for temporary use. All devices are there, and all of them just once, even with all the updating to iOS 13, macOS Catalina and the recent Win10-updates. A limit of just 2 in a month would be harsh, because I do not know a way to tell the right device from its shadow. This means one has to de-sync both - which means reaching the monthly limit already, if this problem occurs. P.S. @Shane D.
  8. Just tested it. This is no function of EN, it is a Windows issue. When I choose "send to ..." and then Evernote, it takes the picture as it is, format, size and all. EN just creates the note as an envelope for the new content. There seems to be no direct way to influence the picture while it is send. Personally I use the little free App Irfan View to convert, rename and a bunch of other actions on picture files. It can do it in a batch mode, so you can convert a number of files in one go using the same settings. It installs on the computer and can be opened through the "Open with ..." option in the right click menu.
  9. As long as there is WiFi available, it will try to connect there and not through the mobile data. This is no analysis, but because it sets up a secure encrypted connection to the EN server, it probably needs an exception rule on the firewall, or maybe port 443 open (for SSL/TLS). If the secure link is blocked by the firewall policy, it may cause a problem. Try it on another WiFi (maybe at some coffee shop, mall or hotel, where you get free WiFi). If it works there, there is something on your WiFi or local network / router / firewall that blocks it. If you are not sure what to do, get professional help on this. It makes no sense to get EN working, but create a breach in your WiFi or network security at the same time.
  10. Let us wait what @Shane D. will find out about this inconsistency. Maybe EN will get more restricted with the Basic accounts, but will open the PLUS-level again ?! Would make sense, IMHO the current gap between Free and Premium is quite large.
  11. Works for me (see screenshot). Are you connected to your EN account ? Does Skitch have all access rights in the Catalina settings, especially in Settings-Security-Privacy-Screen Capture ? ?
  12. Because it is braking down performance (even on a very fast Internet connection) and is a draw on my mobile data volume, I have disabled this function. It may be nice to use on a stationary setting like on a desktop in the office, but if you use EN a lot while on the fly, I don't think the gain is worth the hassle.
  13. There is an alternative to the official templates: Create a note and put everything in there you want for the template. Then define this note as a favorite. By this it will stay on top of your notes. When you want to create a new note with this template content, open it and create a duplicate note from it.
  14. When the mobile data is "on" for the EN app, it should connect. Unless you have used up your data volume for the period (month or so), which you can check on your providers services page or app. It happened to me before ... Does it connect when you are on WiFi ?
  15. Hello Alan, could you explain better where you want to create a JPEG instead of a PNG ? Any special app extension, inside of EN, when clipping etc. ? You have posted in EN for Windows, which I do not remember to have picture modification capabilities.
  16. Let me try not to be to harsh on this: You do not pay, so why do you expect somebody to be available for you on demand ? Using the existing EN infrastructure is one thing, this is probably a trade off between marketing and work load on the server. Giving support (which means a human needs to look after your problem) is something completely different, it is a 1:1 job. The people giving support go home at night, and they need to have something in their fridges as well. They do not come for free. All serious stuff is probably brought to EN Engineers by the paying segment of the users. We use the same routines as the Basic accounts, plus some more available by upgrading the account. I do not see a need to open up personal support to the free users just because it might generate more information. My impression from my contacts with EN support is they have enough of it. So for EN it boils down to a marketing decision. And for you it comes down to the need to find out - which could probably be done as @Dave-in-Decatur told you: Sign up for a month, review the history of the relevant notes, issue a support ticket. Or skip it ... If you take my nickel for it: I think that all of the posts in this thread are related to maybe short interruptions of the internet connection. Probably it helps to hit the „refresh“ button of the browser from time to time, or simply quit out of the edited note, and go back to it. Unless it was transported to the server, edits will be stuck in the local memory of the browser, and probably been lost when closing. From a mobile app (I am using the iOS version on iPad , iPhone and Apple Watch) up to now I have never lost information.
  17. Nothing is insane, because you are on a free ride. So you decided to take what you get, without paying for it. This is why you have to take what you get now - like it or not. This is not because EN is leaning hard on you, it is because you decided yourself to be on a free ride. In the EN conditions it says „community support only“. So this is what you get: There is one client that is never counted as a device, which is the web client. You get into it by opening a web browser, go to Evernote.com and sign in, which will open your account. Before taking action, I would go to security, access history (hope I did translate this correctly). Check if these entries correspond to your actual use of EN. If you find something strange here, maybe somebody else entered your account, which was counted as another device. In this case, take the necessary measures to protect your data (change password to a strong and unique one, do not use the same password on several accounts, activate 2FA etc.). And please do not blame EN, it was not their server that got hacked. If somebody entered, then your account was accessed with your own user credentials. You have to protect them yourself. Let us say everything was normal. The next step is to revoke access from all of your devices. If one shows up double, uninstall the EN app from this device, switch it completely off, restart it and make a fresh install. Sometimes part of an app gets stuck somewhere in a phones memory, this should clear it out. Sign on again, by activating the device you need the most first. Remember you always have the web client to use in addition to your 2 devices, which is easier to do on a desktop or a tablet, than on a tiny phone screen. And think about starting to pay for using EN, because the people working at EN needs to get their fridges filled as well. Community Support - over !
  18. If you are not short on disk space, you can leave the folders at the moment where they are. Somehow I find it weird that you have pdfs from EN notes in there, but who knows why they were picked during update. EN stores all content locally on a Mac, so the files are all there, somewhere in your Library folders. You can locate your database folder using the EN client, and in there will be many subfolders containing all information and attachments. It is better not to interfere with this, although it is a local copy, and the master copy is on the EN server. In general EN works fine for me on my MBP with Catalina. The only important thing is to give it all the necessary access rights, because it needs them to function properly. I always advise to install the client downloaded directly from the EN website, because I had problems initially with the version from the AppStore. The AppStore delivers the same program, but it will be running restricted in a sandbox mode. I uninstalled, took the direct install, and rebuild my data from the EN server. This was under Mojave, I do not know whether this is still true under Catalina. Don‘t have too much respect from your Mac - it is not Windows, so your chances to really break something are small. Just get your TimeMachine running, and you can always make it un-happen by rolling back to before. Enjoy !
  19. Maybe try another browser. FF is ramping up security, which sometimes creates problems in handshakes between web servers. The EN server will probably check if you are allowed to issue a support ticket. If this exchange of information in the background goes wrong, they will not allow the ticket to be send.
  20. Are the pdfs still within of their respective notes in EN, or were they separated from their notes, and are only found in the folders created during update ? Usually no matter what happens on the Mac, the notes should be with all content on the EN server as well (for all synced notebooks, not for local ones). But if this is treated as a note modification, it could happen that the server notes might be updated as well. So better check first.
  21. @DTLow This why 2, 3 and 4 comes before 5 ...
  22. There is a gap of more than 1 year between the above 2 postings here. The issues discussed in the initial thread have nothing to do with the problems that came when Apple surprise-launched Safari 13 for all Apple devices, and force-loaded it to many users. Yes, EN was caught unprepared, since their release plan was oriented at the Catalina release, not at a iOS/ Safari release 4 weeks earlier that up to my knowledge was not properly communicated by Apple. IMHO EN reacted properly: Stating there was a problem, offering an immediate work around („use another browser“, which of course is an un-be-lievable hardship and total, complete psychological stress, to make this very very very clear to everybody ...) and communicating on progress several times. I really appreciate that they did not press any immature software as a „fix“, but released when ready, and made a strategy to release additional functions after getting the core product out to us users. But some people will complain, which is the birth right of western consumers, no matter what. So let everybody make his statement, and collect new user experience somewhere else ...
  23. This seems a bit odd. I have no limit, but registration of devices should work the same. And I find only those that I own, no duplicates. As a first step I would go to the web client at Evernote.com, and unregister all devices there. Then register your 2 devices again, and see what happens. Once you are there: Under security, access you can check whether the registered access to your account matches your usage. Not that I think there is a security problem, but maybe check whether you are really alone in your account.
  24. 1) On a relatively new MBP 15" (and yes, retina as well ...) i7/6core/Catalina/Safari 13: No lag of the app, not on scrolling, not on edits, fully responsive. Web Clipper working fine. 2) So maybe you should not search the problem on your machine somewhere else. It is not by accident when EN is working, it is by accident when it is not working. If I were you, I would completely uninstall, restart my MBP and install fresh, using the direct download of the app (not the App Store). WebClipper needs to be installed from the App Store, there is no other option. Then sync my notes from the EN server, and be happy from there on. 3) Or go to wherever you want to go - nobody is forced to use whatever app is around ...
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