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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Seems most people are like me - when my iPad does not behave, a good shake will settle things, and help to boil down 🤬🤯 🤪🥴😃 emotions.
  2. The iOS 13 option to capture full webpages as a pdf is very nice, and I use it a lot. The only downside from my view is the fact that the pdf is regarded as one super-long, continuous page, without page breaks. That makes printing it difficult, which includes virtual printing. Up to now I have not found a way around this.
  3. Probably this is related to the browsers going more and more „stealthy“ with newer versions. Firefox for example introduced more features to block unwanted content with release 70. Other browsers are on the same track. I have not tried it yet (because I do not use the related stuff function), but i think you can „whitelist“ evernote in the browser privacy settings. It would be nice if anybody who finds out how would post a solution in this thread.
  4. There are 2 different issues possible with search on a Mac, and for problem solving one must tell them apart: Search using EN own search function: If this does not work, or results are fuzzy, hold down the <alt> (option) key before clicking on the Help menu. There will be a new option „Problem solving“ at the bottom of the help menu, with several sub-options. The first one will rebuild the internal search index of EN. Search using the MacOS Spotlight search function: Up to my last knowledge (I have not checked this in the last time) Spotlight will only find words in the title field of EN notes. It will not find text inside of notes, or attachments, or tags. This is a OS-sided restriction EN can not solve. So if you have search problems on a Mac, first use the internal search of EN instead of Spotlight, and then make sure your search index is correct if results are fuzzy. For more about search see this support document: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005647 And some more about the advanced search possibilities: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314498 https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313618
  5. The first 2 questions sound interesting, but I have no clue. About question 3: I personally use GoodNotes 5 to make annotations by Apple pencil into pdfs. It is easy to import a pdf into GN5, and I like the handwriting tools that come with it. For more formal annotations or real edits I use PDF Expert from readdle on my iPad to edit pdf documents. This is available for the Mac as well, but it is much more expensive for the Mac than for iOS. So if I want to edit a pdf, I export it from the Mac to my iPad, do the job there and send it back to the Mac. Because of the handover between Mac and iPad this works nearly seamlessly. Now you know why I have no clue regarding the first 2 questions ...
  6. Maybe it is a leftover from the old days, where field length was counted in bits and bytes, because they had to fit on a cardboard card going through a card reader - this was the main input medium for all types of data into the big thermal plants that went for a computer then. And imagine: The cards had a length of 80 characters ... But this is way, way back - probably it is more related to the user interface: What benefit is gained from a title that will not be fully displayed on any device ? For searchability it does not count - the text is searched as well (although the „intitle“ parameter allows to limit searches to title-only).
  7. If there would be a bug in general, there would be NO working installation. Mine does work ... There may be a problem together with another app or configuration - to find this a support ticket would be the appropriate next step. They can view analytical data, which the forum users can’t.
  8. Nice to hear you are positive about Wunderlist. I use it as well, but only for the shopping lists my wife and I share. Wunderlist was bought by Microsoft some years ago, they own the company and the servers. Through the Wunderlist team they pursue the development of their own task manager within the Office package. Thus Wunderlist is not developed further, and MS has announced it will be discontinued once their own stuff is working. Maybe the WL guys are dragging their feet a little, because MS is still far behind 😎 This takeover was the reason for me to switch to Things 3. It is doing fine for me, very intuitive. The only downside: It is strictly personal, no sharing of tasks with other people.
  9. The influence of traditional Chinese is hard to test for me, sorry. Maybe you could issue a support ticket for yourself and the other users in Taiwan. Yesterday I had another problem: I had updated to 10.15.1, tried to get the WebClipper update as well, and it got stuck in the AppStore. The blue ring stayed at „1 before 12“, and would not close, neither could I stop and reset. Then I decided to do a complete uninstall, first through the trash, then cleaning out with AppCleaner. I made a reinstall, which worked just fine, authorized the access and my WebClipper is back to business.
  10. The apps on a smart device are regarded as being protected by the devices safeguards. For this reason these devices are often used as a second factor. Generally they have a high level of trust. Most smart devices are build to be and used by only one person. If you delete the app and reinstall, you will be asked to run through 2FA (at least this is what happens on an iPhone). A PC is regarded as comparatively open, a multiuser device. Because of that 2FA is handled much stricter there. And no, IMHO it makes no sense to offer a lot of options on security. A good security concept has several layers of mutually supporting measures. It is very difficult to change parts of it without loosing control over the entire structure. For an outsider (= user) it is not easy to balance security vs. comfort properly. A little more comfort may result in a complete loss of security. Personally I am quite happy about the level of security offered by EN when 2FA is activated. In the end it is not about the Security of EN, it is about safeguarding my own data.
  11. Regarding sticking dates to tasks: GTD teaches (and I think they are right) that on most tasks there should not be a date sticked to it. When tasks pop up based on dates, it will easily flush the system, leaving things behind to be done, and create a feeling of failure. From my experience this was a mayor factor in my past attempts to use task managers in which I failed after a while: I started to push up a mountain of unsettled backlog. GTD says put tasks into their baskets, and revolve to work them down. But do only stick due dates to tasks that absolutely need them. For all others the key is the daily and weekly review of all task baskets. This is how I have set it up in Things.
  12. Regarding a VPN: I do not think a self-hosted VPN will cause trouble. Building an own VPN-Server is possible through a FritzBox (where it is part of the FritzOS), a Raspi or a NAS like a QNAP or a Synology. It is much easier to build and maintain by using a fixed IP4-adress. This will cost 5€/month, if I take the price Vodafone charges for this service on top of the normal fee for the internet access. So it will be like paying 300-400€ per year to maintain a virtual lifeline. A connection via IPSec can be build by typing stuff into an iPhones (or other devices) settings, so it can be removed when passing through border control, and rebuild later. For an OpenVPN client in most cases special apps are needed, that might be found if a device is controlled on entry.
  13. Seems the English version is lost in translation ... Probably they do not expect anybody from the rest of the world to join their service.
  14. Personally I see several use cases for a free account, and several others for a paid one. If you are really using EN seriously or with a professional background, you will be on a paying account. However, there may be people to whom most content is shared to. There may be others that were on a paid account, maybe their use case is over, but they still need the information as an archive. I think EN is doing good not to cut off usage by time out as a singular criteria. So even if a part of my fee goes into supporting others that do not pay, I see it as a part of the EN ecosystem from which I benefit. But maybe the question of sustaining somebodies account for free should not only view at the movement of data, but on the volume of storage as well. Who needs a huge archive can export his data to ENEX or else, and who has so many items shared into his basic account that is is not living data any more, should be motivated to move up, or leave for good.
  15. You have to give it a go by checking it off in the settings. There is one Box to check before it can do its job. There are other threads here that show screenshots, if you do not know what to do. And maybe you should update, Catalina is at 10.15.1 already.
  16. Or very simple: As long as you are on a free ride, there is no way to avoid that the billboards along the road just jump into your face. Because it is not EVERNOTE that is pursuing you, it is not the paying users that pay your bill along with their own, it is just you yourself who decides to take a free ride. I do not blame you, I do not blame EN (maybe for a little too forceful marketing, but just maybe), but I think you should abstain from complaining as long as you pay ZERO - everybody who is on ZERO in today’s web pay with their attention or their data (which EN does not do).
  17. At the bottom right of your screenshot above is the version number of the current release. After installing you can check whether this version shows in your installed WebClipper (it used to be at the very bottom of the apps screen, can’t check, because my Mac is down for the night).
  18. ??? Initially I had a problem, maybe because I downloaded WebClipper in a ZIP-File. So it opened, but did not install. After I force-installed, and granted it the necessary rights in the privacy settings, everything works smoothly. Since you are on a paying account, maybe issue a support ticket.
  19. Depends on many factors, like the performance and load of the VPN network you trust your data to. Plus the Chinese government does not like things out of their control, so they tend to make life difficult for VPN services. This is true for publicly available VPNs, the more in times of unrest like in HK at the moment. They try to block the IPs of entry servers etc. So it is maybe a good idea to have more than one service available, and even install your own VPN solution using an own VPN server. This will reduce the likelihood that the target IP will be identified as hostile and blocked. Most companies doing business in China rely on their own VPN solution, and these dedicated VPN services are typically not affected, because they are politically neutral.
  20. ... or don’t worry, be happy and stay Premium. The guys at EVERNOTE have to get their rent paid and their fridges filled as well.
  21. So I read this that you mean a Windows PC, and the Windows Client ? If tkhis is your configuration, before guessing around I would completely uninstall EN from the PC and start it all over. Reinstall, log in, and you will hopefully get a 2FA- dialogue this time.
  22. Probably not, as you move behind the great Firewall. Through a VPN access should work.
  23. See if WebClipper got all necessary authorization in the system settings, Security, Privacy. You have to find WebClipper there and allow it access. Catalina is more strict on this, so you have to go through it once.
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